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❝𝓢𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓭𝓼 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓵𝓮𝓯𝓽 𝓾𝓷𝓼𝓪𝓲𝓭...❞

𝓓𝓮𝓭𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓸 iccy1030  (𝓜𝔂 𝓵𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓼𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻)

Stars were embedded in the grey sky of early dawn as long lost memories. Tranquillity constituted a proportion greater than air. It was almost scary when suddenly the dogs barked or the owls hooted, stirring the silent melody of dawn. 

Her chestnut hair flew as she jogged through the sleak thoroughfare, dappered in her favorite black coloured overall. Yuri is fine. Her constant muttering kept the panic suppressed. ‘Then why am I having these flashes again and again!’ She shrieked to herself. She did not wish to do this. Nor was this needed anywhere to be done but something changed. Something didn’t go as planned. Her pace increased as the worry surfaced on her fragile brain. Entrance of the forest opened for her as the workers’ quarters ended. She was about to step inside the circle when the grey dawn got painted into vibgyor colours. 

Her heart stopped for a moment and then started rushing at the rate of a thousand miles per second. 

‘Fuck!’ She cursed seeing the messenger Goddess in front of her. The purple attire on her frame blowing with the wind as she landed on the mundane grass. Her rainbow beams vanished with each passing breath.

Lilith started counting possibilities of running away from her, but again, she was no match against the Goddess of the rainbow.

“Who are you?” Iris asked calmly while staring at her tiny build girl. She took in the features in order to try remembering her but nothing paid off. Neither were her chestnut locks known and nor were the humanely facial jewels. She was no one but a simple mortal.

“I won’t kill you.” Iris tried to sooth her shaking body. Lilith knew better. She did not know anything about this moment. She meekly raised her angular face to meet her pink eyes. They weren’t pink, instead they were red and so were some streaks of her hair. Red, for rage.

Lilith gulped down the saliva. “I-I am a pedestal milady,” she said rather more bravely than she felt.

“Huh! Rubbish! What are you doing here then?”

“I came to jog milady but-” Her voice trailed.

“But you found me! Yay! Now spill the beans girl. I don’t have the entire eternity to waste on you.”

“I-I do not underst-”

“ShUT UP!” Iris yelled, scaring the asleep aves in a hundred metre radius. Lilith’s back stiffened. Her trembling fingers clutching into fists. 

“I very well remember your voice so don’t act smart is that clear.” The red streaks in her blond tresses growing darker by each minute.

“I…” Lilith was cut short when her eyes clouded and a new vision occupied her lens. She could see clearly the majestically flowing dress as the wearer marched towards somewhere. Somewhere with clouds, a temple, a temple in heaven!

The vision broke and Lilith was brought back to senses, she was kneeling on the ground with her fingers dug into the moist soil. She jerked her head upwards to face the Goddess who at the moment had a flabbergasted look on her face.

“Did you capture Lady Thalia!” Lilith said through gritted teeth. Her voice laced with bitterness. Iris backed away an inch but realising what she had just said, her red streaks turned to a sober blue.

“What are you saying?” 

“I am asking you why didn’t you capture the traitor!” Her voice had risen up to the toppest now. She stood to her feet, shaking off the dirt on her palms and shot a glance at the Goddess of the rainbow.

“I-I wanted to save the child at that time and I wasn’t aware if there were more beings with her. Simply to avoid chaos in the mortal verse.” Iris did not understand why she was explaining all this to a lethal human. Maybe the intensity of her gaze held something. Some hidden meaning.

“Fuck!” Lilith clutched her hair and started pacing. 

“What’s wrong and who are you? How did you know what Thalia was doing and who is the little girl?” Iris bombarded Lilith with questions, making it all more and more difficult. But Lilith did not have enough time to get scared at this moment. Not now,

“Take me where she is?” Lilith ordered in a stern voice.

“And why would I do that for a stranger, additionally a mortal.” Iris raised her chin. 

“Fuck! Lady Iris we need to hurry. She is in danger.”

“Mind your tongue Girl. I shall only take you to the temple if you confess who you really are.”

Lilith sighed heavily. Her heartbeat was even faster than before. This was something she wasn’t ready about. She had never told this to anyone after...what happened.

“I am Lilith Dean and if you take me now to the temple Lady Iris, I will tell you.” Iris processed her words for a while and then nodded her head.

“Very well Miss Dean.”

Dum Dum dum! Iris is a smart Goddess, she's my third favorite. When I was little, I always thought of someone whose hair changed colours with their mood and here she is, brought to life.
And yes if you are wondering that the brown packet which Thalia took out from her bag was the one Lilith gave her in the beggining...YOU ARE ABSOLUETLY CORRECT!
Sooooo we haven't had trivia for a long time. Oki! Question time.

Assumption quesion: Who is the person Lilith saw a vision of? (Hint: They have appeared earliar too)
Forseeing question: Who did u think Lilith is?
Character question: What abt Lilith's personality now?

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