Being A Hero at the Prism Tower! - 7

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Ash: Garchomp? What about Garchomp Professor?

Sycamore: Something bad happened to Garchomp back at the lab! 

Ash: Oh no! Professor! Let me help! I need to come with you to save Garchomp! I just have too. 

Sycamore thought about it for a second, but he couldn't say no. 

Sycamore: Ash, thank you. Come on lets head to my car. 

Ash: All right, lets go Pikachu. 

Pikachu: Pika Pika!

Back inside the gymnasium -- 

Gary: Huh? Wheres Ash and Pikachu? 

All of a sudden, the announcements came and an anonymous individual was speaking from the telecom. 


Dawn: Lockdown!?!?!? What is going on?!

The students were scared. They knew it wasn't a practice procedure. It was a real lockdown. 

May: I don't know.. I hope its nothing too serious. 

Clement: Im scared! I hope my little sister is alright. (in his head) Please, Bonnie. Don't worry. Its going to be all right. 

Calem: Aren't you a little baby...

Serena: CALEM! Leave him alone. This could be something very serious. We need to stick together. 

Calem: You're right. Sorry. 

Tierno: Wait.. where did Diantha and Ash go? 

Trevor: Well Diantha left right after the battle. She had a ton of security with her too. She's probably safe. 

Shauna: Yeah, but what about.. Ash?!

Serena: (in her head) Ash.. she's right where is he?! Please be okay.... 

Serena: Yeah.. wait. I remember seeing him leave the gym after a bunch of fans wanted to see him...

She was really worried and had a sad look on her face. 

Sawyer: Then what are we waiting for? Lets go look outside! 

Cilan: Sawyer, I understand you being worried for Ash, but, we have to stay inside. We can't get out of here. 

Sawyer: But... I CANT! Ash is an amazing trainer. I need to go find him. He might be in trouble! 

Everyone was surprised to see Sawyer feel that way. Sawyer was usually a very quiet guy and never really associated with anyone. 

Serena: Sawyer... I agree with you! I feel the same way! But we can't get out of here.. theres no way... lets just wait a little longer... (in her head) Please be okay... please be okay...

Sawyer agreed. 

Gary on the other hand was looking for Ash. He went around the gym looking for him. He then came across the gang. 

Tierno: Hey isn't that the new kid? 

Dawn: Yeah it is.. 

Trevor: He's coming over to us..

Gary: Umm excuse me... I was wondering if you were looking for this boy named Ash.. he's my best friend. The guy that was just battling against Diantha.. have you seen him?

Sawyer: We're wondering the same thing. 

Gary: Wait.. you are?! 

Sawyer: You see. I like Ash. He's a very strong trainer. I hope he's okay. Apparently he left the gym after the battle. We hope he isn't in danger. 

Gary: I agree.. but wait, he left the gym? How do you know?

Serena: Umm... I saw him leave.

Gary: Hmmm.... okay thanks you guys. I have to go find him. I don't care if I have to stay in here because I'm not going to! Im his best friend and I need to find him now! 

Dawn: Wow. You and Ash are best friends?!

Serena: It must be cool to have a strong trainer like him as your best friend!

Sawyer: Yeah! Lucky you! Thats pretty cool. 

Misty: Makes sense. You too are both new here. Why did you too come here anyway?

Gary was about to tell them the real reason.

Gary: (in his head) Wait.. don't tell them the whole story! I promised Ash! 

Gary: Umm... we just came here to learn in a different region! We just wanted to go away from home for a while.

May: Okay that makes sense! Welcome! Nice to meet you..

Gary: Gary Oak.

May: Hi Gary! My names May!

Gary: Nice to meet you. (in his head) Wow. Her and that blue haired girl are really cute...

Dawn: My names Dawn! *winks* 

Gary: Nice to meet ya!

May: (in her head) Wow.. look at her. What an attention seeker. 

They all introduced each other and the gang welcomed Gary.

Gary: Hey check it out. Look at the TV. They're giving us an update. 

A reporter with glasses and a mic in her hand were reporting from Downtown Lumiose on a helicopter. 


Serena was so worried. She didnt know where Ash was and she didnt want anything bad to happen to Lumiose City. 

Clement: Oh no. We're in the affected area. This is not good. 

Sawyer: Im scared! 

Sawyer was crying. Dawn and May were comforting him. 

Dawn: Its going to be alright Sawyer. Its okay. 

May: Don't worry about Ash! He's going to be all right. 

Gary: Ash.... please be careful. 

Back to Sycamore and Ash --

Sycamore: There it is! Look! 

Sycamore pointed to Garchomp who was standing at the top of Prism Tower. The highest elevation point in Lumiose City. 

Ash: Professor, its in pain! Look at its collar! Someone tied a harmful object on its collar! 

Sycamore: How could I let this happen to Garchomp...

Ash: I have to get up there... 

Pikachu: Pika?? (ARE YOU HIGH???)

Sycamore: What?! Ash I can't let you get up there!! You're going to be in danger! I can't let that happen to one of my students. 

Ash: Garchomps the one in danger. 

Sycamore: Ash....

Ash: Professor, I care a lot about Pokemon. When I see one in danger, I have to try my best to help out. Thats what I learned when I was a little kid.. Ive always wanted to be a Pokemon Master. And to be one... I have to fight and never give up until the end! Im going up there! Expel me if you have to! Im going to save Garchomp... 

(HOLY SHIT THEM FEELS, don't mind me. Keep Reading xD.)

Sycamore:(in his head) Ash... you are one amazing person. I hope there are more trainers like you... the will, the determination, the fight.... I admire you. I can't say no! Look at him! He's not going to give up! I believe in you. 

Sycamore: Ash... what you just said made me feel a lot different. You're a special person Ash. This school needs more people like you. Please be safe, Ash. You're the only brave one to do this. Be safe! You can do it! 

Ash: Thanks Professor! Of course I will save Garchomp for you. Thats a promise. Lets go Pikachu.


Ash, with that determined face of his, started to climb up the Tower. 

Gary then looked at the television again. 

Gary: The news is back! Look! 

The news showed... Ash. Ash and Pikachu. The crowd couldn't believe it. 

Reporter: Unbelievable!!! That boy and his Pikachu are climbing Prism Tower! He's trying to get to Garchomp! What is he thinking! Thats life threatening! 

The crowd of students were in awe. The braveness, the compassion, and the heart of Ash were things they have never seen before. They were amazed. Especially the group. 

Clement: Oh my! He's so brave. I've... never seen someone like that before!

Sawyer: Ash.. you're so... inspirational... I..dont know what to say. 


Tierno, Trevor, Cilan, and Iris all agreed with the rest of the group. Even Calem.

Calem: This kid amazes me even more. He just arrived here and look at what he's done.  (in his head) Wait.. what am I saying?! Stop it, Calem.

Gary: Ash... thats the Ash I know... he never gives up. Im coming to save you and help you. 

Gary had a few tears coming from his eyes. 

Serena heard what everyone was saying and she took those words with pride. She couldn't believe it either. She saw Gary having a few tears come down his cheek and she let out some too. 

Serena: (in her head) Ash...?? Youre so brave. Ive never seen someone act like this like you before. I can't just stand here, I need to go help him. Please be safe.. for now...

Serena: Ash.... look at him. He's... He's giving up his life to save Garchomp. He's so brave.... I haven't even met him and... I'm just... so amazed!... 

She stared to cry. 

Dawn: Serena.... I know how you feel.

Dawn got a bit teary and so did May and Misty. 

Serena: We have to go help him... what if he.... 

She wanted to say die. But she couldn't bear thinking about that. 

May: Serena, he won't. He's too strong. I can't lie. Ive never seen such an amazing person before. What he's doing right now is something you don't see any day. 

Serena:(in her head) They're right... but I'm so worried for Ash... I can't lose him! I just can't! He's such an amazing person! I have to save him. He's doing this all by himself... and no ones helping him! I have to go help him! Ash... I'm coming! Hang in there.. please. For me. 

Serena: I have to go help him. I can't see Ash go through this. He needs support. Im not going to just let him get up there. Im going. 

Misty: Serena, are you crazy?!

Shauna: Serena, I understand how you feel, but, its too dangerous out there! 

Serena: I dont.... CARE! I don't know what it is... but I feel different seeing him in danger. I.. have to go.. you guys can join in too if you want. He's by himself. I can't see him there putting his life in danger with no help...

May and Dawn knew what she was saying. 

Dawn: Well.. I'm coming too.

May: Me too... I'm with you Serena. All the way! 

Misty: Don't forget about me! 

Iris: Girls, I'm here to you know!

Gary: He's my best friend, Im going too.

Dawn: You must be a great friend for Ash. You seem to care a lot about him!

Gary: Well yeah... 

Shauna: Im sorry for getting mad at you before... Im coming too. Im with you and Ash as well. 

Serena: You guys.... thank you for coming along with me. That means a lot. I love you guys.

They all smiled.

Trevor, Tierno, Cilan, and Calem agreed to come as well. So the whole group decided to go.

Misty: Would you look at that. Calm decided to join in as well. 

They all laughed. 

Calem: Well.... it would be quite boring if I stayed here by myself.

Serena: (in her head) You're an amazing person Ash. I admire you already like Sawyer does.  Im coming! After that, ill get to know you more!

Tierno: Wait.. how exactly are we going to get out of here without the teachers knowing? 


Iris: Zero points for the name...

Clement: WHAT!??!!?!

The group laughed. But there was no time to get all happy and what not. 

Clement: All right, follow me. 

The group walked slowly to the back of the gym where the Storage Room was located. Luckily, no one found out that they were in there.... 

Clement: All right, here we go. 

The door opened to the exit outside. 

May: It worked! Not bad! 

Cilan: Science is so amazing! 

They all exited the School until...

Clement: Uhh guys... my machine.... AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

The Device exploded. Luckily, no one was injured but it could be heard from some of the teachers inside. 

Clement: RUN!!!!!!!

Misty: Great. Just great. 

The group ran as fast as they could and weren't caught.

However, one teacher did find out.

One of the teachers called Officer Jenny and Professor Sycamore. 

Teacher: Hello Officer Jenny, a group of about 9-10 students fled the gym and they're heading out towards the tower. Please, make sure they're safe! Im sorry for not having a close eye on them. Im not mad at them, it appears they are trying to help out one of the new students, Ash. Just please make sure they don't put themselves in danger! 

Officer Jenny: All right. Ash huh? Don't worry. I know whats going on. Thank you. Ill make sure they're safe.

Gary: Okay, we're here. 

Dawn: Guys! Look up there! Its Ash! I can't believe it. He's so brave!

May: If only you boys were as brave as Ash... 

The girls laughed and smiled at Ash's braveness.

Calem: Yeah whatever. 

Sawyer: Ash... please be safe. You can do it. 

Serena: Ash... thank goodness you're safe. But he's still up there! I'm coming!

Officer Jenny: Hold it. 


Officer Jenny: Serena, right?

Serena: Yes... *with a worried tone*

Officer Jenny: Look, I know you want to save him. I must admit, I am too. But theres nothing we can do. Ash sure is brave... but... I can't risk seeing you and your friends save him! Im sorry! ...

Serena: Officer.... please.... let me get up there! 

May and Dawn both put a hand on Serena's back. One on each shoulder. 

May: Look, its going to be all right. I promise. 

Dawn: Im with you all the way, my best friend. I know how you feel. Atleast you know where he is. He'll be fine. I promise :) Its going to be all good. We can't risk you going up there. Ash can do it. We all believe in him. 

Serena: Guys.. you're the best! Thank you. I needed that. You're right. I believe in him. He can do it! As long as we're here to support him, its going to be all good.

Dawn: Hes so brave. I mean look at him. He's so brave! You admire him, right? I do :)

Serena: I do admire him :) He's so determined and brave. I mean look at him! *slight blush while looking at Ash* He cares a lot about Pokemon thats for sure. I want to get to know him more after he comes down. (in her head) Wow... do I... like him? *slight blush* Serena... snap out of it! Keep praying for Ash's safety!

Officer Jenny: He will be okay. I promise :)

Sycamore: Kids!!

Everyone was surprised to see Sycamore. 

Clement: Hi.. Professor... 

Sycamore: Im guessing you're here for Ash, right?

Serena: Yes! We were worried for him. Professor, whats going on? 

Sycamore: Well you see.. one of my assistants called me after the battle and told me that Garchomp was in a lot of pain due to some unknown person putting an electric collar on its neck. Then I told Ash. He then immediately told me that he wanted to go and help. He then wanted to climb up the tower and I said that he couldn't and it was too dangerous for him. But he told me that he cared a lot for Pokemon and that he wanted to be a Pokemon master.. he wanted to always help people and pokemon in need. I couldn't say no. He really woke me up after hearing those words of his. He has a lot of courage in him. Im glad he came here to Kalos. All we can do now is wait. He promised me he would save Garchomp, and i know he can deliver that promise! 

Serena: Wow. Ash... he really said that?! He's... so amazing.... 

Serena had a few tears from her eyes coming down her face. She just couldn't believe it. She really admired him a lot now. She kept praying for his safety. 

Everyone else had some tears coming down. 

Sycamore: Serena, you care a lot about Ash, correct?

Serena: Yes. I... really do. Ive never met someone so amazing before.... I believe in him.

Sycamore: Me too.

At the top --

Ash looked down and barely saw Gary and a whole group of people. He also saw a group of 9-10 students beside Gary. 

Ash: Woah. Thats a lot of people. Wait.. are they here for me?!

Pikachu: Pika!!!

Ash: Theyre probably worrying about my safety. I thank them if they are. Lets do this then! Gar chomp! Im here to help you out! Please, I know you're in a lot of pain. 

Garchomp refused to listen and fired out a Shadow Ball attack on Ash and Pikachu. 


He and Pikachu dodged it. 

Ash: Okay. I have no choice but to do this. Charizard, come on out! 

Charizard: *ROARS*

Ash: Charizard! Listen. Don't attack Garchomp. Its in a lot of pain. I want you to get behind Garchomp and hold it tight from behind so then Pikachu can use Iron Tail on the collar. Got it?

Charizard and Pikachu agreed.

Ash: Okay! Go!

Charizard flew up very high. Garchomp couldn't see it fly because the collar would decrease its vision the longer it was on. Charizard grabbed it and held it tight from behind!

Ash: Great! Now! Pikachu! Use Iron Tail on the collar!

Pikachu attacked and the collar broke free. 

Garchomp was relieved to be normal again. 

Ash: Are you okay Garchomp? 

Garchomp was happy and nodded. It then hugged Ash and his pokemon. 

Ash: Awh! Im happy you're pain is gone! I told you you could believe in us!

All of a sudden......

Because of the damage and how unstable the top base of the Tower was, a few rocks started to collapse causing Pikachu to fall down the tower!

Ash: NO! PIKACHU!!!!!!!

Ash then fell down the tower to save Pikachu. He put his life in danger. He knew it was over for him. He then looked down to see a girl with long blonde honey hair looking at him with tears down her eyes. However, Ash knew it was all over. He looked back at Pikachu and smiled.

The group were shocked and couldn't believe what was going on. They all had tears coming from their eyes. Especially Serena. Was it over for Ash?

Dawn: No. It can't be. It... can't. Its a dream.

Sawyer: ASH! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP HIM!!!!! *cries*

Serena then saw Ash with him staring at her blue eyes. She also stared. She couldn't believe that was going on. She saw Ash's face and while she couldn't hear him, his facial expression was clear. It was over for him and Pikachu. 

Serena kept saying "!!!" She started to cry so much. She had no other choice. She kept praying for the situation to be a dream, but it was reality. 

They all looked on with tears in their eyes and no one knew what to do. All they could do was just watch. 



Charizard flew down as fast as it could and grabbed his beloved trainer and Pikachu who were both unconscious. He then delivered them to the ground with them on its back. 

Everyone was so relieved to see Ash and Pikachu be alive. They all thought it was over. 

Serena, while still crying, ran up to Charizard, with Ash holding onto Pikachu in his arms.

The group also followed. 


May: Serena! IS HE ALRIGHT!?

Serena didnt answer. She was too focused on Ash.


Ash didnt wake up.

Serena was crying. She put his head on her hands and kept praying for Ash to wake up. She kept screaming while crying.

Serena: PLEASE!! ... Thank goodness you're all right. Im... so... grateful to see you alive. But please wake up. PLEASE!!!

She had more tears coming down her cheeks. 

Ash then opened one of his eyes and still processed what was going on. 

Ash: Whats going on? Where am I? 

Serena smiled. She couldnt believe he was alive. She thought she may never see him again. But she did. And tears still rolled down her cheeks. 

Serena: You're alright. I thought you weren't going to make it, but you did. Thank you. You're alive. Thats all that matters right now. 

Ash:(in his head) Wow. She's.... beautiful... she looks kind of familiar... wait.. was she the girl that was looking at me when I was free falling? Why is she crying? Is she happy to see me alive?! 

Ash: Im grateful to be alive. Thank you for being here for me. It means a lot :) 

Serena: You're welcome. I actually wanted to get up there to ... help you... but I believed in you! You never gave up! Please don't do something that reckless again. Please..

Ash:(in his head) Wow... she wanted to help me?! Does she care that much for me?!?!?! She did enough just being here for me. She's amazing. " I won't. I promise." 

They both smiled at each other. 

Ash then got up and looked to see pikachu who was also alive. 

Ash: We're alright buddy!

Pikachu: PIKA!!!

Serena: Awh! You too are so cute! And so brave! *slight blush* 

Ash: Thanks! :) Me and Pikachu are the best of friends. Oh yeah, whats your name? 

Serena:(in her head) Wow... I can't believe I'm talking to Ash Ketchum! He asked me who my name was! Im.. my name is.. Serena. Serena Yvonne :)

Ash: (in his head) Serena... wow that name sounds so familiar.... 

Ash: Nice to meet you and thank you for being there for me. My name is Ash and Im from Pallet Town! 

Serena: (in her head) Ash.. Pallet Town... wow. That sounds so familiar... I just can't... process it. 

Serena: Nice to meet you! And I already knew that! 

Ash: Know what? My name?

Serena: Yeah :)

Ash: How? 

Serena: Here. Ill explain it to you. 

HOLY KFSKFJDSKFJS THAT CHAPTER WAS SO LONG BUT YOU GUYS DESERVE IT :) Thank you from the bottom of my heart for 350 reads!!!!!!!!! I just started writing because XYZ was over (cries) and I didnt want amour to be forgotten. Amour is special to me and I wanted to write on it because I was so sad to see Serena leave. But... I know she will come back :) She loves him! They kissed! She's coming back! But until then... I decided to write a story. I hope you guys are enjoying it because its going to get even more better! Thank you once again guys. I love you all so much I really do. :) Stay tuned!!!!

- AmourForever65. 

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