Kind of a Valentine's Day Story. . .

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Today I found out that a bunch of people in my class thought me and Dylan were dating at one point. No, just. . . no.

Okay, so, during Jr. Beta convention, only the academic competitions require you to show up for something, and there were only about six or seven people doing academic competitions and everyone else was there for arts and crafts. 

So, mine and Dylan's competitions were pretty close to each other, so it was us and four arts and crafts people in this one area. My competition took longer than Dylan's and apparently, while they were waiting on me, Addie asked Dylan if he had a girlfriend, and he said he used to, but they broke up. (This was Jessie, I'm pretty sure I've mentioned her before, though I may have called her Jessica.)

Then Addie asked if it was me, and apparently Dylan just burst out laughing. Actually, I did too when he told me later that day. The idea is just ridiculous. 

Anyways, back to the present, we were talking about something in RTI and I, for some reason, said, "Remember that time Addie thought we were dating?"

Then Kaleb was like, "I thought you were dating, at one point." (In case I haven't mentioned it, Kaleb is Dylan's twin brother)

So, I asked around, and it turns out a lot of our friends thought we were dating, at one point, too, and those who didn't ever think that said they could see it. 

Kaleb said, and I quote, "Plus, you two would make a cute couple."

Just, no. 

Why is it, that whenever two people of the opposite gender are friends, a bunch of people think they're dating? Seriously, that's happened to me four times now. And the first time was when I talked to someone I had barley ever spent time with before on a field trip because we stopped at a park and we were both bored. 

And it's not even when it's opposite genders, I know at least three people who ship Dakota and Gabriel. I can kind of see it, actually. . .

Anyways, sorry if this chapter made me sound really self-absorbed, I just couldn't come up with a better Valentine's Day chapter for you guys. Gotta treat the Nargle Family, right!

By, Nargles, see you later!

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