~The Final Battle~

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*on a rainy night*

*Luna was walking around when suddenly she sees trollzart speaking with another classical troll*

Trollzart (Whispering) Now normally luna would be so warm and nice but lately she's become distant and difficult! It was that luca character she's been hanging around with which is why tonight i will start a hunt for him and when we find him, we rope him down...and finish him!

*luna gasps*

classical troll: *chuckles evilly* That sea monster won't know what hit him

Luna (thinking): Oh no this is bad, i gotta get to luca before trollzart does!

*luna dashes to her room*

*In luna's room*

Luna: Luca! Luca!

Luca: Luna? whoa whoa what's wrong?

Luna: Trollzart, he's starting a hunt on you! they're gonna kill you!

Luca: What?!

Luna: Yeah but there's no time, come on i've gotta get you out of here before—

*trollzart enters her room and sees luca*

Trollzart: Luna!...What?!

Luna: Trollzart wait! this isn't-

Trollzart: *grabs luna and throws her aside* Get back luna!

Luna: Luca! RUN!

*Trollzart tried to throw a harpoon at him but then when luca turned to run his tail accidentally knocked trollzart into a wall rendering him unconscious*

Luca: *gasps*

Luna: Luca?

*luca looks at luna shamefully before running away*



Classical troll #1: Just wait until we kill it huh?

Classical troll #2: Oh it'll be so rare

*Then luca turned and saw the hunting party*

Classical troll #3: There he is!

*Luca yelps as his eyes widen*

*meanwhile with luna and trollzart*

*Trollzart got up weakly*

Luna: Cousin!

Trollzart: He- he's getting away

Luna: Cousin you need to listen to me! he's not dangerous


*Luca was being chased by the mob into the forest*

*back with trollzart and luna*

Trollzart: Cousin enough with the nonsense why are you letting him get away?!

Luna: Cousin, i ran away from symphonyville and i was attacked by growlbeasts and he found me at the border of symphonyville and he saved me, he's not dangerous!

Trollzart: Dangerous or not, he changed you and i have to teach him a lesson for tainting you!

*trollzart walks out of luna's room while also locking her door from the outside*

Luna: No cousin! please! you can't do this! HE'S NOT DANGEROUS!!

*trollzart ignores her and flies out to follow the mob*

*luna tries to break down the door but it was impossible to do so then she rushed to the window and broke it and saw luca running away from the classical trolls*

Luna: LUCA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Luna (voice breaking): No...no, Luca

*then luna slumps onto the floor sobbing until she hears a voice in her head*

??? (in luna's head): Luna come on, you can't give up, i know that you're upset but right now you need to be brave for him and SAVE HIM

*luna looks up sadly and hesitated for a minute before her eyes narrowed in determination and then used her magic to break open the window and run to luca*


*Luca continued to run until suddenly he tripped and fell, when he looked up he saw he was at a place where there were giant standing stones, he could hear the classical trolls voices growing closer and closer and started to run again but was cornered by some of the classical trolls who were holding harpoons making him back up against a rock*

Trollzart: Tie him down!

*then the classical trolls threw ropes at luca and the ropes wrapped around luca's arms and legs and when the classical trolls pulled on them, luca crashed onto the ground with a thud*


Luna: Hang on Luca! i'm coming for you!!

*But in the background a growl was heard*


*trollzart got out an axe, walked over to luca with it and raised it above his head with luca giving him the puppy dog eyes begging him not to kill him*

Trollzart: Long...live THE BEAST!

*but just before the axe could come down a kill luca something knocked it away from him, It was luna!*

Luna: GET BACK! don't you dare hurt him!

*luna said while standing in front of luca*

Trollzart: Luna? are you crazy?!

Luna: Luca, are you hurt?

Luca: N- no

*Suddenly trollzart pushes luna aside and raise the axe again but this time luna blocks the attack with her magic with a fierce growl leaving her throat*

*then trollzart tries to attack again but luna blocks it and then knocks him down*

Luna: I won't let you kill my BOYFRIEND

*luna said fiercely as her pupils briefly turned slit*

Trollzart: Boyfriend?

*then suddenly a giant alpha growlbeast arrived, it was much bigger than the other growlbeasts and had purple magic-proof hair, giant dusty blue horns and sharp fangs and claws*

Luna: *eyes shrink* Oh no...!

Trollzart: Kill it!

*the classical trolls charge towards it but end up getting swatted away*

*meanwhile luna rushed to luca to try and get him out of the ropes*

Luna: Don't worry luca i'll get you out of there *tries to pull the ropes off of him*

*then the alpha growlbeast spotted her and charged towards her*

Luca: Luna! behind you!

*luna turns around and is then swatted away from luca and pinned down by the alpha growlbeast who prepares to scratch her*

Trollzart: NO!!

*suddenly before the growlbeast could scratch her, a tail knocked the alpha growlbeast away and into a giant rock*

*luna looked up and saw luca standing in front of luna menacingly, crouched with claws ready to attack, glaring at the growlbeast*

Luna: Luca?!


*Luna runs away quickly*

*The alpha growlbeast growls angrily*

Luca: Oh-ho-ho you want a piece of me?! BRING IT ON TOUGH GUY!!!

*then spiky deep red protrusions came out of the growlbeast's skin as it's pupils became slit while growling at luca, but he doesn't flinch but only grits his sharp teeth with his ear-fins narrowing, knowing well what he's in for even though he's a lot more smaller then the growlbeast*

*then the alpha growlbeast roared loudly but still luca didn't flinch instead he lunged himself at the growlbeast and sank his fangs into its skin while the growlbeast fought back, trying to pry him off*

*suddenly the alpha growlbeast bumped against a giant standing rock and it came falling down towards the classical trolls but luna was quick to stop it from falling by getting under it and holding it up so the others could escape except for a baby classical troll*

*suddenly the alpha growlbeast let out a growl that sounded like 'ENOUGH!' and grabbed luca with its teeth by his leg and threw him aside and put one its paws on the rock to make it heavier*

Luna: ACK! GO!

*the baby classical troll escapes and joins the group of classical trolls*

*the alpha growlbeast noticed she wasn't being crushed and so pushed its paw down harder but luna was using all her strength to keep it from crushing her*

Trollzart: Come on cousin!

*Luna continued to hold it up*

*luca watches luna's heroic act in awe but suddenly the alpha growlbeast stands on top of the rock and stomps on it*

Luca: NO!

*suddenly luna couldn't keep it from falling as she was getting more and more exhausted from holding it up*

Luna (Straining): Uh oh...

*then the rock crushes luna completely, much to the shock of the crowd*

Trollzart (Despaired): LUNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*suddenly luca's look of sadness was quickly replaced with rage, seeing that alpha growlbeast crush luna awakened something in him, despite him being badly injured he fought the pain and stood up and then...*

*Luca let out a loud, terrifying roar causing the alpha growlbeast to whimper in fear and run off*

*then luca rushed to the fallen stone and struggles to lift it to get luna out*

Trollzart:...O classical troll of the past...give me strength *rushes to the fallen stone and tries to help luca*

Luca: huh? *notices trollzart* Trollzart?

Trollzart: I'm not losing my cousin, not like this...don't just stand there! help him!

*the other classical trolls help luca lift the stone*

*when the stone was lifted luna's body was rolled out from underneath and luca grabbed her and he gasped at the state of her*

*Her body was covered in bruises, blood was dripping out of her mouth, her wings were broken and she practically looked lifeless*

Luca: No...LUNA!! *tears fall from his eyes*

*then luca heard something...a heartbeat! she was alive! but barely*

*then luca picked her up bridal style and rushed back to symphonyville*

Trollzart: W- Where's he going?

*Back in symphonyville*

*Luca arrived at a hospital*

Luca: Help! someone, anyone! please! it's luna!

*a group of doctors and nurses arrived and looked at luna*

Nurse: What happened to her?

Luca: She- she was crushed! by a giant rock! you have to help her PLEASE!

Nurse: We'll send her into a room as soon as possible

Luca: Okay but please! please be careful with her!

Doctor: Don't worry she's in good hands

*Luna was then placed a on stretcher and taken into another room*

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