58 | I am Sorry

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The answer is Yes. If I don't even try till my last breath, I might never forgive myself.

"I know what to sacrifice. We are doing everything in our power, please. I know I am asking a lot from you all." I look at my best friend, an almost stranger and a stranger, "Not only me but the entire Vadeus Family be in debt to you. Whether we are successful or ........... Not."

I felt Acimer place a comforting hand on my shoulder and then run to the temple to collect everything Tristan had asked for.

"Your Majesty, the curse was along the lines that she would need to die to save someone she loved. So don't blame yourself a lot here. She knew what was coming, she made the best of the worst situation brought by fate."

Tristan tried to explain.

I had a hunch that it might be an extremely hideous curse for my queen to hide it from me, so I shouldn't have been surprised. But I was. Regardless I tried to swallow my emotions and concentrate on the present.

"Tristain," I called him to look at me from where he worked, "Tell me honestly. What is the most realistic outcome here?"

I saw him gulp and even the dwarf leader who was bent over squinting under the moonlight to draw on the magic circle, froze.

"Your Majesty, it depends on the value of the sacrifice. And for a matter of fact, on the mercy of the Moon Goddess. But if, and that is a big leap of assumption, but if she survives, Felix's future won't be easy. This chain is extremely powerful. And its effect has been increased as the dwarves were forced to make this and all their negative emotions during the making process had added to the devilish nature of the object. Most probably Felix might lose all her powers and knowing her, this might be worse than death. Both of your lives will be twisted moving forward. So I am asking again do-"

"Yes." I answer, "No matter the circumstances, I am selfish enough to say that I would rather her live with me and hate me than for me to exist without her."

"I understand." Tristan nodded and got back to work.

I took off my jacket and wrapped it around Felix's body. She was barely breathing. It was gut-wrenching to hold her in my arms and not be able to do anything. To see her die. To know that if anything went wrong this might be her last few moments with me.

So I sat there clutching her to my chest, ignoring the occasional burn as the necklace hit my body.

I sat there as the other made preparations. I sat there as I felt the temperature rise and knew that sunrise was close.

Just 24 hours ago, Felix and I were discussing the plan to tackle this rite in our bedroom. But it felt like ages ago. That dawn and this dawn were worlds apart.

When Tristain asked me to step into the magic circle, I lifted Felix and sat in the middle with her in my lap.

"Your Majesty, I will start with the spell to siphon her life force into these holy objects," he held the collection of holy objects in his hands, "The dwarf leader will begin calling the Moon Goddess, after that it is up to you to offer whatever sacrifice you have decided and pray her to grant us this mercy. Are you ready?"

I took a deep breath and nodded, ready to beg for her life. 

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