Nice To Meet You! - 20

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Serena's POV--

I was standing there. Right next to Ash. Ive been hiding this question that I've been wanting to ask him for so long. Ash Ketchum.... after all these years I missed that name. I never thought I'd ever see him again. I just know it's him. It has too! I even remember when we were little back in Pallet Town when Ash saved me that day. One of the best days of my life. I was so scared of that Poliwag and as a result, I hit my knee pretty bad. And then there he was. Ash. He saved me and even when I knew I wasn't going to get better, he told me to "never give up till its over". Those are the words I lived by. And even till this day. He then brought me out of the forest safely, together. Here we are a few years later. Meeting my childhood hero again in Kalos. I'm so happy and I cant express my excitment and emotions! I just wanted to hug him. All I wanted was just have a cute moment with him. I started to blush like crazy just thinking about it. I didn't even care if the whole school was looking at us. But... does he... even... remember me? 

End POV.

Ash: Serena... I.....

Ash's POV--

"The Girl With The Straw Hat" it... sounds.. so familiar! When Serena asked if I remembered her, I was confused at first, but I really looked into her beautiful eyes and my heart beated like crazy. I then had sudden flashbacks to a few years ago back in Pallet Town. All I remembered was helping this really cute girl in the forest. She had blue eyes, honey blonde hair, and a straw hat. I don't really remember why or how I helped her, but I do remember walking her out of the forest. That's it. After that, who knows what happened. But was is it really her? I don't know what to say to Serena. Because if it is actually her, I would cry in happiness. I don't care if anyone saw. But is it actually her?

End POV.

Ash: Serena... I..... 

I..... I have to go bring my Pokèmon to the Pokemon Centre. Can we talk later? I don't know where or when but sometime later. I need some rest. Thanks so much for supporting me. Really it means a lot! *Ash Smiled* 

Serena: Uh... Uhm... mm... okay Ash. I guess I'll see you soon. 

Ash got up, Pikachu sat on his shoulders, and walked to the exit as fast as he could. It was like he didn't even talk to Serena at all. 

Serena just sat there. Shook. She couldn't believe she got that type of response from Ash. She felt so sad. It wasn't the answer she wanted. The perfect moment was ruined for her. At this point she thought Ash didn't remember her at all. But she also felt embarrassed. She felt it was too early to ask him such a question. But at the same time, her heart felt it was the right thing to do. She was just so excited to see Ash win and her emotions got to her too quickly. 

She couldn't help it. 

At this point, Calem and Ash were gone their separate ways, the students were leaving the gym and heading home, but the gang stayed and waited just a little longer for Serena and Ash to come join them. They were planning to host a celebration party for Ash because of his victory. 

Dawn: Why is Serena just sitting there? 

May: Uh Oh..

Gary: What? What's going on you guys? Is she okay?

Shauna: I'll go check on her.

Shauna walked up to Serena as Serena was just sitting in the middle of the battlefield with a sad look. 

Shauna: Serena? Are you okay? Why are you sitting here by yourself? 

Serena didn't want to be bothered. She just wanted to be alone. 

Shauna: Serena!? What did Ash do to you?!!

Serena: Shauna.. I.. I think he broke my heart. 

Shauna: Awhhh... *Shauna was sad* I'm so sorry he did that to you.. How dare anyone breaks my best friends heart. He's going to regret doing that.

Serena: No Shauna it's.. it's fine. 

Shauna: No it's not! You don't deserve to be treated like that. Wait what even happened?

Dawn & May: Yeah tell us! 

Serena told them what happened between her and Ash and the girls were disgusted with Ash. Especially May.


Serena: May. Don't. It's fine. I don't want to look desperate, okay? Jeez I've had enough for today. I just want to go home. 

May and Shauna had already left to go find Ash. 

Dawn: Serena... you seem really really sad. And I don't like seeing you sad. Me and everyone else decided to throw a party for Ash actually.. tonight.

Serena was excited for a sec. 

Serena: Tonight?! *Thinking About Ash* 

Dawn: Wow. You seem excited...

Serena: Well Ash did say he would talk to me later...!!

Dawn: OMG! What a coincidence..

Serena: Yeah! So where are we hosting the party?

Dawn: At his house silly! It's a surprise party! 

Serena: Oh okay! But uhh.... how are we going to get in??

Dawn: Gary lives with Ash silly!

Serena: Oh really? I didn't know that.

Dawn: Yeah.. you excited?! *Dawn winked*

Serena: STOP! A little maybe...

May and Shauna came back. 

May: No luck. Couldn't find that jerk. 

Dawn: You'll find him tonight!! *The girls laughed*

Serena, Dawn, May, and Shauna exited the gymnasium and met Tierno, Trevor, Clemont, Cilan, Sawyer, and Gary, who were waiting for the girls.

Gary: What took you guys so long?! We have to get out of here and head back to Vaniville Town quick. Don't want Ash seeing us. 

The gang left Lumiose City and began walking to Vaniville Town. Everyone was excited for the surprise party for Ash and they were in a happy mood because of Ash defeating Calem. however, Clemont thought otherwise. 

Clemont: Something's not right. 

Serena: What is it Clemont?

Clemont: What happened to Calem after the battle? I was so distracted.. Where exactly did he go?

Gary: Who cares?? The less amount of times I see him the better. He cheated. Ash won. That's all that matters.

Clemont: That's not what I'm trying to say here. Why did he go out and expose Ash like that? What exactly were his true intentions?! 

The group thought about it but none of them really cared. 

Serena: Don't worry about it too much Clemont. It's all done and gone now. Let's have fun tonight! 

Clemont: You're right.. but still.. it's weird. 

At The Ketchum Residence--

Gary: Damnit where's my key?!

Dawn: *sigh* Please don't tell me you forgot it...

Suddenly everyone heard and saw the front door open. 

It was Delia.

Gary: Delia?!?!? Wha--Whaa--What are you doing here at this time of the day?! I thought you were at work.. sorry..

Delia wasn't mad. In fact, she was surprised to see so many young random teenagers on her front porch. There were so many of them. 

Delia: It's okay! And nope, I was off today! Gary, are these your friends?! Everyone, feel free to come in! Don't be shy!

Gary: Uhh.. okay.. this is awkward.. kinda. Come in guys. Feel like your at home. 

Everyone walked in and it felt weird for them because they didn't even know who the lady that opened the door for them was. They all sat in the huge living room at the Ketchum Residence. 

Delia: So, all of you are probably wondering who I am. Right?

Serena: uhh.. yes Ma'am...

Delia: Wow, you're a beautiful young lady aren't you *Delia winked*

Serena blushed. Like crazy. 

Serena: Uhh.. thank you Ma'am!...

Delia: Wait a minute.. where's Ash Gary?

Everyone know was shocked because this random lady might have been linked with Ash. 

Gary: Ash... defeated Calem Delia! And after the battle he went to the Pokemon Centre to heal his Pokemon. He should be on his way home soon I suppose.. and.. I invited our friends here to host a celebration party for him. If you don't mind!

Delia: That's my boy I tell ya.. I'm so proud of him! And of course I don't mind.. I think it's great that all of you are here to host a celebratory party for him! He deserves it. And I won't be here tonight.. so the house is free to yourselves. Just be safe! 

When Delia said "That's my boy I tell ya" everyone, besides Gary, was shocked. They couldn't believe that Delia was Ash's mother. Especially Serena..

Serena's POV--

WHAT!?! SHE'S ASH'S MOTHER! She's so nice.. and she even called me beautiful! Ugh! Why am I blushing so hard! It was just a compliment Serena, nothing more. Wow. I feel so close to her already..

End POV.

Clemont: That's amazing to know that you're Ash's mother! Ash is such an amazing person and such an amazing and strong trainer. You raised him well! I'm Clemont by the way. Nice to meet you!

Delia: Thanks so much Clemont! That's so awesome to hear! And nice to meet you!

Everyone introduced themselves and everyone felt so comfortable with Delia. All they had to do now was set up the house for the party. 

Gary decided to show everyone around the house, including Ash's room. 

Dawn: Wow this house is massive. You're lucky Mrs. Ketchum let you live here.

Gary: Oh I know. I've thanked her so many times and continue to do so. 

Trevor: Hey is that a Mr. Mime?!

Gary: Yep! Mr.Mime assists Delia with the housework a lot. Not to mention it's also one strong Pokemon!

Tierno: That's awesome. I wish I had a helper like Mr.Mime...

Serena: So.. uhh.. Gary? Where's Ash's room?!

Dawn: Why do you want to see Ash's room? *Dawn winked*

Serena: DAWN!

Gary: She's right.. are you okay?

Serena: I'm fine.. I just want to see it. I mean if you don't mind. 

Gary: All.. All righty then.. walk up the stairs guys. 

They walked in and the room was huge. Ash had is own washroom, a huge table for schoolwork, a ginormous closet, and not to mention a top level gaming setup. 

Sawyer: Wow check out all of these medals and trophies! This is amazing!

Gary: You bet! He's always dreamed of one day becoming the greatest ever Trainer. These achievements show he's getting there.

Serena was so happy for Ash and she thought of all the achievements that Ash has won were so amazing to her. Ash really did travel far to other areas of the world and meet new people, and win trophies. She wanted to do the same. Ash was basically motivating her. 

Then she saw a picture of Ash.. right on top of his night stand. It looked like Ash was attending a summer camp.. a few years ago. 

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