Untitled Part 10

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~Luna's pov~

I woke up to someone screaming, no, yelling at someone. At first I thought it was Mom and Dad fighting again, but then I remembered. And the voices sounded younger. I quickly got out of bed and traced the noise to Leni's room. She was yelling at some random guy in her room. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and took a loud stomp to the ground, signaling I was in the room.

"Leni? What's going on? Who is this?" I was too tired to recognize him, or his voice.

"Walter!" Leni snapped. I shook my head, and looked at the clock. Why was Leni's boyfriend here at 8:43 in the morning?

"I-I'm sorry. I just thought something was wrong," I said.

"Something is wrong! Some random girl is calling him!" Leni snapped, shoving a phone in my face.

The phone was going off, ringing. I focused my eyes on the phone and tried to see who was calling him. "Uhhh... Leni?"

"What? Do you know who she is?" then she turned to Walter with a snarl. "Why would you cheat on me with a girl named Snooze?!"

"Leni no-" Walter said.

"Dude, that's his alarm," I said.

"Y-yeah..." Charlie said, realizing how dumb his girlfriend is now. "I was supposed to have practice this morning... but it got cancelled."

I sighed and walked out of the room, closing the door behind me. I went downstairs and did the usual, made breakfast and said no to Lucy's séance and Lynn's basketball practice. I didn't feel like doing anything, and it seemed like everyone else was doing everything they could, busying themselves, to forget all about Mom and Luan. But mostly, I was trying to forget about Sam. She killed herself, my first kiss, killed herself.

I took a deep breath and held back sobs. I was slowly turning into Luan and I knew it. I was becoming her, and that's what she wanted. But I didn't care, none of it did anymore. I ran downstairs, making sure nobody was in the kitchen before grabbing a kitchen knife.

"You think you can kill everyone I care about? Make Sam kill herself and then get rid of Mom?" I talked to myself as I went back into my room. "Of course I told you to run, because I don't want to police to get you. I want you all to myself."

~Luan's pov~

My back was sore from lying on the hard ground all night. I didn't get any sleep, and I wasn't in any condition to keep moving forward. But the police surely are having a search party for me, and I can't stay in one spot. Thinking about everything for eight hours straight gave me enough time to plan ahead. I was going to use all the money I had, and steal some if I need to, and use it to buy a plane ticket and fly to Hawaii. Yes, perfect. I don't have a passport and I can't get my own without a legal guardian, and I'm not eighteen. I was thinking about hiding for four years, but that's a damn long time. I can't live in the woods for that long.

I struggled to sit up and pack my things. I changed my clothes in case Dad told the police what I was wearing last. I took out my knife and walked to a nearby stream. I looked at my reflection and took a deep breath, letting my hair down and grabbing a chunk of it, slicing it off with the knife. I buried the hair, because I didn't want anyone to see it, and walked five miles and to a nearby town.

There weren't many people in the town, and no one screamed when they saw me or ran away, so it was obvious news hasn't spread to this town yet, or I really do look different. I made my way into Super Cuts and looked at different hair styles in a magazine.


I looked up.

"Have you found a hair style yet?"

"No, not yet," I said, looking back down.

"Well, we have other customers waiting-"

"Then take care of them," I ordered her as if she was my boss. This will take awhile." I looked through the magazine and realized I didn't need to look stylish, I needed to look different. And I finally decided on a haircut. I got up to one of the ladies. "Excuse me, I finally found one."

She smiled and looked at the photo, surprised. "Okay! The wait is about five minutes."

"I'm in no rush," I said, sitting back down. I wondered how I was going to look. A side shave with a short hairdo, the longest length in my hair reaching my chin. But in a stylish way, some short layers in the hair. If I was going to get this haircut I want to make it worth it.

"Sarah," the girl said.

I got up and walked to the chair she lead me to. I sat down and closed my eyes for twenty minutes.

"Done!" she said. I opened my eyes and thought someone else was standing in front of me.

"Wow! I... I look completely different!" I said.

"Is that what you wanted?"

"Yes! It's perfect! Thanks!" I paid her upfront and speed walked out the building, and down another block.

"You look nice with blue eyes!" the women said, in another store.

"Thank you," I said. "I think I'll get them," I took the contacts out and put them back in the box. I bought ten just in case. Again, I speed walked out of the building and to another place. I went to Spencer's, a place where I knew the old Luan would never go. I picked out the most goth outfits I could find. Black lipstick, purple hair dye, anything to make the old Luan disappear.

"That'll be fifty five twenty three," the man said.

"Okay, okay," I reached into my wallet and handed him the money. He gave me cash back and put all my clothes in a bag.

"Have a nice day."

that was the last store I speed walked out of. I was nervous because the store was in the mall, the last place I wanted to be in. I walked into the bathroom and locked myself in a stall. I grabbed the bag I bought and shoved everything else I bought inside of it. I carried both bags out of the mall and again went back into the woods nine miles away. I dug a deep hole and hid the old bag, the one Luna gave me, in a hole and buried it, stomping on it and covering it with some slush snow.

I sighed and sat down on a log, looking at everything I had bought. I grabbed the hair dye and put on the gloves that came with it. I don't even think I did it properly, I just washed a glob of purple hair dye in my hair and rubbed it in like shampoo. I dug another hole and hid the box of hair dye and the gloves. Now I had food, new clothes, and makeup and jewelry. But I was missing something. I was missing a name. I thought hard, I felt free, I could finally pick out my own name? I sat there until it turned dark, until I came up with the name Ayano Daniels.

~Luna's pov~

"Why aren't you coming to school?" Lori asked me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "I know about Mom, and Sam, and Luan. But we need to fight through this, skipping school wont do anything, okay?"

"I just need some time alone. Nobody will be home, it'll be perfect for me to get my head straight," I said, laughing.

Lori smiled. "Well don't get too straight, then you'll loose yourself," then she grabbed her bag and walked out the door. I sat on top of the stairs and watched the last ones leave, Dad and Lily.

"Are you sure you'll be okay alone?" Dad asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I promise," I said.

Dad left and I immediately ran to my room, grabbing the knife from under Luan's mattress and looked out the window in the living room. Dad already pulled out of the driveway and was turning the corner. I ran out the back door and as fast as I could, trying to imagine I was Luan Loud, running for my life. Where would an insane serial killer like Luan end up? Where would she go? I almost jump over fences but realized I was taking this too far. Was I really going to run around like a maniac, looking for my sister, and when I did I was going to murder her?

I kept thinking about it as I crossed the street without looking both ways. I safely crossed the street and headed downtown.

~Luan's pov~

I wanted to go back home. I was already home sick... I missed all of my sisters and... can't believe I'm saying this, but Mom and Dad. I killed Mom, and I was fully aware I did. I knew exactly what I was doing it when I was doing it. I hide Mom for those months, and she somehow escaped? I needed to find out how the hell she did that. It seems almost impossible to only survive on four meals in 2 months. Unless...

"Excuse me?"

I quickly turn around, seeing a boy a little older than me reaching to tap my shoulder, than pulled his hand away. "Do you know where the-"

I didn't listen to whatever else he said. I looked around and realized where I was. I'm an idiot. I'm on a fucking college campus.

"Hey uh... do you know?" he asked.

I whipped back around. "I- no, sorry... I-I'm new here."


"Uh.... yeah," In high school, not college.

"Cool! I'm a Sophomore. I've been here over a year and I still get lost!" he laughed at his own joke.

"Haaaaaa," I faked a laugh and looked around to see if anybody was watching me. I looked back at him, looking at his features. He had dark hair and dark brown eyes, and a beard, but not a big one. He wore a black hoodie with a skull in the middle and dark jeans. I glanced at he quickly and then looked away. I saw the side of his neck and saw a tattoo of Mother Mary.

"You're religious?" I said.

He looked back at me. "Yes, very. Well, I get it from my family, if I wasn't religious I would've gotten kicked out of the house sooner."

"Sooner? You mean they kicked you out?"

He nodded. "I- Yeah. I couldn't get a job and my parents blamed me for it. Well, it is my fault, but it's hard ya know?" he scratched the back of his neck. "No jobs ever called me back, they didn't say 'you got the job' at the interviews and they didn't even bother to tell me what the pay is. It seemed like to them I was just another loser looking for a job."

I made an awkward smile. "Oh, so where do you live then?"

"I live here," he said, pointing down the path. "It sucked paying for the dorm, but I really had nowhere else to stay. My parents blamed the weed for the reason I had no money."

"Weed? You smoke?" I asked.

He shook his head as I took it seriously. "I mean, no. Well, yes, but not that much. They caught me once and thought I was a fucking pot head. I only do it like, once a week maybe? I'm not too big on it-"

"What does it feel like?"


"Being high? That's what it does, right?"

"Yeah, it feels nice I guess."

"Lets get high."


His room was stacked with books, of I wasn't so high I would've started a conversation with him about reading. We just laid down the enter time, talking about our lives. Well, my fake made-up life that is. I was changing and I knew it. Not one single pun came from me that entire time. I laid on his bed, and he laid on the couch in his room.

"Does anyone catch you here?" I asked.

"Nope. Nobody gives a crap anyone. No teachers or workers walk in here unless somethings actually wrong. But if they do notice you smoking, they don't mind," Charlie said. That's his name. "So, what classes you taking this year?"

I felt my stomach twist in a knot. Dammit, I didn't know! What classes do you take in college? "Uh... physics..."

"What? That's it? You can't take one class!" he laughed at himself again.

I blamed the weed. "I'm high! I don't wanna think!"

Charlie chuckled and sat up, his head wobbling a little bit. "I'm starving."

I waited for him to say something else, but he didn't. "And?"

"Wanna go get a bite to eat?"

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