The First Day! - 12

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It was Monday morning. Ash stayed at Serena's last night for dinner and came back home. He was very tired. Luckily for him, Pikachu was safe when they were separated when the storm hit Vaniville Town two days ago.

Ever since Ash had arrived in Kalos, he has been so busy doing so much for others he hasn't done much for himself. He came to Kalos to learn to help him achieve his dream: Becoming A Pokemon Master. Being late on his first "official day" of School would be the last thing he wanted.

Everyone was awake at the Ketchum residence. Ash and Gary were both eating breakfast while Delia was doing her daily chores.

Gary: Did you tell Delia what happened on Saturday?

Ash: Yeah I did, why?

Gary: "I heard you were at Serena's house for dinner yesterday." Gary said while winking at Ash.

Ash: Umm... Yeah I was. Her mother invited me over for Dinner.

Gary: You met her mom?!

Ash: Well... you see..

Gary: .....

Ash: Fine, ill tell you. When that flash of lightning hit a tree that was close to us, it was going right towards Serena. I then saved her I guess. Yeah you could say that. My arm was swollen because of that. So Serena brought me over to her house so I could get my arm healed and thats when I met her mother. She's really nice.

Gary: Wow Ashy-boy. Cant lie I'm kind of impressed with you lately.

Ash: Uhh.. what do you mean?

Gary *sigh* I dont know, I guess you've gotten really popular around here. You watch it Ashy-boy!

Ash: Don't you remember? I'm not trying to be the "popular" one here. You and me both.  I came here to learn and learn how to get stronger.

Gary: I understand Ash. Me too. But think about it, we've met some pretty cool people so far like Serena and her friends. I mean, these are the group of people who we're going to be with the rest of the year.

Ash: you're right I guess.. I just don't want to deal with ANY drama.

Gary: Well you've already caused some noise. Showing off your strength in battles and your love for Pokemon.  It's like you're a hero already.

ASH: I meant the bad drama.

Gary: "Ashy-Boy, were in high school now! You're never going to know what's going to happen down the road. Expect the unexpected. Who knows what's going to happen in months from now. " Gary said with a wink.

Ash, Pikachu, and Gary finished eating and were about to set off to School.

Delia: All right you two, you better get going! Have fun and be safe!

Ash: "Don't worry! See ya mom!" As Ash shut the door closed.

Ash,Gary, and Pikachu were outside waiting to see how they would get to School.

Gary: Ya know, Im too lazy to walk today....uhh... can you get Charizard to fly us there?

Ash: Sure...  what do you think Pikachu?

Pikachu: Pika!!

Ash: All right, come on out Charizard!

His powerhouse came out of its poke ball and ascended into the air with Ash,Gary, and Pikachu. They were above the beautiful city of Lumiose and they were mesmerized by its beauty. 

Ash: Wow. Check out the skyline! 

Gary: Its something eh.. Kalos is one amazing region. This is your chance Ash...

Ash: What chance?

Gary: The Kalos League. 

When Ash heard those words he got really excited. After his disappointing run in the Unova League, he wanted to make sure to get stronger and stronger. Thats what he had to do to become a Pokemon Master. 

Ash: How could I forget! Right buddy!

Pikachu: Pika!

The gang finally arrived at Lumiose High. Ash had Science for 1st period. Gary also had science.

Gary: Uhh... wheres our classroom?

Ash: Uhh...... I dont... know??

Pikachu then pointed his finger to the left indicating that the class was down the hall to their left.

Ash: Are you sure its that way Pikachu?

Pikachu: Pika!!

Gary: That moment when a Pokemon knows where the classroom is and you don't...


Gary: Whatever. 

They made their way inside the classroom and everyone was staring at them. The class had everyone in it. From Serena to Iris. It was the only science class in the School so everyone was crammed in their. 

Serena started to blush when Ash walked in. Hoping he would sit next to her. Dawn felt the same  way except for Gary to sit next to her. 

The teacher was Viola, gym leader of Santalune City. 

Viola: Hello! You guys just made it right in time!

Ash: Thanks, but it was Pikachu who showed us where the class was. 

Pikachu was pleased and showed off a bit to the rest of the class. 

Class: "He's so cute!" "Can I pet him?!"

Serena: Pikachu sure seems to like you Ash! I can tell you two share a strong bond! 

Ash: We really do! We're the best of friends. 

Sawyer: Hey Ash, why isn't Pikachu in its pokeball? Why is it always on your shoulder?

Ash: Uhh... Its a long story....

Sawyer: Please Ash! Tell us! Please Viola, could you let Ash tell us?! 

Viola: Well I suppose. After all, I wanted Ash and Gary to introduce themselves to the class anyway. Sure! The stage is yours Ash!

Serena and Dawn were focused on Ash and Gary.

Ash: All right. Where do I begin? It was finally my 10th birthday. The day I was illegible to become a Pokemon Trainer. I went to Professor Oak's Lab in Pallet Town.......

Serena's POV--

Pallet Town? That sounds familiar... Professor Oak..!! Im trying to remember but I just cant. Those two phrases sound so familiar. 

End POV. 

Ash:....... to receive my first pokemon. However, the Pokeballs were empty! I was so sad. Until Professor Oak told me that I was late. I slept in....

Gary started laughing. 

Gary: Ha!!! That was hilarious! I still cant believe you woke up late that day! 

Ash: Gary!!!!

The class started to giggle and laugh. 

Dawn: Hehe!! That was funny! 

Ash: Anyway... the Professor had one Pokemon left. I didnt care at this point. I just wanted my first ever Pokemon! Could you guess what it was?

Serena: Pikachu!

Ash: Yup! Thats right Serena! 

Serena's POV--

Wow he actually remembered my name! I guess thats a good start. 

End POV. 

Sawyer: Wow! Thats so cool! You and Pikachu's relationship is so strong and so powerful! But Ash, I'm really curious. How are you such a strong trainer? I mean, you did tell us that you came to Kalos from Kanto. There's no way you gained all that knowledge and strength that fast. 

When Ash heard that, he couldn't believe it. He and Gary didn't want anyone to find out about their whole story. The class also thought about that and they didn't understand how Ash was just that strong. 

Clemont: Maybe he's just gifted. And I don't mean that in a bad way!

Calem: Yeah, I think its just luck. You managed to tie against our champion because of luck. 

Viola: Now, now, everyone. Let Ash answer.

Ash: Well. You see..... 

Ash's POV-- 

What should I say? I cant just tell them the truth. Well not yet atleast. 

End POV. 

Ash: I guess its just luck!

Everyone was shook and didn't know what to say. They were in awe. Even Serena.

Serena's POV--

Did Ash really just say that? I don't believe him. It cant be complete luck. I mean, luck doesn't get you that far.

End POV.

Calem: Hah! Knew it. You're nothing but a fool. It was all luck to even battle our champion, Diantha, in the first place. And it was all luck to even tie against her. You're pathetic. 

Ash started to get really mad. Enough was enough. Calem was getting through his nails. 

Ash: Calem. you're acting really mad. I understand your opinion, but why do you have to call me names? Lets settle this. Let's battle at the end of the day on the battlefield outside. Don't be late. 

Serena: Calem. Apologize to Ash. Right now.

Calem: Oh hush. You'll witness Ash lose at the end of the day. I'll only apologize if he wins. And lets be honest here, thats not going to happen.

Serena was really mad and even Dawn and May could notice it. They told her to keep her cool. 

Viola: CALEM XAVIER! Please go to the office. Im not going to tolerate that behaviour in my class. 

Calem left with everyone in awe. 

Dawn: Uhhh.... what just happened?

Misty: He's just acting all big. Its pretty funny! 

Sawyer: Why is Calem so mean to Ash?!

Ash: Don't worry about it Sawyer! Im fine! I hope you come and watch the battle later today!

Sawyer: Oh I will Ash! Im rooting for you. You better beat him! What he just said isn't fine!

Viola: All right everyone, please get out your textbooks and turn to page 3. Today's topic will be about the science of evolution.

Ash sat back down and Gary didn't even introduce himself. Because Calem left, his desk was empty so Ash sat there.

Serena's POV--

Ash is walking towards me. Im hoping he sits next to me. I just want to talk to him more. He's so nice and cheerful. Wait... he's sitting next to me! Im blushing like crazy. I hide my blush as I cover my face through my long hair. I hope he doesn't notice, but Im just so happy he's sitting next to me out of all the other empty desks. 

Ash: Uhh.. can I share your textbook with you?

Of course he can share it with me. That way we could maybe talk more. But... I think he forgot my name..

End POV. 

Serena: Uhm, yeah sure.

Ash: Hey thanks! ....

Ash: Serena! 

Serena: You remembered my name! 

Ash: Uhh.. yeah?

Serena: Uhm.. okay. Anyways, i'm looking forward to the battle later today. Im sorry for Calem's behaviour. I think its just jealousy if anything ;) 

Ash: Hmm.. I guess we'll see. 

Suddenly, the class door opened. 

Calem: Oh yeah, one more thing. Hey Ketchum, the battle will take place in the Lumiose High Gym. Thats right. Ill make sure the entire region sees this blowout of a battle. 

Hey guys! Im sorry for that long break. I had exams and I was just too tired to write. I needed a recovery break to get back on track. So sorry about that. The next thing that Im going to talk about is the community. The amour community has been taking hits from pretty much everyone. On Twitter, I'm seeing hate and drama. I know plenty of people that aren't even amour shippers anymore that are hating on the ship. Im seeing amoushippers get attacked. Im seeing so much drama and what not. To my fellow amour shippers, all I can really say is for you guys to continue what you love to do whether that be writing fanfic, drawing, theorizing, or whatever. Don't let this hate get to you. At the end of the day, we have to respect opinions and not attack others because they dont think things the way we do.  Anyways, thanks for continuing reading my book. Hope you all have an awesome day!


Follow me on Twitter- AmourForever65

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