Pallet Town, Where It all Began - 1

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(The story takes place right after Ash comes back home from the Unova Region)

Ash Ketchum has arrived in Pallet Town. It seems as if he's never at his home. Ever since he was a kid he wanted to become a Pokemon Trainer and travel around the world. He wanted to be the greatest like no one ever was. That was his dream. But he always asks him self this question: "Have I accomplished my dream?" Throughout his travels, Ash has never won in any of the regions' Pokemon Leagues. His closest one being was the Sinnoh League. Every time Ash thinks about that stunning loss, he remembers it like a nightmare. So close, yet so far away. However, he always learned to never give up until the end. These are the words Ash had lived by ever since he was a kid. He learned that no matter how hard or how far away you are from something, you shouldn't just give up.

Ash and his best friend Pikachu are now at the Ketchum residence. He opens the door to see no one there. He walks to his kitchen to see a note. The note reads: " Hey Ash. If you're reading this, come to my lab as soon as possible!" - Professor Oak. 

Ash: As soon as possible huh. Come on Pikachu. Lets get going! Oh yeah, we can see our old friends too!

Pikachu: Pika pika! 

As Ash and Pikachu walk up the stairs to Oak's Lab, he sees an enormous area of land filled with all of Ash's Pokemon. Ash and Pikachu then run up to all of them.

Ash: Hey guys! Wow! Look at all of you! You're looking better than ever! Oh yeah! Hey guys, meet you're new friends that I caught from Unova!

Ash then sends out his pokemon from Unova which include: Snivy, Oshawott, Pignite, Krookodile, and Leavanny. All of the pokemon shake hands and hug each other. They're all one big, giant, family. 

Ash: (IN HIS HEAD) Wow. Look at all of my Pokemon. Im so... so thankful for all of them. The world is a big place. Theres tons of other pokemon out there that I haven't seen before! But first things first, I need to head over to the professors lab. Hey Pikachu!

Pikachu: Pika?

Ash: Hey buddy, can you look after all of our friends? Im going to head on over to the professor's lab. I don't want Team Rocket anywhere near there. Oh yeah, if you see them, you know what to do! *winks at Pikachu*


Ash: Thanks buddy. Ill be right back in a few minutes. 

Ash now arrives at Oaks lab. He walks up the stairs to the research room where a trainer can choose one of the Kanto starters: Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle. They were all cute and they all wanted to be picked. 

Ash: Hey Professor Oak! How are you!

Oak: Ash! My boy! Im doing great! How was your Unova journey?! Did you capture a lot of new pokemon?! Did you win the league!?

Ash: It was a really fun journey professor. I caught a lot of cool pokemon and they've already made friends with the rest of my pokemon! It sure is going to be wild around here! ... oh yeah about the league... well, I lost. But, I didn't give up! I made it to the top 8!

Oak: Thats quite the achievement my boy! You know, winning a league is not an easy thing to do. Im sure you and your pokemon will win one very soon! You're quite the trainer!

Ash had a huge smile on his face. Seeing what the professor  told him made him so happy knowing that he has travelled so much and has gained a lot of experience from his travels. He knew that he would win one eventually. But when? 

Ash: Wow Professor! Thanks so much! That means a lot coming from you! My dream to become a pokemon master is almost achieved! I know that me and my pokemon will get there one day!

Oak: Thats the spirit my boy! You have quite the drive and determination! You really haven't changed at all. Oak said with a smile on his face. Anyways, I assume you read the note that I put on your kitchen table at home, correct?

Ash: Yeah Professor! Im dying to know what you wanted to tell me!

Oak: All right! Ill tell you. Ash, have you ever heard of the Kalos Region?

Ash: (Thinking in his head) Kalos Region huh.. hmmm... Nope. Why?

Oak: Well the Kalos Region is a beautiful region located not very far from here. Im sure you were thinking on what to do next, correct?

Ash: Yeah. You're right! The Kalos Region huh. Sounds cool! Im sure there are plenty of new Pokemon around there.. but still... I'm not really sure what the important thing is that you wanted to tell me.

Oak: Haha. Ill tell you. Well first off, your mother, Delia, has found a new job there. She also found out that there is a Pokemon School located in Lumiose City. Apparently this school is the highest ranked School in all of the regions! Im sure you will find out more about it when you get there. Ash, I think this would be a great opportunity for you to go and learn more about Pokemon. The more experience, the better! Oh yeah! Almost forgot! Gary is also attending the School! You can have your best friend along side you! 


Ash: HUH?! GARY!?!?!??!! 

Gary: Long time no see Ashy boy ;)

Ash: Oh man. Here we go again. Could you please stop calling me Ashy boy!!! 

Gary: Nah. Hey Ashy Boy, ready to hit up some ladies!?!? OH MAN! I CANT WAIT TO MEET ALL OF THE BEAUTIFUL GIRLS UP THERE IN KALOS!!! *faints* Oh yeah, Ash, they call the Kalos Region the region of LOVE <3 ;). But knowing you, you're as dense as a rock. But hey, don't worry! Just like I always do, I'll teach you everything there is to know about love!!!

Ash: Oh Gary, sometimes you really, really get on my nerves.

Oak: Oh Boy...

Ash: Anyways... thank you Professor! That sounds really cool! This School must be something... and as much as I hate to admit it, I'm sure having Gary there would just make it even more fun!

Oak: You're certainly welcome my boy! Oh. By the way, School starts in 1 week!

Ash: 1 WEEK! Oh man.. I haven't even visited my mom yet. I have to go talk to her about this asap. Hey have you guys seen her? She wasn't at home...

Gary: She's probably at the store buying you some underwear ;) *laughs*

Ash: Here we go again.... anyways I have to get going. Thanks again Professor! See you around!

Oak & Gary: See ya! 

Ash is now leaving the Laboratory and is now going to get Pikachu to go home. Pikachu was having a lot of fun with his old and new pals. He didn't want to go but he was also a part of this "family meeting".


Delia is upstairs in her room on the phone with someone. 

Delia: "This is a new opportunity for him. I want him to go to School and learn. He can also learn more about Pokemon there as well."

Unknown: Delia. Do whats best for him and yourself. You're a great mother and I know you can handle it. I haven't seen him in... so long.. (*starts to get sad and teary*) Delia, my dear, I promise I will see you guys again soon... I don't know exactly when.... but.. soon. I promise. 

Delia: (*starts to get sad and emotional*) I'll be waiting for you. You have a huge responsibility. I understand. I know whats best for us just like you said. 

Unknown: Please take care of yourself Delia and please take care of him as well. We know him well enough. He can always get into dangerous situations.

Delia: I know too well *Chuckles* 

The front Door opens.

Delia: I have to go. Please be safe.

Delia hangs up on the Phone and walks down the stairs to see Ash.


Delia: AWH! I missed you too. My handsome son. I missed you too, Pikachu!

Pikachu: Pika! 

All three of them form a giant hug not wanting to let go. 

WOW. THAT WAS LONG. MY BAD xD Hope you guys enjoyed :) This was my first chapter and don't worry, the amour moments will come! I promise! This was just an insight on whats to come :) oh yeah, please feel free to comment on what you liked and didn't like. It would be very appreciated. Thanks again and stay tuned! <3

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