○Cold Heart●

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~Luan's pov~

I think Luna is on to me, she keeps asking me if I know where Mom is. I just shake my head and try to either change the subject or walk away. But how can I walk away from the one who saved me? Ever since the day Luna shook up for me, I've hated all of my sister's, but Luna. Even the ones who don't go to my school, because I know they wouldn't of have helped either.

I walked down the hallway, Lola and Lana passing me.

If you weren't here, none of you, Luna and I would be perfect.

I walked into the kitchen and took out some eggs and made scrambled eggs. Dad was on the phone, talking to someone. I didn't listen to the conversation he was having, but he kept mentioning us.

"Luan!" Dad said, covering the phone. "Seriosuly? Two eggs?"

I cringed at him. "Excuse me?"

"You can't eat two eggs!" He snapped, going back to his phone.

I shook my head and continued making the eggs, and then grabbing the ketchup. After I put the eggs on a paper plate and sat at the table, Dad walked in and said, "Luan, you can only have one egg. We're running out of money now, your Mother just ran off with her money, left absolutely nothing. Please, just don't eat too much."

"I never eat too much," I growled. "And if you're so worried about money, stop buying Luna those pills. I saw the receipt, it's one fifty a bottle?"

"That's because they work great," he sat down next to me. "I know Mom left us and *@¡•£¥~◇|》□♤,@*×;%

I didn't listen to the rest. I didn't care. He hurt Luna, and I wished he left instead of Mom.

You must think I'm crazy, but I'm serious. I have nothing to do with Mom's sudden disappearance.

Suddenly Dad got up and took out the pills in the cabinet and handed then to me. "Can you give these to Luna?"

I'll give them to her alright.

I walked to the stairs and up them, putting the bottle in my pocket and walking into my room. "I have an idea," I said, sitting on my bed below Luna. "About your medicane."

"What is it?" Luna mumbled under the covers.

"Don't swallow them. Keep it in your mouth and go to the bathroom and spit it out," I said.

I heard Luna shuffle under the bed. "I'll try it. But Dad literally watches me take the pill! It's weird, he really wants me to change," Luna said.

I crossed my arms. "Well, let him waste his money."

Luna hung over the bed to look at me. "I... I kinda wanna run away," she said with a fake half smile. "Like... so nobody can bother me. All of us, me you, Lori, Leni, and Lynn. None of the younger ones. Just us, the older ones."

"Me too," I said.

Why can't you wish it was just us?

~Luna's pov~

Luan's plan actually worked pretty well. Even though sometimes I'd have the pill in my mouth for an hour, waiting to go to the bathroom. But I've only been doing this for almost two weeks and I feel great. I'm finally normal, and I'm gay again.

"Hey Luna!" Sam said, patting my back from behind. I hid my blush and looked at her.

"Hey Sam."

"Are you going to the bonfire tonight?" Sam asked. "It's at 9 at Robbie's house.

I nodded, I didn't know what to say. How could you say anything when your crush just asked you something. If they were in the same space as you, looking at you, looking into your eyes. Not knowing, wishing they knew, you liked them.

I quickly got ready. Lori brushed my hair for me and have me a pretty headband, pink gold with a small skull on the side. I dressed in something comfortable, some band name sweater and leggings. I thanked Lori and walked into my room, freezing at the mirror.

I've never really wore leggings before. And now I know why. Stick legs, looking so frailge that if someone poked them too hard they're turn to dust like Spiderman.

"Where you going Luna?" Luan asked, entering the room.

"To a bonfire," I said.

"Can I come?" Luan asked. Everytime she asked to go somewhere with me, I saw something in her eyes. Not begging or happiness just... grief.

"Sorry, sophomores only. Next year for you," I said, suddenly wishing I had a phone like Lori. I walked to the door, taking one last look in the mirror. "I'll see you later."

Bobby's house was only a ten minute walk for me. I walk fast. It wasn't hard to find it. The loud music on a dead end, a long pool glowing in the backyard, and Sam's blond hair. I went through the backgate, and made my way to Sam's crowd.

They were all sitting around a wooden table, no seats left, so Sam was sitting on the table. It took all my guts to sit next to her.

"Luna! You came!" She said, hugging me. "Did you see how much dessert Hailey brought?" Sam laughed.

"No, I didn't," I said, staring at the wrinkles at the corner of her eyes while she laughed.

Suddenly water splashed me, only a little. Bobby's head came up from the water, shaking his head he laughed and called everyone over. Seeing him made me think, how come Lori didn't come over if her boyfriend was throwing a party for sophomores? Well, Bobby did plan it because the sophomores couldn't go on the field trip because we didn't fund raise enough. But still.

(Okay let's just pretend that Bobby never moved to the city)

Everyone got up from their chairs, jumping in the pool in their clothes, all coming back up for air.

Suddenly I felt something soft and light grab my hand, Sam's hand. I tried not to blush as she pulled me to the pool, counting to 3 and then we both jumped in. The cold pool almost took my breath away, I wanted to let go of Sam's hand so I could swim to the surface, but I didn't want to let go. I wasn't holding on to light so she wouldn't think I didn't want her to hold my hand, and didn't hold to hard so I didn't scare her.

I suddenly felt my feet hit the deep end, I had forgotten I was underwater. I pushed my feet and I went up to the surface, taking a deep breath, refusing to let go of Sam's hand. I felt good, to feel love again. I hadn't for the past two months, I even lost feelings for Sam. But thanks to Luan, I'm back to normal.

I have to thank her.

~Luan's pov~

I didn't know how long Luna would be gone for, but it was obvious it would be for awhile. I went through her things, I went into her side of the dresser and tried on her usual outfit. It felt good and odd at the same time. Being a punk rock wearing a ripped sleeved shirt with a skull on it. I put on the skirt and looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't really look like Luna, I was a little bigger than her. I quickly took the clothes off and folded them, putting them back in the dresser. I went through her jewellery and tried to open her diary but failed.

I went into her closet and everything, and the longer I went through her things, to more I felt my sanity going. I was looking for something, but didn't know what. I was just waiting to feel a smile on my cheeks when I find something. But it never happened.

The only thing that did make me smile was when I found a love letter in one of Luna's sweaters.

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