4 | The Lady Questions

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Will it be the same POV? Yes, my lovelies it will be.


I don't remember the last time I was this restless but right now I am. I don't know why I am restless, I know nothing can go wrong, I am in my office, with my council, meeting my mate.

But I am still restless. I blame it on my lack of interaction with women of my age in what seems to be a decade. And to top it off she is not going to be just any person in my life. She will have to live with me, work with me and much more.

I could feel the excitement rolling off everyone. I caught the scent of Miss West as she was coming closer to my chambers. I know she is still far away from my council to give an inkling of her rapid footsteps. Because even though they are stronger than many werewolves in the kingdom but I am the King. I am much stronger, kinda comes with the territory of being the ruler.

As they neared my office I reminded the only things I have ever let myself think about my mate. I have repeated them to myself so many times that they are drilled into my subconscious.

A woman fit to rule the kingdom will be loved by them as well. If not she is not the right one.

A pair of heartbeats could be heard outside my office. And then came the knock on the door. I kept all curiosity out of my voice and muttered a curt 'Come in'.

Huxx came in and trailing behind him was Miss Felix. She was beautiful to say the least. But that was all I could say about her. Right now, she was just a beautiful girl who smelled wonderful, nothing much. But something wasn't right.

I waited for the euphoric feeling of finding one's mate to kick in but it didn't. Well, that's odd. But it's something I had to deal with. Maybe after this meeting, I need to pay a visit to the library.

With a little bow, she said, "Good morning everyone." and took the empty seat across from me. After a beat of silence, Conti looked at me as if to start the discussion. I showed my approval with a subtle nod.

"Ms West what are your thoughts on finding out that you're the mate of the king?" came Maynard's blunt question from my left.

"Honestly Minister Conti, I haven't completely processed it yet. I am still waiting to let everything sink in. I haven't been thinking of a mate as of yet. So this was a surprise and I am kind of on autopilot." Ms West didn't hesitate in answering back.


"Well... Whenever I am in any unfamiliar circumstances and have no idea how to approach it, I just pen everything down and try to clear the picture". Interesting strategy Miss Felix, very interesting.

"How are you gonna deal with this situation then?" Okay, Miss Morton is cutting to the chase.

"Minister Morton you look stunning as always. As for the situation, I have compiled a set of questions to which I would like to request an answer." Miss West has done her preparation well.

"Please tell us these questions; we would try our best to answer them."

"Wait for a sec...." she pulled out her cell phone. "So here is the first one, what do you think a queen should be like?"

"Well, that is something we could ask you as well." Acimer, my beta spoke for the first time this morning. And it's not because he has a brooding personality. No. He is just not a morning person. His ability to talk increases, as the day moves ahead. That's one of the reasons why I savour mornings.

The question my Beta asked must have derailed Ms Felix because she paused for a second and then began. "In my opinion, a queen should be an empathetic version of the king. Someone with enough strength to stand up against anyone, even the king. But at the same time is aware of when to draw the line." Her eyes lingered on me for a moment. "A woman, who could hold her own, even without the king. Someone, who lives for the people. But knows she is important too."

"Hmmm, it's interesting how you view it." Mum commented, most probably sold out on that answer

Miss Felix responded to her with a polite reply, "These are just my views, mam, I know you would most probably have a few corrections and additions for my perspective."

I relaxed in my seat a bit. Minister Tumberbald didn't seem a lot impressed with the current pace, "That's a thing for future Miss Felix. Please continue with your other queries?"

Ms West unlocked her phone if that's what it's called. I have no idea, honestly. "Are there any major rules I need to follow?"

"Ms Felix," She looked up at me since my desk was on a raised platform, "Apart from the usual rules for the Alpha and Beta family members, which I suppose you already know," She gave a slight nod. "There are several rules you need to follow, Gamma Huxx will send you a copy of those but since you asked the major ones. We as royals follow these three almost religiously.

One, we know our lives and health are important so we don't take part in activities that can potentially injure us.

Two, royalty has an image to uphold and should be maintained by every member.

"Lastly and above all we live for the people and we die for our people. Your every action should be dealt with keeping the peace and welfare of our citizens in mind. I hope you can follow these as religiously other royal family members. I will also request you to read the logs of previous queens or talk to my mother about it."

Miss Felix didn't look much surprised, "I understand Your Majesty. It was my other question as well. Is there a transition period for me? If there is one can you let me know how long it is supposed to be?"

"Transition period? Can you please elaborate on this particular term?"

"Of course, Your Majesty, to put it in easy words form when one entity is supposed to go through a change or shift, they are given time to adjust to the new ways. It's a business thing usually." Miss Felix concludes with a casual expression.

"I would like to remind Miss West that this isn't business. Bu-"

"If this isn't a business then why the," she motions her hand to all the people, "meeting?".

That was a quick reply and one which I can't completely deny. I did find it amusing though and from the atmosphere around me I guess so did the council members.

"Well, you can have one if you want, Luna," Acimer called her Luna. She spoke against me, of course, he will favour her now. And Miss West smiled at him and he shot back one. Just thing I wanted, my mate and beta both against me.

"One last question, I know that I will be tested. It's given I presume. I just want to know which categories?" The lady scanned us as if challenging us to refute her claim.

"Aren't you smart? If you are this good maybe you will find out what the tests are." A series of emotions flash in her eyes at my statement—realization, determination and then mischief.

"If this is how it's supposed to be Alpha King then why not?"

This is about to get interesting.


Let me know how you feel about this one.

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