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Dedicated to Charlie-Duke


The stupid door bell rang, making me jump on the couch. I had imagined that Yuri and Lilith won't be back before evening. My essay was finished and I had planned to make lunch but here I am, lying upside down on the couch.

My white butterfly top danced as I jumped from the cushions on my bare feet. My denim shorts displayed my thunderous thighs as I jogged towards the door.

My mouth hung open on seeing the weasel at my door. The fragrance of his cologne filled my nose. He wore an exquisite maroon hoodie with black jeans and smelt of lavender and mint.

"I um, I needed help with this problem." He offered me the maths book. I stared at it for long. How could you! How could you ruin my sunday!

"Who gave you my address?"

"I am new here Silvy, my uncle's not."

"Don't call me that and I don't believe you asked your uncle where Silver nightingale lives cause I ain't that famous." I narrowed my eyes at him, pouting slightly. The weather was misty today and the sky was sheeted by a layer of snowy clouds.

He chuckled, "I asked him about a white haired beauty and sure this entire town doesn't have people with white hair like you."

I rolled my eyes and walked away from the doors. No way that weasle would leave me in peace so I got no choice at all. Great! Wait, did he just call me beautiful?

"What is it?" I asked as he settled near the coffee table, placing his spiral notebook and yellow coloured mathematics text-book.

"Hey! It's a book!" I snapped, seeing the rough and vigorous way he was turning pages in. I hated to see this mistreatment of books. His hands stopped at once. Then he intentionally picked a paper delicately and folded it. I gritted my teeth in frustation.

"Give it to me!" I pulled the book. Such an idiot.

"Which chapter?"

"Three dimensional geometry," he picked up a grey pen, placing it between his plush lips. Though I too had the habit to chew pens, he made it look disgusting.


"Eleven point three, question number two."

"Huh," I smiled, "you couldn't solve this easy question."

He pouted, and Gods he looked adorable. Fuck! What's wrong with you Silver, stop checking him out.

"Look, we are given the distance of the normal from origin equal to seven units that means we are given d. And since the normal vector-"

"Where is your family?" He cut me mid-sentence, staring at me with wide grey eyes. I gave him a glare and he bit his tongue.

"We need to find the unit vector of the normal so..." He wasn't listening. He was checking my house out and I did not like it.

"Momus, do you wanna listen or not."

"That's a really pretty painting." He walked over to the painting of me hung on the side wall. It was just my face, turned fourty five degree left and covered in flowing pristine hair. I painted it two years ago.

"That truly shows your beauty," he traced his finger on the painting. On my hair. Ew!

"If you don't wanna study-"

"Who made it? I see emotions too. So deep truly, look at the slight weariness in your eyes and yet a hint of joy within." His eyes were transfixed on the artwork, denying to listen any of my revoltes.


"Who made it?" He turned to me.

"Me, who else?" I rose an unamused eyebrow. Okay, I think I am being overdramatic. He came to my house and my house is beautiful(dah) I musn't be angry.

So, he knew about paintings. The flash of an image reappeared in my memory when I had made this. Yuri had begged me to paint my own self so I couldn't deny but I was really tired that day due to making her painting too.

"It's majestic," he turned around once again. I rolled my eyes and went back to the couch. Note, Weasly likes painting.

"Are you done with the essay?" He questioned while resettling on the couch next to mine.

"Mhmm," I said between bites of the nachos.

"Which couple did you choose to write about?"

I gulped hard, this I wasn't prepared to tell anyone about. I may be the high-headed girl but fear of embarrassment never left me. That's because, I had history. Sadly.

"Tell me your first?"

"Oh I didn't bother much, I copied an essay on Romeo and Juliet from Google."

"Huh, writing is a beautiful art, how can you not wish to write? And Romeo and Juliet are so common."

"Seriously, writing pains my fingers." My mouth hung open. Where did that gentleman weasel go? "Now tell about yours?"

"It's umm... Eros and Psyche."

A smile graced his lips, a warm smile making me feel somewhat proud of my choice.

"Well that's truly very unique but Hades and Persephone are too a lovey-dovey couple."



Silence occupied the space of my living room after. Only the wind-chimes on my french window graced music to our ears. Momus was busy copying my Math problems while I focused at my chromebook screen. I knew I had watched this entire web series twice but I could never be contented to it. It was so great! I was learning chinese with this too.


Hi dear Lunis. How have you been lately? Exam time Eh?
You know the problem Silver was solving is actually a problem I was solving while writing it. And dude it was so tough. And then the series she talked about in last, its called Love 020. Such a great show! Oh my!(Chinese webseries on Youtube) I am in love with it for the past 3 years.

(Breathes in...breaths out)
Asumption question: What do you think is Momus' buisness with her, cause dah we know he got no uncle living here.
Character question: How do you like Silver now?

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