35 | Your anger isn't anyone's fault

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With answers of course, I like you all too much to keep this up for long, or do I?     -----------------------------------------


Time is so fickle. So fickle. Never have I feared anything more than time. Despite having no bad run-ins with time, I know that the day it decides it doesn't like me anymore, all my planning, power or presence of mind would be for nothing. will be for nothing. 

Those like me, who claim to be powerful know that time can make you and destroy you at its whim. 

Time is so fickle. It's returning all my sufferings to me again. It's been 20 hours since she closed her eyes to everyone for a brief rest as the doctors have been calling it. But it's been an awakening for me. 

Is this how people wait? Strung between a state of hope and despair? Afraid and excited for every passing minute?

Was this how everyone was feeling when for those days no one could find me? Was this what she was feeling too? 

It might have been similar or it might have been different. It's hell nonetheless. 

I wanted her to wake up but also rest. I wanted to keep her with me and wanted to send her away too. Because I know I have become her relief and her danger too. 

Not many know she has been cursed. No one knows what the curse is except for her. 

According to what Huxx relayed, she was cursed as a teenager, by a coven. The coven existed near the borders of her pack and have been harmless to everyone. But prejudice blinded the eyes of some pack members and they attempted to burn down the entire witch coven. A teenage Felix jumped into a burning fire to save them but she was mistaken for another intruder and cursed by the leader of the coven. 

She managed to save them. Why am I not suprised. 

When the leader realised what he had done, he confessed to maliciously casting a spell on her. One which cursed her for life. He felt extremely sorry about it and offered a solution to her. However, the curse was cast with all his soul's hatred and the solution was equally cruel. She never attempted to use it. She never disclosed their identity to anyone. Nor the curse or the solution.

The curse had acted up twice before in her life, both of which began with unexplained fever. This was what Huxx was suspecting and therefore hurriedly called her father to secretly seek his advice. He chalked it up as exhaustion. 

I reached out to him again but he was still hell-bent on it being exhaustion. It makes me suspicious about the actual number of her curse getting the best of her and it is coloured as something else by these people. 

But the only person who can answer these questions is asleep because everyone around her including me took her strength for granted once again. 

It took about another half hour for her to come back to the land of the living. After assessing her surrounding for a while her eyes settled to the corner of the room I was occupying. She blinked a couple of times and beckoned me over with her fingers. 

I did as I was asked to, and moved towards. I also informed the doctors and ordered them to be on standby. She wiggled to the side and patted the space next to her for me to sit. I did so and since her bed was angled to prop her up, I was almost face to face with her. 

She didn't say anything and neither did I. I was trying my utmost best to hold in my emotions. Reciting to myself again and again,

 'Your anger isn't anyone's fault. Your dissatisfaction with your own actions isn't anyone's fault. This ain't the right time or the place or the person. Repress it, control it. For everyone's sake.'

But Felix is Felix, it's like the goddess has taken her ability to care for herself. Disregarding any of my visible turmoil, she extended her hand to my face and traced under my eye which was the telltale sign of my struggle with sleep the past few days. 

"You haven't been...." She tried to verbalise with a scratchy voice. 

"No. How can I?" I replied instantly not needing the question, pouring a glass of water for her from the jug next to the bed and passing it to her. 

She tilted her head slightly to the right and glared at me like she always does when she is annoyed at anyone. 

"Glower all you want Madam, but your throat would be grateful to you if you drink water first. Now you want to drink it with your own hands or do I make a strategically poor attempt at it."

Felix huffed and snatched the glass from my hands. 

I watched her down the entire thing and refilled it too. I bent down to her face level and looked into her still-glaring eyes. 

"Now I am going to call the doctors in to check you one last time following which I am taking you upstairs and we both are going to sleep some more. You are going to grace me with all the patience, because after those doctors the next time you will be seeing people is after you tell me everything. Every. Single. Thing. Thank you for your lovely co-operation."


I am sorry. So sorry. But slow burn is my thing and you shall suffer with me here too. 

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