Stupid People

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Let's talk about that.

Okay, I need to rant. Even though I have math homework, a science fair project, and a birthday party in an hour. Don't worry about it.

So, today in Home Ec., we were doing this "test" on MyPyramid, obesity, and stuff like that. We were allowed to use our books and work with a partner. We could work in a group of three if there was an odd number, but our teacher wanted us to keep it twos, because there was an even number.

I was partners with my friend, we'll call her Andi for the purposes of this rant, who sits directly behind me and we didn't want to turn our desks around, so I would turn around or she would tap me on the shoulder when we needed to compare answers.

So, Andi reaches forward and grabs my paper to look at something and I fake whined at her because we have a weird relationship. Then, this girl who was sitting two rows over, but was a partner with someone sitting next to Andi says really loudly in a really annoying tone of voice, "Cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater."

First of all, are you five years old? Second, it's not cheating, we were partners. Third, it's really none of your business. This girl, I'm gonna call her Jessica, was literally looking up the answers in the book and thn telling her partner, "Number 4 is C." Not even asking what she thought or considering that she could be wrong.

So I whisper to Andi, "And you're not cheating?" Basically, I meant if Andi was cheating, then her partner certainly was.

Then, Jessica, in that really loud voice, just goes, "What'd you say? Are you getting an attitude with me?"

We have exactly the same birthday. Exact same month, day, and year. She had literally no reason to talk to me like she was my mother. And she was the one who butted into our personal business in the first place. I just ignored her and talked a few questions over with Andi.

Then, not even five minutes later, I heard her asking other groups what the answers were. Remember that the teacher said we could have one partner. And she called Andi a cheater. I'm also pretty sure she was bad-mouthing me to her partner the entire rest of the time they were working.

Then, when there was maybe ten minutes left class, our teacher ate a piece of butterscotch or something. So Jessica stands up and yells, "We're over here reading about healthy eating and the things that are making me fat and you're just eating a bunch of candy!"

Then the teacher says calmly, "I think one piece of candy will be alright."

"It's gonna make all your teeth fall out!" Jessica yells as the teacher leaves the room to do something.

I turn and whisper to Andi, "I mean, if you brush your teeth it'll be fine."

And Jessica turns around and just starts yelling at me. I don't even remember what she said. I think she told me her address and said to come after school and we'll fight. Sorry, sweetie, I have a prior engagement with a bowl of ice cream and a computer.

THEN she says, "You know, I'm gonna go get Chinese food later and I'll be thinking of you!" Because I'm Chinese and she thinks she's being hurtful.

Up until this point, I had been ignoring her, but I was so done at this point. So I said, "If you're getting Chinese, try the Oriental Buffet (a chinese restaurant in town), it's really good."

"I know Chinese food is good," I think she misunderstood me because I talk really fast. I'm doing voice therapy, it'll be fine.

"No, try the Oriental Buffet, it has really good food."

"I want Chinese food, not Oriental food."

And I took a moment to process that she was serious when she said that, "Um, they're pretty much the same thing."

"No, they're completely different."

"Chinese food is a type of Oriental food. Oriental basically just means Asian."

"You're stupid. I have a cousin who's Chinese and he would slap you if he heard you say that."

I took a minute to consider how the world came to this, "You know, this argument really isn't worth it."

And I turned around and went back to what I was doing. Jessica said something and everyone laughed, so I assume it was an Asian joke.

When I was finished, I got out my chromebook to play Lioden and, even though I knew what it meant, I google searched, "oriental meaning" and this is exactly what it said:

of, from, or characteristic of East Asia.

I showed Andi and we both agreed that it's really not worth correcting her because she'd just say something even more stupid and neither of us wanted to deal with that.

And, while I was turned around, I saw Jessica running around to everyone in the room talking about "she tried to tell me that Oriental and Chinese are the same thing. The dummy" Except with a different word.

Then the bell rang and Jessica left. Andi was about to leave, but she turned around and said something that implied Jessica wasn't very smart and her partner said in a tone that suggested an attitude, "She's actually really smart."

Then Andi got fed up with it, too and said, "She just looked it up, they mean the same thing!"

Then the girl kind of sputtered a little and said, "Well. . . you need to clip your fingernails!"

She said that because Andi doesn't clip her nails, she just lets them grow out really long and break off, but that had nothing to do with what was happening. I was just like, "That was a really good comeback." But I said it in my head, so it was fine.

That was good, I'm not as upset. Still gonna post this.

Also, if "Jessica" is somehow reading this, don't come into class tomorrow and get all mad at me. I didn't use your name, I have said nothing to suggest who I'm talking about, and you were complaining about me to other people and used much more colorful language than me. You have no right to get mad.

I'm sure I'm going to think about other things later on and add to them later, so stay tuned for that.

Love you Nargle Fam,

Talk to you later.

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