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Rin loved weddings. They were so much fun and everyone was happy for the occasion. People got to be unified and show the world that they loved each other and that they'd conquer said world together from then on. They got to begin a new chapter of their lives and start families.

Rin had never really imagined himself getting married. Everyone had cowered from him. No one approached him unless they wanted a fight. He was terrible at academics and would only ever have a Middle School diploma because he'd given up on school. He was essentially no one with nothing.

But watching the ceremony between Mamushi and Juzo reminded him that he didn't need to think like that anymore. That he didn't need to resign himself to a life of lonliness and struggling anymore. He had three boyfriends and Shiemi would join them all one day too. He had love. He deserved love. He was passing classes, regular and cram. He was stronger, better, happier now.

Rin's world wasn't so sad and colorless anymore. It was so much bigger and brighter and he promised himself that when he properly entered the war, he'd make it better. He would be better.

He held Bon's hand under the table as Mamushi walked down the aisle. He laid his head on the taller boy's shoulder and smiled as he saw how happy the woman was. Bon squeezed his hand knowingly and Rin smiled wider.

The rest of the wedding was socializing, dancing, and drinking. The teenagers were excused because of the drinking and left the building. Izumo and Shiemi retired to their shared room in the Inn. Konekomeru and Shima went their seperate ways. Rin grabbed Bon and pulled him around to a spot where vines crawled up the side of the building. Rin climbed up easily and Bon followed until they were both sitting on the roof under the stars.

Far away from the city and high on the mountain, the stars looked beautiful. The glittered in the sky and Rin liked pointing out which ones were colored stars and which ones were airplanes. He liked trying to find constellations that he remembered seeing the first time they'd come to Kyoto. It was chilly outside and neither of them had coats, just their suits, but the chill was refreshing.

Speaking of suits, Bon finally got to appreciate Rin in one. It was a form-fitting black suit with a white dress shirt and a blue bow-tie ("Bottoms wear bow-ties, tops wear long ties." Mephisto had snickered to him before they left). Rin's hair was to the top of his back now and had waves ending in curls. For the wedding, it was clipped up in a neat bun on the back of his head, bangs left down to frame his face.

Bon liked Rin's hair longer. It was cute when it was a short curly mess, but he liked the natural waves and how it corkscrewed into curls at the bottom. He wondered who Rin looked like. Was this what Satan/Goro had looked like, or did Rin look like his mother?  Yukio looked a lot like Shiro Fujimoto and Goro(since the two had been identical twins). He and Rin had a few similarities, looks wise. They had the same face shape and ink-black hair. They looked freakishly similar if they made the same expressions, which was almost never.

But they were also very different. Yukio was tall, stocky, and always stood stiff. He always looked blank-faced or irritated and he kept his hair cut short. He had moles and glasses, though Bon knew from Rin that Yukio could still see without them. He only had astigmatisms in both eyes, nothing like near-sightedness or far- sightedness that would impair his vision if he ever lost his glasses on a mission.

Rin was the total opposite–short and slim, with lean muscles and amazing flexibility–a dancer's body. His senses were all perfect and he never got sick. He was always open, and kind, and understanding. He was always relaxed around the people he trusted. Rin didn't have a single mark or imperfection on his skin. It was all a pale expanse of perfect flesh that Bon, Mephisto, and Amaimon loved marking up. Rin let his hair be just as wild as his personality, no matter the length. Rin didn't control his expressions because he could back it up if anyone got pissy at him for simply showing how he felt.

Rin had the personality, the emotions, the life pouring from him that Yukio lacked. Yukio was like an emotionless, blank husk, though he'd been getting better about that. The last Bon had heard, Yukio had actually found a therapist he could stand(after rejecting several). Apparently, there were people that were specially schooled and trained to be therapists for Exorcists. That was information to file away for later, just in case.

In the moonlight, the myriad of blues shone in Rin's eyes. His skin was pale and his hair was still in its neat bun. Bon reached out and took out the clip holding the bun together. Rin's hair spilled over his shoulders and down his back. Rin's cheeks, nose, and ears were all pink from the bite of the cold. He knew Rin could regulate his own body temperature, so he figured Rin wanted to feel the chill.

"Weren't you and Amaimon talking about kids? On your birthday, I mean." Bon recalled. Rin's cheeks and ears flushed bright red.

"Yes." The half-demon answered carefully. "Why?"

"It sounded like you've talked about it before. With Amaimon, at least." Bon shrugged a shoulder.

"Amaimon and I have talked about it before, right after Aomori and you guys insisted that I needed someone to babysit me at all times." Rin huffed. "We were watching the sunset from the windowsill and I told him I loved him for the first time." Rin smiled at the memory and Bon could swear he was glowing a faint pink, or maybe that was just his imagination.

"He said he loved me back and I said he'd better since he's finally chosen a side in this war and it was mine. He said we'd win and then we'd move on with our lives. I asked whether that meant actually having our lives together and having work like normal people or making our family bigger. He asked me if I wanted kids. I think having brats that look like us causing chaos everywhere is a life I'd never regret." Rin finished explaining the memory with a fond smile.

They'd laid down at some point and Rin rolled into his side to look directly at Bon. "I know it probably seems fast. But somehow, I know you, Amaimon, and Mephisto are who I want to be with. To stay with, forever. And before you say there's no way, there are plenty of ways to make you immortal." His gaze switched back to the sky. "If you'd want to."

Bon reached out a hand and intertwined his numb fingers with Rin's clumsily.

"It probably is fast, but after being with all you demons, I don't think I'd be able to settle for some boring human. With you guys, it's always fun, always a challenge, always happy. If I could keep living like that with you and keep it going with the kids we'll have, that'd be perfect." He murmured.

"Really?" Rin looked back to him, blue eyes wide in surprise. Bon smiled. He pulled Rin's hand to him and kissed the cold knuckles.

"I love you." He murmured, still smiling against the knuckles. Rin looked at him in what seemed to be awe before launching himself onto the bigger teen, wrapping himself around Bon. "I love you too." Rin said, sounding incredibly relieved.

"So now you've just gotta get Mephisto to say it, huh? Figures he'd be the difficult one." Bon snorted.

"Would it be Mephisto if he wasn't?" Rin asked honestly. They laughed at the obvious answer and stayed on the roof a while longer, Bon pointing out constellations and which stars were in each one. He'd been an astronomy nerd when he was younger, sue him.

As the night wore on and they got tired, they retired to Bon's room to sleep, tucked in comfortably under warm blankets.

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