Taste My Colors

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Have you guys ever made up a game with your friends? I have several times.

Basically, every normal game my friends and I play ends up being played incorrectly because we just combine all the rules we usually play by and we just found out that we've been playing Apples to Apples wrong.

I've already written about our blind tickle fights, had a few more since then, though.

A couple of my friends who went to elementary school together made up this game we call "Helicopter". Basically, you take a tetherball or something similar, like a jump rope, and one person holds on to the end without the ball and spins around in a circle, with it close to the ground. Then, everyone else stands in a circle around the person in the middle and jumps over the rope when it comes around to them. It's kind of like jump rope combined with Wipeout. It also really hurts when you miss and you're using those cheap plastic jump ropes at school.

Today, Morgan, Danny, and I came up with a new game we call "Taste My Colors." It's sort of like Mind Meld, in the sense that you and another person are trying to think of the same thing. One person thinks of a color, two colors, or a theme of colors (like fall colors). Then, they sort of flick their hands at the others, the way you do when you flick water on someone. The other person/people have to "taste" the colors that person is sending them and figure out what color they were thinking of. For the theme of colors, someone thinks of their theme and the other players start out by "tasting" the colors within that theme. Danny did fall colors one round, so that included red, orange, yellow, brown, dark purple, etc.. Then, using the colors they "tasted", they try and figure out the theme. They can also try to taste the theme. One round, Morgan did Five Nights at Freddie's characters and the struggle was real for that round.

At breakfast, we do water bottle flips with everything but water bottles. This includes empty milk and juice cartons, full milk and juice cartons, styrofoam cups, these plastic containers that yogurt parfaits come in, and whatever else someone has at the table. We also play that game where you take something and throw it up in the air and hit it a bunch of times to keep it in the air for as long as possible with random breakfast things. I also found that this is the best way to get someone else to take your trash to the garbage for you. It works especially well if you have one of those people in your friend group.

I've also played mind meld with a couple friends before and, let me tell you, it was interesting. We had three people, so we had two people go at once with the other person doing the countdown, alternating each round. Now, Sarkshine and Abby_the_Nerd had pretty average-length games, but Abby_the_Nerd and I struggled so much. We would usually get really close and then we would go in completely different directions. Sarkshine and I did really well, though. We always got the same word in the second round. Once, I said "Cats" and Sarkshine said "Soul" and we both said "StarClan".

Things got real when we started doing three-player Mind Meld, though. We would always get really close and then two people would say the same thing and the third person would go the complete opposite direction. One round, the unspoken round, we started out with "boots", "building", and "winter". I said "ice skating rink", Sarkshine said "Santa Clause", and Abby_the_Nerd said "the Holocaust". We were going to have a nice, happy, Christmassy round, and instead, it was ten minutes of Hitler, Stalin, and Russia. I tried to steer it away from the Holocaust a few times, but it just made it worse.

I'm sure I'll think of some more games that we've made up over the years, but, until then, let me know what kind of games you and your friends made up so we can play them and make them weird.

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