Before The Storm - 10

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It was now Saturday. Ash, Gary, and Pikachu were still sleeping while his mother, Delia, was downstairs making breakfast for them. It was the first weekend they had since they moved to the Kalos Region so they decided to just sleep in.

Delia: Ash!, Pikachu!, Gary!, wake up! Its time for breakfast!!!

They didn't reply. 

Delia: Of course... Mr. Mime, could you go up there and wake them up for me?

Mr.Mime: Mime! Mr. Mime!

Mr. Mime went up to go wake them up. He first went to Ash's room. 

When Mr.Mime walked in, he made a loud noise causing Pikachu to wake up. 

Pikachu: Pika! (Good morning!)

Mr.Mime: Mime! (Sup??) 

Pikachu: Pika Pika-chu! (want me to thunderbolt Ash?!)

Mr.Mime: Mimeeee!! Mr. Mime! (Yes!!! Do it!) He laughed. 

Pikachu hit Ash with a strong thunderbolt attack and Ash screamed and fell to the ground.


He looked at his Charmander clock.

Ash: WHAT! ITS 12 O'CLOCK!!! My bad. Guess I was really tired. Hey, is Gary up?

None of them knew so they went and checked. 

Ash: Shh! Wanna do the honours Pikachu and Mr.Mime?!

Pikachu: Pika!

Mr.Mime: Mime!

Mr.Mime used psychic and brought Gary off his bed and then Pikachu used thunderbolt.

Gary: AGHH!!!! THAT HURT! 

Ash: Hurt? How does that hurt? You're not a pokemon!

Gary: I guess Mr.Mime using psychic inflicted more damage. Im hungry. Lets go eat!

Ash: Awesome! 

Ash: Hey mom!

Delia: Hello everyone. Youre finally up. I made you guys some scrambled eggs and sausage. 

Ash: Thanks mom! Im starving.

Gary: No kidding..

Pikachu jugged an entire bottle of poke ketchup. His favourite. 

Ash and Gary finished their meal quick as well. 

Ash: That was so good! Im full. Anyways, what do you want to do today Gary?

Gary: Didnt you say you were going to host a party? 

Delia: Ouu! A party?! Ash, looks like you've made quite a few friends already! Any girls? ;)


Gary: Some things never change...

Ash: I think I'm going to go outside and see my Pokemon. Lets go Pikachu.

Ash went outside into his backyard and saw his all of his Pokemon. He greeted them and fed them some food. Ash always cared for his Pokemon. Without them, he was nothing. 

A few minutes later, it started to get dark. It looked like it was going to rain and maybe even a thunderstorm was going to develop. 

Ash: Woah its getting dark and it might rain. Get in your poke balls guys!

Ash returned all of his Pokemon. Even pikachu helped out. 

Ash went to go put his poke balls back in the storage room inside. 

Delia: Ash! Get inside! Theres going to be a storm coming our way!

Ash: Im coming mom! Just give me a sec. 

As Ash was walking back to his front door, he saw Serena and all her friends.They were across the street from Ash's house. They were all talking. 


Serena: Do you guys wanna go call Ash and Gary? We should tell them to come out. 

Dawn: Sure but I might have to go in soon. I think it might rain. Look up.

Calem: Whats a little rain gonna do to you? Ruin your hair? Give me a break.

Dawn: Just saying...

Misty: Calem, you wouldn't even know what good hair looks like.

The gang laughed. 

Calem: Whatever. 

Clement: Its going to rain and I expect to see a storm coming any minute now. 

Sawyer: Wow! How do you know that though?

Trevor: Just trust the scientist..

Serena: Well it hasn't rained yet so lets go and call them.

Trevor: Hey look! Its Ash and Pikachu!

End of POV.

Ash: Hey guys! 

Serena: Hey! Wow is that your house! Its huge!

Ash: Haha, yeah it is. Anyways, whats up? 

Serena: Nothing much. We were just outside hanging out and talking and I thought we should tell you and Gary to come out too. 

Ash: Oh, okay. I can call Gary if you want. 

Dawn: Yeah you really should.

May winked at Dawn. Dawn blushed. 

Dawn: Whattt??

May: Hehe! Nothing!

Gary: Pssssssst.

Dawn looked behind her and saw Gary. She was so surprised and that caused her to scream. 

Dawn: Woah! You scared me! Wait! How did you...

Gary: Magic. 

Dawn: Uhmm.... OKAY??

Clement: So, Ash. If you don't mind, could we see your Pokemon?

Gary looked at Ash and Ash knew what to say.

Ash: I only have Pikachu and Charizard.

Misty: No way. You only have two Pokemon? But... how are you so strong?

Ash: Haha.. I dont really know myself. 

Serena: Thats impressive Ash!

Ash POV 

Ash: What am I doing. I can't lie to them. But.. I already did. Im lying to my new friends. And especially Serena. But I had to keep that promise to Gary.... oh god I hate myself!

Ash: Thanks Serena...

Serena: Ash, are you okay?..

Ash: Yeah I'm fine. 


Ash: LOOK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!

The storm arrived. A lightning bolt hit three large trees causing the trees to collapse to the ground.

Ash: Serena!!!!!

One of the trees was about to hit Serena and Ash as they were standing next to each other. 

Ash jumped across with Serena in his hands.

Serena's POV -- 

What just happened? I look up to see Ash holding me in his hands. He's so brave... it.. it made me blush a little. No one has ever done what Ash just did. He really saved me.


Until they both slid and fell onto the ground. 

Serena was fine. She didn't take any damage from the fall but Ash did. 

Serena: Ash!!! Are you okay??!! * She said nervously* 

Ash: Y-Yeah... I'm.. fine. Are you alright?

Serena: ASH, you saved me... thank you, Ash. Im fine! Ash, you're hand... it got bruised... I might have a cloth in my bag. I can't see you getting hurt like that..

Ash: Serena, I'm fine but we have to get out of here quick. Its going to get worse.

Ash: Wait. Where did everyone else go? Pikachu?!

Serena: They're okay. I know it. Don't worry about them. You're in pain Ash. 

Serena: Come on. Lets go to my house its right there.

Her house was across from Ash's house. The trees were blocking Ash's path so he had no choice but to go there. 

Ash: Serena..... thank you.  Lets run! Come on!

Serena: But your arm...

Serena wanted to hold Ash's bruised hand but she knew they had to run before it got worse. 

I hope you guys enjoyed Chapter 10! I wanted to spice things up a bit so here you go. UGH! Ash! Serena wanted to hold your hand! Why did you have to run so fast! Haha. Also, Chapter 11 will have a ton of amour in it ;) so stay tuned for that. Chapter 11 will be out this weekend. 

Thanks again as always. I love you all! <3 The story is going to get even better and we're 10 chapters in! SO STAY TUNED!!!!! :D

Follow me on Twitter - AmourForever65 

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