The Neutral Party

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It was a Saturday and Rin's first day off in a while. Rin, Bon, and Izumo had been tasked with cleaning out the Cram School Goblin Infestation after school was out every day for the past two weeks and Rin had barely had time to finish his homework. He'd slept through a few classes, but as long as he was passing, he didn't care.

So, for this weekend, Mephisto made sure there were no missions for him so he could relax. Rin was glad that both Sundays and Saturdays had been given off before he started highschool. Only one day of relaxing had sucked as a kid. He understood why Americans had two-day weekends.

They'd just finished dinner(Chicken Marsala over pasta, yum). Rin liked to cook for the two Demon Kings whenever he could.

They always made sure he knew they loved what he'd made(Yukio and Shiro were family. After a while, it felt like they were obligated to say the food he made for them was good....). Sometimes, they made it goofy and gave overly enthusiastic and dramatic compliments and he'd laugh before throwing his chopsticks(or silverware, depending on what they ate) at them and ordering them to just eat the food.

Rin and Mephisto settled on the couch. Amaimon settled in the chair next to them. The two Demon Kings took turns sitting next to Rin on the couch whenever they sat in the living room. Rin asked why the Time Lord didn't just buy a bigger couch once and the response was that it would mess up the aesthetic of the room and wouldn't look symmetrical. Typical Mephisto answer, Rin should've expected it, honestly.

Mephisto sat regularly at one end and Rin laid down with his feet across the Time Lord's lap and his head on a soft throw pillow. He inhaled the scent of Mephisto and Amaimon mixed together in the pillow, his body untensing and finally going lax after two weeks of dealing with annoying people, cleaning out an Infestation, and studying until his brain melted. Mephisto usually traced little sigils and symbols or sometimes just his signature onto Rin's calves with his claws when they sat like this.

Amaimon actually did draw on Rin's hands and arms with pen or marker, but he was surprisingly good at looking at a picture or whatever was in front of him and copying it onto Rin's body.

"You'd look good with tattoos." The Earth King murmured, eyeing the drawings he'd traced onto Rin's hands earlier at lunchtime.

"Are you trying to modify my body to look like a punk/rock reject?" Rin snickered.

"No. You'd look much better than that revolting Exorcist's Apprentice." Amaimon grumbled. Rin snickered again. He was talking about Bon!

Tonight, Mephisto's hands seemed to want to wander rather than tracing the "Truth" Sigil onto his left calf any more. He pulled Rin closer so Rin was sitting sideways in his lap with his legs still across the couch and his back supported by the arm. The Time Lord grabbed Rin's hand and traced over Amaimon's work.

"I'll never understand how he does it. Lucky bastard." The man grumbled. He lifted the hand up to his lips to kiss the graffitied knuckles gently.

"Your artistic talent is in your words. His is in drawing, because he doesn't have facial expressions or a filter to save his life." Rin pointed out, smiling at the Demon. Logic was the way to cheer up a man like Mephisto.

The consolation seemed to do the trick as the Time Lord's lips roamed to Rin's palm, then up to his wrist, then moved up to his shoulder. Rin grinned as the kisses reached his neck. Amaimon watched curiously from his chair. They'd all stopped watching the movie at this point, but it was kept on for background noise.

"I do agree with Amaimon, you'd look lovely with tattoos. And your hair is getting longer too. Will you cut it again?" Mephisto wondered.

Rin shook his head. "I never minded it long. But when I was a kid all the other boys said I was too pretty to be a boy and they'd pull on my hair and pinch my cheeks and yank my clothes until I beat the crap out of them and eventually, I cut my hair. I started cutting it myself then. Shiro never knew why and never asked, so I think he just figured I'd decided longer hair wasn't for me." Rin explained. Amaimon frowned at his nonchalance over the matter.

"I still don't understand why human children are so cruel. I know there are always a few demon children that might be like that, but they usually get taught not to do things like that. Though I wonder if the problem lies in the disciplinary methods...." The Earth King mused.

"I'd say so. Demon children have harsher punishment in general because demons are more durable and can take what they're given. See, back when humans used to allow the principal or another staff member to paddle their children if they did something wrong in school, the children actually learned not to do what they'd done again through the pain, at least most of them did. I wish we could bring that back, but all these bratty millennials are so picky over everything nowadays." Mephisto sniffed.

Rin laughed at the indignant comment. "I still don't think I would've followed the rules anyways. I was always that kid that just learned how to get away with things, so when I was older, my Dad thought I wasn't doing anything I used to anymore. But in reality, I just didn't get caught anymore. Punishment just doesn't work on me. Spankings did nothing. Grounding did nothing. I didn't have any friends, so the Old Man couldn't keep me from seeing any. And if he grounded me from going outside, I'd burn all his meals until he lifted it. Eventually, I just topped even listening to him when he grounded me or told em to stop doing things, because I realized he really didn't have any right to tell me what to do. It was hopeless for him." He cackled.

"Ah, I do so love rule breakers. They're so much more fun! Maybe I do have a type." Mephisto murmured in a laughing tone, placing a kiss on the pulse point back down at Rin's wrist. Rin hummed at the action and the Demon King bit down, just slightly so a few drops of blood would rise to the surface of the pale skin. Rin yelped at the sting , but purred at the sensation of a hot tongue soothing the wound.

"If you want me to get tattoos, you could just give me the approval since you're my legal guardian." Rin pointed out.

"Oh Rin, you don't have to get tattoos for us. They hurt, you know?" The Headmaster told him seriously.

"Actually, I always thought tattoos were cool, but Shiro was a priest and the piercings were already pushing it. He never knew about the ones downstairs for a reason. Old Man probably would've had a heart attack at the thought of a needle down there." Rin admitted with a grin.

"What a naughty boy. I swear, you've had Authority Issues since you were born." Mephisto laughed.

Amaimon snorted. "I'll say. His human kin told him not to pull the sword while all his friends were right there and all he did was apologize and then pull the sword anyway. And that priest told you not to pull the sword and you still did, which started this chain of events." The demon recalled, gesturing to the three of them lounging in the living room.

Rin blushed. "I was trying to save my Dad! And I pulled the sword in front of my friends because I had to save them from you, you twat!" He threw a pillow at the Earth King, who merely batted the object away and got down beside the couch to lean up and plant kisses on Rin's cheek to pacify the boy.

"Yes, but they accepted you later, so you can thank me for that, Rin." He muttered pettily, moving to grasp Rin's other wrist and prick it with his own fangs.

Rin scoffed even as Amaimon's fangs dug a bit deeper and he sucked a little blood from the artery, but it turned into a purr.

"Do you just like sharp things, I wonder?" Mephisto hummed curiously.

"If you ever bring a knife into the bedroom, I'll stab you with it." Rin threatened without missing a beat.

The Time Lord cringed at the thought of where that knife would go. "Noted."

"And aren't you guys a little too attached to my blood or something? Is it just a demon thing?" Rin asked.

"I suppose so. Usually, demons only enjoy the blood of people they enjoy, though not all demons like blood. Vampyrs are very obscure and stay in Gehenna nowadays. They usually just feed off of each other. There used to be millions, but their numbers are down to about only 3,000 left. They spend most of their time in drunken orgies like savages." Mephisto scoffed, heavily judging the lifestyle.

"Speak for yourself, endless orgies sounds perfect. You have sex and never stop. No words needed. No responsibilities." Amaimon grumbled.

Rin threw his head back and laughed. "Is being the Earth King that tiring? Because to me it looks like all you do is eat candy, go sightseeing, and hang on me and Mephisto." Rin pointed out.

Amaimon leaned up on his knees to bite harshly at Rin's neck in retaliation for the comment. Rin gave a yelp and his cheeks heated at the sensation.

"I meant it for you too. You wouldn't have to run this way and that doing the humans' dirty work. You'd just be with us." The Earth King murmured against the bloodied skin before he licked it away.

Warmth filled Rin in two ways: the first was his heart warming at Amaimon's words and the second was at the touch of the two Demon Kings.

"Oh, look at him, Amaimon. He's speechless. Good job." Mephisto grinned at the other Demon King, who blinked in slight confusion at the congratulations. He'd done something to please them? All he'd done was explain what he'd meant....

A slow smile made its way into Rin's face until he was practically glowing when he directed it at the two Demon Kings.

Amaimon looked up at him with what looked like awe, mouth dropping open slightly. Mephisto blinked in surprise and the calm and collected mask fell away somewhat and gave way to confusion as to why a smile as pure and bright as the sun was directed at them of all people.

"You two aren't as bad as you think you are. I can't imagine having to live forever even though that's probably what'll happen to me. Eternity is a long time to go through every emotion possible before shutting down all that shit." His smile softened even more. "Thanks for being good to me like no one else has."

Both Demon Kings sat in a state of awe and shock. Rin laughed quietly. "You don't need to say anything back. I just wanted to tell you that." He told them.

Amaimon buried his face in Rin's side to escape his own emotional constipation and Mephisto let himself fall forward to hide his own face in the crook of Rin's neck. It was very out of character for the Time Lord and Rin hoped he hadn't just broken Mephisto.

"Um....are....are you guys okay?" He asked tentatively, an edge of nervousness creeping into his voice. His shoulders began to hunch like they always did when he was starting to regret something or thought he'd done something wrong.

Clawed hands shot out to grab Rin's shoulders to keep them from hunching anymore and Rin froze, heart beating faster.

"We're fine Rin. one ever looks at me, the Director of the Japan Branch for the Organization that kills my own kind, or Amaimon, the reckless and dangerous King of Earth, like you do. None of them see through us like you have. It was....unexpected." Mephisto explained.

"Not in a bad way. It's nice to be seen as people and not emotionless, souless things once in a while." Amaimon clarified further.

"Trust me, I know what that feels like, despite how young I am." Rin sighed in relief. "I don't think they'll ever see us as things that matter more than the tools they use us as. I guess we'll just have to fix that one day."

"You'd really go against the Order? And the Illuminati and Satan?" Mephisto cocked a brow.

Rin nodded. "Or I'll die trying. Since the beginning of this whole thing, I've learned that there aren't just two sides to a war. There's always a third party, but they're always forgotten because they usually don't fight. But if I can, I'd like to be the third party. I'll fight, but I'll only fight to end the bullshit from both my father and the Order. There's too many innocent people caught up in the middle of it. I'll fight for me, the innocents, and for whoever trusts me enough to follow me." Rin told them what he'd decided on after he'd learned about the Illuminati and what they were trying to accomplish.

"Rin, are you sure you really want to get that deep in this war?" Mephisto pulled back, an out-of-place frown on his lips.

Rin cupped a hand over his cheek. "I'm already in it. There's no getting out of it. If I'm going to be forced to be a part of this, than I'd rather do it on my own terms than someone else's. I just need to figure out where to start." He admitted.

Before the King of Time could say anything, Amaimon spoke up. "Start with us."

Both Rin and Mephisto directed their gazes to him curiously. "If anyone could take down an organization as large as the Order and also overthrow Satan and Lucifer, it's you Rin. It has to be. No one else like you will come along after you're gone or faded. I believe it's you." The Earth King stated fearlessly, even straightening up and setting his chin higher, as if to challenge Rin to argue.

"Amaimon....are you finally picking a side in this war?" Mephisto wondered incredulously.

"I choose Rin. He's as good as it gets and he's fair. He knows suffering like none of us Demon Kings do anymore. We're long past remembering what the pain of a mortal existence feels like. He's so human, but he's still one of us. He's perfect." Amaimon aimed shining gold eyes at the half-demon and Rin's own eyes flared bright brilliant blue for a second.

He leaned up and pulled Rin down for a kiss. A deep, meaningful kiss that could communicate better than words ever could for Amaimon. It felt like Amaimon was stealing all of Rin's air and he was left breathless against the Earth King. Amaimon had refused to side with Satan or Mephisto for thousands of years and now he chose Rin's side because he had human qualities that the other two Demon Kings lacked? Because he was fair? Hadn't he mocked those human qualities before?

"You–You'd really join me because I'm fair to people and you think I have the power to bring everyone else down?" He gasped into the air between them in incredulity.

Amaimon initiated another deep kiss and Rin hummed into it. Amaimon had to be crazy. Rin was a newb at this whole thing. He just wanted this ridiculous war to stop so he could at least live out his first few centuries in peace before something else started up again.

Rin had dared to hope at first that he would have a normal life span like his human friends. But as the year went on and he discovered that he seemed to be more demonic compared to his human qualities, he figured that immortality was a possibility. Outliving all his friends was not what he wanted, but he couldn't do anything about that. Satan's DNA would definitely keep him healthy and looking young for well over just one century.

Rin was sick of getting tossed around by the Order. They wanted to kill him just for existing. And if they wouldn't kill him, they'd use him until he had nothing left for them to use. That was some bullshit if he ever heard any.

So, Rin had started thinking that maybe he could form his own party in this war. Once he got stronger and gained allies and an army of his own, he could join in the war. But not to win, to end it so no one else had to suffer.

"You're honest. You mean what you say. You do what you say you'll do, and you won't back down. And you know what needs to be done. I know you're able to do it even if it'll be sacrificing someone you love or losing something dear to you. That's what we need in a war like this one." Amaimon repeated after they separated again. "You're worth choosing a side." The Earth King murmured to him.

Rin pressed their foreheads together. "Thank you." Rin smiled again.

"Well don't leave me out, I'm part of this too, you know!" Mephisto reminded them, pinching both of their arms. Rin turned his smile on the Time Lord again and Mephisto's insulted expression softened.

"I suppose I shall join you, though under the guise of still supporting the Order. Perhaps this war has carried on long enough. By now, it's starting to only cause me more trouble and give me more paperwork to deal with. A few centuries of peace would do me well." Mephisto sighed with his usual grace. Rin leaned forward to press a slow, sweet kiss to his lips too.


Does it seem a little fast to already have a major plot point like this? Maybe.

But keep in mind the fact that Rin has spent fifteen years having a trashy life and these two Demon Kings are treating him better in the past month(I think) than he's ever been treated by anyone in his life.

And I'm also going to put them through a lot of shit(mostly Rin, but they affected Amaimon and Mephisto bc of how much said shit hurts Rin)before actually achieving this goal that I've set for them.

Edit 4/25/2022: Life has changed to be a different kind of shitty for me, but I'm managing. Figured it was about time I try to get through editing this story again.

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