Homecomming Week

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So, the Homecoming game is Friday and we do dress up days. I thought I'd tell you guys what I'm going as and, if you want, I'll put in some pictures.

Monday-Pun Day
I'm going as Pumpkin Pi. I have this sequined Jack-O-Lantern shirt and I made an orange pi symbol out of poster board and taped it to a headband.

My friend David didn't know what he wanted to be, so I made him a Pig in a Blanket costume. I also made my sister's Dr. Pepper costume.

(A.K.A. I made David ears and a nose and my sister a hospital ID badge.)

Tuesday-Tourist Day.
This shirt I got from Disney world, like, five years ago still fits me so I'm going as a Disney World tourist. I also have a purple fanny pack and Minnie Mouse ears.

Wednesday-Multiplicity Day
My friend group wanted to go as emos for some reason, but I convinced Dawson to be the Sanders Sides with me and we got David and Abby to do it too. Dawson's going to be Virgil, Abby's going to be Roman, David's going to be Logan, and I'm going to be Patton. The characters actually fit us pretty perfectly.

Thursday-Decades Day
I tried to put something together with the clothes I already had, but I eventually gave up and ordered a 50s dress my mom said girls my age wore and I had this little red scarf from when I was a flight attendant for Halloween one year.

Friday-Class Colors Day
The Freshman color is gray and we were given gray shirts at Freshman orientation so I'm going with that.

Once again, let me know if you want me to take a picture of my costumes and I'll put them in.

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