Why am I Like This?

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Hi, so I've been on a bit of a hiatus from Wattpad because I've been experimenting with original stories and I know if I post about them, I'll lose all motivation, so that's all I'm gonna say about that.

I just came on to tell y'all about a really stupid idea I had for a Maze Runner fanfic and I almost wish someone else would write it.

So, standard set up-the boys get out of the maze and meet their real families. Newt, to everyone's surprise, actually lives in America. He gets in contact with his family and we don't learn anything about them until we meet them. Not even Newt's real name. For some reason he seems a bit embarrassed by it.

So, his family shows up, and it's the Flynn-Fletcher family from Phineas and Ferb.

And hilarity ensues. It immediately switches from a really sad but cute reunion story to a comedy as Newt has to fit back in being Ferb Fletcher.

Why do I do these things?

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