51 | I can't, I can't

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Umm, exams got postponed, so here I am. Please take this offer. I also recommended the song above. It might help the mood.


FELIX'S POV (23:12)

"Felix Felix Felix Felix Felix Felix Felix Felix Felix" I chant my name as the arrows fly towards the people who are chasing me inside the labyrinth. At least this cursed place is being put to some good use.

I needed time, goddess I needed time. Rei was captured inside that bloody mirror and my head was bleeding. I had ducked when I felt someone behind me but seeing Rei getting sucked in shocked me and whoever was the person was able to hit the side of my head.

So I gathered my strength and ran inside the labyrinth shouting my name like a psycho to trigger as many as traps as I can. I have been trying to gain distance from them. The snowfall has gotten heavier and it's getting hard to navigate but knowing the labyrinth layout was working in my favour. I just needed enough distance to recover and plan.

For a second there I considered pulling the Demon Sword again but what if it triggered again? It would help me with numbers because currently 1 against 15-20 people. All of whom are armed. I don't think I can last without a weapon. Scratch that me lasting against them with a weapon is low. My body is protesting like hell. And so is my brain. So I cannot take that risk.

I could have escaped if it was me alone but escape isn't an option. I am not leaving Rei behind. Especially when I know what they plan to do.

Yes, I knew at least a good chunk of their plan. But this, this was unexpected. Still, I ran in the direction of the sword. It had the most violent aura here and I am hoping for one of them to pull it out stupidly. I know a way to bypass them fighting the red things but what will I do with the mirror?

My legs were screaming in pain. Exhausted from running and freezing in the snow, I could feel at least 3 people running really fast in my direction.


I was faking to have lost my cool. Shouting like crazy. Deliberately slowing down my speed to seem injured.

"She is here gather this way." I could hear one of them shout from behind me. Ah Idiot 1 bought the trap.

I had a couple of minutes to unarm them till the rest of them arrived, so I sped up to bring us closer to the sword's area. Just a turn away from the sword I saw them falter due to the sheer impact of its aura.

I took this opportunity to throw my water bottle at the one farthest from me, punched the closest to me in his face and swapped the gun from his belt. I switched off the safety of the gun and shot him in the chest. The second guy was smarter he used the first concussed one as a cover when I shot at him.

Good for me though, I wasn't planning on wasting any of these bullets. So I took cover behind a wall. I knew there was a significant distance between me and the cover he took but tried my best to shoot him. He was still trying to figure out where I was which meant I had one chance to make sure he was dead. I used the now significantly lower height of the wall to pull myself up. Thank goddess for the heavy snow as it muffled my attempt to jump. Once in a balanced situation I secured my foot at one of the ledges and let go of one arm holding me up. The guy had fired twice but missed both by a long shot. I used my free hand to aim at his head and shot him right between his eyes.

I am not taking any risks right now. I will deal with the guilt in therapy.

I frisked the second guy and first guy for any supplies they had. I could only take the second guy's gun and one small case of ammunition before I could hear more hurried people running towards me.

They definitely send some low-ranking shitheads for me. Good for me though.

I ran once again and deliberately left the other two guns to lead them right in front of the sword. I then used this opportunity to run towards the back of the sword so I could slip past the narrow path there and sneak to Rei and get him out.

So I stopped for a moment, waiting for them to arrive and confirm that I was in fact in this area and then I would leave it up to their stupidity to actually pull the sword if not then the tucked away area would give me a chance to run again.

But how do I get Rei out? I have never seen a mirror like that. The only clue I have is the moons drawn on it. What could it be? What could it be?

Never mind, I will think when I see it again. The bulk of those people chasing me have arrived and it is time to hide my presence and make a run for it. So I did exactly that.

It was a minute later that I could hear the sounds of multiple figures running rampant. Thank goodness I can rely on stupid people to be stupid.

Those people will be busy defending and I would get enough time to rescue Rei and move forward with my plan since they have made the first move. I didn't want to do that but they haven't left me much of a choice.

My plan might have had a blip but I can still do this, I can get him out of here. I dashed to the moon mirror and this time tried to look at it closely. It's a bummer that my flashlight was with Rei but I tried my best to scan and feel every bit of the mirror in the moonlight. It had different phases of the moon engraved on the frame of the mirror.

I tried to rub one of the moons but it instead fell into the snow. Wait what? I tried to swipe the other one and it too fell. Maybe it is a puzzle.

Oh Goddess of course it is a puzzle. It was built by the dwarves too and it makes sense. It is gonna have a solution.

Okay, Felix calm down, Let's start simple. So I swiped down all the moons and arranged them around the mirror from full moon to new moon. When nothing happened I switched the order. But nothing. Not a single squeak from the mirror.

Think Felix Think.

Arranged them according to their numbers. Nothing. Arranged them alphabetically. Nothing.

Maybe not all of them are needed to open. So I took them off all, maybe there is a pattern to them. A pattern inspired by mythology or a pattern inspired by logic? What would have dwarves chosen?

I didn't know many mythologies of dwarves so I am out of luck there. So my only solution is logic. But what logic? What logic? What-

Wait. Oh Moon Goddess, don't tell me it is the labyrinth itself. If this is true then I am an idiot.

I whipped out my map and sure enough, when we connected all their positions it formed a circle. So I placed all the moons around in a circle on the map. Aligned them so that the moon mirrors position on the map and the full moon is perpendicular to the Moon Goddess Temple. And sure enough, all the objects had a moon adjacent to them.

I picked up the necessary pieces and arranged them accordingly in the frame. I waited for a second to notice that it had gotten quiet. Like eerily quit.

I saw the mirror glowing but I couldn't even celebrate because I noticed that I have been surrounded by those shitheads again. They were significantly less in number. And they haven't shot me yet. So either they were ordered not to kill me or they lost all their ammo fighting the red things.

So I stood up crushing the rest of the moon pieces under my feet.

Goddess must really love me. They didn't have guns on them. Red things for the win. I stand a chance now. Getting one more look at the still glowing mirror. I called them out.

"What are you gonna do? Take me and him?" I mocked and just like low-grade villain's pawns one of them pounced on me.

I caught the arm flying towards me and used his weight to pull towards me. I slip out the knife, I have been hiding in my back and stab his neck, chest and stomach.

Throwing down his body I stared down at the others, "The only way you are taking him is over my fucking dead body. So come on, let's speed this up."

So they did, and it might be stupid to fight surrounded by so many of them but I don't know how long my body can last and I need to finish this.

They weren't that stupid either. This time they charged me directly. I shot two of them directly in their head. I missed one of them. But she didn't miss me. She had her knife lodged in my shoulder before I could fire another shot. She kicked the gun out of my hand and raised her foot to kick me.

But if she had a knife, I had two now. So I returned her favour. I caught her leg and stabbed her thighs and once more in her chest for this lovely wound she gave me.

One of them used this opportunity to lung for the gun and another came from behind me to choke me.

I bit back a scream and pulled out the knife in my shoulder and instead stabbed it behind me. Hoping to land enough pain so he loosens his hold on my neck. And he did. So I stabbed him again for good measure.

The one who picked up my gun was disappointed to find no more ammunition in it so I whipped out another gun that I had stolen from the three guys earlier, and put him to sleep like the rest of them.

Finally, it was all over. I took out my phone to call Minister Conti. But before the ring could go through two shots were fired one at my phone and another at my back. I lost all control of my body and fell face-first into the snow.

Fuck I forgot there were 8 of them, not 7.

I lay there unable to move much. I saved all my energy and lay there still. The footsteps of the last remaining coming towards were slow. I could hear him calling someone to inform them of this situation and asking how long it would take them to prepare for the next step.

A foot kicked my back where I had been shot, "Come on darling, move. I know this ain't enough to defeat the legendary Luna Felix. Or was I wrong? This was all you got. Huh?" He kicked me a couple of times but I stayed still.

I waited for him to move away. And as soon as he was a significant distance away from me. I willed the last of my strength to crawl towards the gun that had been discarded. Slowly I took out the bullets I had stolen.

As if helping me the labyrinth gate started to close up, so he ran up to get out the still glowing moon mirror. I used the noise to reload the gun and forced myself to sit upright. As soon as he put the moon mirror down, I called him, "Yaa, look here.".

He turned around shocked and I shot him square in his face, "because, I fight fair." I mumbled in silence.

I need to be awake for what is about to happen. But my body had given up on me. I failed to keep myself upright and fell flat in the snow. I willed my eyes to stay open even if it was a losing battle.

This can't be happening right now.

I can't die.

Not yet.

Not here.

I can't d-


Did you all notice? Comment if you did.

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