12 | Council of the Seven Nations

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How is it going on for Oreif and Felix as they share a room now? Well go ahead and read about it.


The ringing of the alarm was what I heard and my eyes snapped open, wide awake. Pulling my hand out of the blanket I shut off the alarm and sat up. My feet hit the slippers on the floor.

For the past two days, that's how I have been waking up, tucked in a blanket, slippers waiting at my feet. I have emphasized with great patience to Felix that I don't need her to do things like these, but all she answers me is, "It's a habit of mine. If it's not harming anyone, let it be."

And with that logic, I could say nothing. Looking at my side I see the above-mentioned woman fast asleep beside me with her tablet resting on top of her. I gently picked her tablet off her and put it on charging. I have noticed she does a lot of her work on it, while on the other hand, there was me, working with the good old papers.

Felix and I both have a habit of taking our work to bed, so it was not surprising to find her slumped body on the other side. Though I have to say, I for one, can't pull an all-nighter like her. I have to sleep before 2.

When I mentioned that to her, she pointed out that I exercise in the morning while she sleeps in and does it in the evening, so that evens us out.

Exercise reminds me that it's the first Saturday of the month. And first Saturdays are reserved for group training with my entire troop. Quickly doing my morning routine, I dressed up and walked to the training grounds.

Once there, I saw the warriors taking their positions. "Today we will be dealing with weapons, so instead of your respective teams, regroup according to your specialised weapons. We are going to train until I have seen the progress of some degree in each and every one of you and make sure you don't injure your comrades." With that, they all dispersed according to the orders and started their work.

"Well aren't you on time like always, your majesty" called Acimer from behind me.

Acimer although usually lazy in the morning, has never missed a single training session, the same can't be said about my brother.

"When have I not been on time?"

He sprinted the distance between the middle of the field and the platform I was standing. "I thought the King would have liked to spend the morning with his queen since she is leaving today."

"No, she decided to stay until the Council had paid a visit." It was what my father suggested and we decided to take it.

"So will the queen be joining us during the training? I have heard she is known to have a killer aim both with the arrow and a bullet."

I could see the subtle looks being exchanged by the warriors at the mention of their queen. I know they are eager to meet her officially. Everyone is but they would have to wait a while for that.

My nose caught a familiar scent heading this way; it was about time he came. Huxx lazily strolled up to us and asked what are we talking about.

"Ohh she won't come." He commented when Acimer mentioned his previous question again, "She is sensitive to certain smells. If she even gets a whiff of the sweat which is here, she is gonna either cough her guts out or puke her last meal."

Both I and Acimer's expression showed we didn't believe him, maybe that is why he said, "Ask her if you don't believe me. Also, I go out for a few days and the missions for my best friend already started."

That's all it took for Acimer to launch into a detailed rant about the entire incident. While they both chatted, I did my rounds in the field, looking for mistakes, for warriors who deserve more push and helping out newer recruits.

It wasn't easy to create an army which was the best in the seven kingdoms and better than most human countries. The modernisation of the human race has given us a lot of weapons, with a few modifications which could be used for our desired purposes. On one hand, half of the supernatural world still used old methods and the terrains are tough to deal with as well. Not to mention there are kingdoms of witches, giants and serpents with unprecedented power when in their areas. But thankfully there hasn't been a war among us for a few centuries now, not that it has stopped anyone of us from maintaining a military force.

It took me about two hours to get a look through almost all the warriors present on the grounds and another hour and a half to go through my new routine as well. By the time I had finished, there weren't many people left in the field. I could see Huxx sparing with one of the deltas, and a few recruits trying their hands at the equipment of different groups.

Picking up a water bottle, I reminded Huxx "Gamma Huxx, make sure all the types of equipment are back in the basement before you leave."

"I will your majesty." was the quick reply as he continued sparing.

I entered my chambers, to find Felix still in her previous posture as if she hasn't moved even one bit. Which I am sure she hadn't. The clock showed that it was still 9 am. She usually wakes up at 9:30 so I still have a lot to talk to her, specifically about her training; I don't know much about where her physical strength lies.

With several different questions running through my head, I started collecting my stuff for the day, trying not to make much noise. Sharing a room made me aware of how strong her hearing is and how much I tinker around my room. Despite her being up late, she never lets her activities disturb my sleep. I make sure I extend the same favour to her.

And I was sure I have accomplished my mission until I heard her, "Rei?"

"Did I wake you up?" I couldn't help but feel guilty even though it was 9:17 already. I put down my files on the table.

"No it is fine, can you get me my socks from the chair?" came her question, her voice sounding a bit gruff.

I didn't even think twice before fulfilling her request. I rounded the bed to where she was sleeping. I extended the socks, unsure as to what to do with them, but before I could utter anything her hand slipped out from under her blanket and snatched them from me.

"Aren't you going to wake up?" I couldn't help but ask. She made a small noise of protest.

"I am not even going to move an inch until my alarm sounds. And no offence to you, can you take a shower or something because you stink really badly today."

Amused by her unapologetic comment, I finally decided to take the highly requested shower. Before I could enter the bathroom, I picked up a presence which shouldn't have been here in my bedroom. On the bed, Felix stopped fidgeting with her socks under the blanket, no doubt catching up.

An elegant owl, with a letter tied to its leg, was sitting at the window. Both Felix and I knew what the presence of that owl indicated.

"I think you would have to give up on your last minutes' sleep Felix. The council will be here in 30 minutes." 

The awaited council is here. Hope you enjoyed it... Do comment on how you feel about them.

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