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Dedicated to RainbowMoth

Question of the chapter: Has something ever hurt you that you are still not recovered from?

I sighed in relief as the dressing of her wound completed. It was rather complicated to stitch but being a God, my movements were fluid. Though if I’d be honest enough, I was mesmerized by the sight of her beautiful body. Flawless until you see the cut spatting blood laced with ichor all over, staining the ivory cover of her skin. It was hurtful to see her like this but her heart was beating and I had managed to save her. 

I covered her body with the bedsheets and snuggled her in her queen sized bed. She was a demi-goddess and she was beautiful as heck, but I deserved nothing of her. She was in this state all because of me and I intended to pay her back at all costs.

Firstly, I was frantic about where to take her then I landed with the idea that her empty house might be best since no human would suspect her living there and Gods had already been centered around her friend who apparently was the oracle. I ran a hand through my platinum hair and stared at her as she slumbered peacefully. Her expressions were completely blank and the oh so gorgeous eyes were curtained.

I longed to see them but again, I deserved nothing of her except a lifetime of servitude. My mind drifted to thoughts when she was opening up to me. Her coldness was something warm to me because of the fact that when I, Momus, God of ridicule had found flaws in all over the heavenly Gods, she was something utterly different. Her radiant aura of comfort was completely opposite to her speaking attitude. She was an incomplete puzzle, left broken in this world for no reason.

Firstly I had compared her to Aphrodite but I was immediately ashamed of my judgement. Aprodite who’s flaw I picked out was the noisy clicking heels, she loved her own reflection and bodily satisfactions. However, this human girl was the epitome of coldness in herself but that was just the surface. She was lonely inside, as human psychology says, a person who gets angry easily needs love.

She does.

But I wonder who shall be the lucky one to give it to her. Her sister was, the little angel was her source of joy in my opinion and that made her frantic over her missing only for a few hours.

Her body stirred a little. I removed the cover to check on her wound. It was fine but then I realized that the room heating system was off. I ran towards the heater in the basement and switched it on and then traveled back to her.

Since we aren’t in a hospital, how am I supposed to supply nutrition in her body?

“Wake up silver.” I sighed and sat down on the floor. What have you done to me? I was never even slightly like this but again, maybe I was never surrounded by someone who’d welcome me even after their discomfort. 


I puntured her pale skin with a needle right into the blue coloured vein of her wrist. The oxygen mask hid half her face but it was needed. I was still not friendly with these human apparatuses so I spent the entire night reading its manual and providing it with needed(and stolen) raw materials. I wondered what I would give if she needed blood. It won’t need a second thought for me to donate her my ichor but would that be sustainable for her? She was a very long descendant, so her body was more human than godly, she might even be a healer if the descendancy wasn't  this long but the case was different, her body might decline Ichor. I would need almost a hundredth part of ichor in normal human AB negative blood group. 

This was a thing I learnt from raiding her personal space but when you are dying, there’s nothing like that. But she didn’t need any blood at the movement. All she needed was rest, nutrients and my service.


Two weeks.

Two weeks and no change in her condition. I stared at the bathroom mirror after striping. My body was tired from all these restless days. My eyes had purplish bags under them. When they tended to be hideously black but my pale skin made it look stranger. My eyes were tired as I had barely slept for eight hours this week and five hours the latter. My platinum hair were shooting in different directions from continuos pulling and frustation. My body demanded rest but my mind was working only for the silverhead laid peacefully in the neighbouring room.

I wrapped the white coloured towel around my lower abdomen after stepping out of the shower. Before I could do any movemnts to rush for my clothes, her body stirred and the eyelids peeled open lazily. She blinked a few times, presumably setting to the dark enviroment and them she turned to me. I gulped hard.

“W-who are you miss?”

People change...right? *sad sigh* I hope so.
Fun fact #2 I hated Momus in initial chapters when Silver hated him. Reason, I can't write those kind of chapters but as time passed, I have grown to love him. In fact he is one of my fav characters. You'll know why.

Umm guys...I am kinda not allowed to come online these days so I save books offline for reading, if your books have 20+ chapters or is completed drop the link on my MB(not here plz) I'd be sure to read it.
And I am not able to post covers on top either. So it would be gr8 if I got some covers. You can send them to me on gmail after informing me. I'd be sure to give you a shoutout and credits. Or in fact aesthetics of your favorite characters and any images you would prefer and all.
Love ya!

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