9 | Special POV Part 1.

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Hello, Lovely people, I am back with another double update. I have decided to switch pov to add some flavour to the book.


Luna Queen Felix Susan West POV:

The past week for me has been a roller-coaster. Never in my lifetime have I imagined myself to be a queen. Being the daughter of one of the strongest Alpha's, I knew I will actually be mated to an Alpha. But the Alpha King himself. That was a shock.

I haven't panicked yet. Honestly panic is not my thing. But the downside is that if I haven't panicked, I am sure as hell going to snap. I am kinda waiting for that to happen.

Apart from all that I am trying to do my best, it's not that bad. And even though the king is a bit distant, he hasn't disrespected me even once, which has made dealing with the changes much more bearable. And Huxx is here too. Feels like I would have a sleepover with my best friend.

The broad back of the king was visible to me as soon as I exited the shower. His brown hair messed up on the pillow as he lay there pretending to sleep. It honestly looked so comical stretched stalk still on the bed. Muffling my giggles, I made the mental note that the king is a terrible actor.

Easing myself to the other end of the monstrous bed, I tried to will myself to sleep. I would have been successful in my attempt if the approaching footsteps didn't catch the attention of my hyperaware senses.

After a few sniffs, I could concentrate on the scent of the person rapidly approaching. It was a pleasant jasmine smell, which, if I am not being stereotypical, belongs to a female. It was hard to pick up any other undertone since the strong scent of cinnamon and wood engulfed the chambers of my king.

I waited for the knock and then slide out of the bed to open the door. Glancing once at the king, I opened the door to a sweet lady who had earlier followed around the Quee- I mean Mom around.

"Ummm... Luna West this was sent to you by Luna Vaddeus. She said it would help you and your highness to fall asleep." Did mum send her?

Thanking her and wishing her a quick goodnight I took the tray from her, turning around to see the king shuffling towards me, grabbing the mug and gulping its content in one go.

I would have commented on the King's antics if I haven't been so preoccupied with the tea in my hand. It smelled, for the lack of a better word, really weird.

It smelled like tea that much I could say. But beyond that, I just couldn't explain specifically what was wrong with that. My gut was telling me not to drink it. It was urging me to act on my impulse to throw it in the basin and just say it was fine if someone asks.

Deciding not to lie to Mamma Vadeus I settled on the thought that I would enquire her about the weird feeling tomorrow and apologies for being so sceptic. I placed the teacup on the nightstand but not before taking a few sips from it. Just to satisfy my curiosity.

Nope, still weird.

Glancing at the King once again, I didn't imagine I would ever see him in anything other than his trademark dress shirts and pants. But here he is lying beside me in sweatpants and a v-neck, actually asleep. Watching him relax made me relaxed in some strange twisted way. It made me succumb to my fatigue and welcome sleep rather quickly.

My slumber was disturbed a few hours later by a series of small noises. I could see a dark figure trying to enter the room from the windows on the far left. And against my better judgment, I didn't pounce from the bed. I peered over my blanket but for some reason, I couldn't see very clearly in the dark. Which was an alarm in itself. But even in the blurred haze, I knew what has woken me up.

An intruder, what more can I ask for my first night at the castle?

A few moments passed and it was a moment of sheer will that I kept my breathing normal. But how come the king doesn't realize anything? His senses are way stronger than mine. I tried to shake him as discreetly as I can, he didn't even move an inch. I tried moving closer to him, but still no response. He was still out cold. Why is he not waking up?

Oh, My Moon Goddess what do I do? The guards are at the end of the corridor, they have no chance of arriving here in time even if I raise the alarm. I don't know who is here. How many are they? What weapon do they have?

In one last-ditch effort, I wiggled closer to the king, he seems to be gaining consciousness. Now how do I alert him without raising the suspicion of the figure who was gaining access to this room? I remember Huxx once mentioning that the King is a fan of puzzles, codes and stuff like that. He must know the Morse code, right?

I have never passed a message using Morse code before but I know it pretty well. Taking a deep breath and getting rid of my anxiety I tapped and swiped INTRUDER on his arm. After a couple of times, I felt the dark figure moving closer to the bed.


Leave the king, I need to do something quickly. I rolled towards my side of the bed and I collected my blanket ready to throw it at the intruder. I knew there was only one person there and the plan was to distract them long enough for the guards to arrive.

I reached down the side of my nightstand and smashed that emergency alarm. After that, everything went downhill.

All the lights in the room come alive, I spotted the dark figure a good 7-8 m away from me. Thanking all my trips to carnivals, I threw the teacup right at its head. The figure reeled back at the wall. I moved forward and threw a vase at them before they tried to recover.

The intruder, a male I presume was now curled up on the floor. I took the opportunity and flung the blanket over him. And picked up two more heavy ornaments from the centre table to throw on him, when the king pulled my hand back.

Finally, he is awake. I can hear the quick steps of guards coming in our direction. Looks like we are safe now, the guy tried to stand up again so I raised the glass ornaments to throw at him again. When the King stopped me and took them away from my hands.

"What the hell?"

"He won't do anything now. Guards, you can go now. This was just a drill." The King said opening the door to inform the guards.

"How do you know that?" I am sure my face showed the confusion I felt.

"Beta Tumberbald do you want to tell us why you were here and why were we drugged?"

I gasped and looked at the dark figure remove the mask from his head. Beta Acimer smiled sheepishly at both me and the King.

"Ummm...I would say, Challenge excelled."


Umm... Don't hate on Beta Acimer. If you wish to find out what happens next check out the next part of the double update.

Also, how do you all feel about the new cover?

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