33 | Something is missing

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When we were replanning the capital my aim was to make it more functional. Throughout history, the capital as being associated with the stronghold of werewolves and I wanted to change it. So I did as soon as I became the king. I got a lot of heat for it. From everyone around me. But I wanted more from the capital than just being a place where the nobility lived. So two objectives of mine were - security that doesn't suffocate people and a welcoming and open environment for people across the kingdom. People shouldn't fear me more than they should have. They shouldn't be dreading coming to the capital.

And throughout the last 5 years, this city has gone through a humungous change. But I could see all that go down the drain as I drove to the borders of the city. I could see and feel the fear in people's eyes, as the law enforcement officers roam around the city. Everyone heard the emergency alarms go off and they might know the exact details but know something is wrong. 

Someone has the audacity to cause fear in the heart of my territory and that someone is going to suffer for every single haggard face I see on the street, for every drop of tears shed, for every ounce of fear they caused. 

I knew the city wasn't in any immediate danger because of two very strong reasons. For starters, the security measures, although mostly invisible in these later years, have been refined multiple folds. I know that whoever it was that tired this, might have entered but has for a fact lost a limb or two trying to survive. 

Secondly, I could feel the putrid smell of blood even this far away from the site of intrusion. 

Reaching there was important but so was calming down people. So sent a text to border control that Beta Acimer will be there instead of me. And mind-linked Acimer to do the same. I got down from the car and told one of the guards following to take it back to the castle. 

Slowly and steadily I made my way through the streets leading to the border. Reassuring people the best I could. It took me a good few hours to reach the crime site and examine the evidence, talk to the witnesses, the search team, and the border patrol and take a different route back so I can maximise the number of people I met. Huxx too had followed my lead and talked to the citizens, cracking jokes with them and making them laugh and clicking pictures with children. 

Its times like these I wish I was not as introverted as I am. I lack the skill to communicate my emotions. And it was my choice to stay relatively quiet when I have no good words to speak. But in situations like today where my people need my reassurance, I feel miserable in being incapable to do so. 

I wish Felix was here. She would know what to say and do. People always look so relaxed around her. She would be the perfect yin to my yang. I really need to get started planning her coronation. It's high time. I have accepted her, my family had accepted and she has aced all her tests. We all already consider her the Queen, the only thing she is missing is the crown on her head and the title of the mother of the nation. 

As Huxx and I started driving back to the castle, my brain started churning out images of her coronation. How grand can I make it? Of course, I will use my money for it. It's been a tradition in royalty the man pays for the wedding and the coronation along with planning these events too. It is a sign of respect towards the women who sacrifice so much for us. The money comes from the King's pocket and not the treasury. 

"Brother," Huxx called me from the passenger seat of my car we both waited for the castle gates to open "Did you ask Felix to not come to investigate?" 

"I didn't actually, I didn't even have time to inform Mother and Father. But it's better this way, she needs the rest. I bet she would be waiting for us to return and tell her EVERY thing. Her mind would have been running in all directions to come up with a plan." I answered him back trying not to laugh. It was scary how well I can predict her reactions sometimes and how flabbergasted I am at other surprising acts she does.

Huxx however didn't have any qualms about snorting a laugh at that. He dived into some old story from back there in high school days when she used to be much more nosy and would literally keep track of everyone's personal drama. She has on multiple occasions ended up in trouble due to roughing up some people to seek revenge for the victim.

As we reach upstairs to our side of the castle and meet our parents there still weren't signs of Felix anywhere. A little worried, I tapped into our bond and it was closed off. Which set off an alarm in my head. We had stopped blocking each other side of the bond a long time ago.

"Mum, Dad has anyone of you seen Felix, in the last few hours?"

They both turn confused and replied negatively. I asked the help, but no one has seen her. 

"Maybe she might still be sleeping?" Mum offered as sensed my increasing panic. 

"I hope so too. I will go check on her. Don't wait for us. Good Night." And then I made a mad dash to our wing, hoping that she was just sleeping and that the sinking feeling in my stomach was just hunger.

But I knew deep down something was missing. Something was wrong. The silence of the hallway leading up to our bedroom told me that I have failed to be there for my mate once again. That I have failed one more person tonight. 

My fear climbed up a few notches when I entered the dark room and saw a huddled body buried in the blanket. I wanted to call out her name but I didn't. I carefully made my way to her side of the bed and lifted a little bit of her blanket to get a peak at her face. 

One look at her flush red appearance confirmed my worst fear. She has gotten ill and I was out there taking a bloody stroll through the city. 

I placed my hand softly on her forehead to find it burning. I tried to wake her up so I can take her to the doctor. I knew from experience illnesses in werewolves are rare. And to add to the rarity, losing consciousness means all the more trouble.

A part of me was still hoping that she was just sleeping and had not lost consciousness. But that hope died each time called her name and I got no response. So I decided that I need to bring her to the healer myself. I pushed the covers and gently tried to scoop her up. As I was picking her up I could feel just how burning hot she was at the moment. I stood up to my full length and saw her head flop to the side. 

And that was when my descent into madness began.


I have finished my exams so I would try to update once a week.

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