~The tearful goodbye~

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*a few days passed and luna and luca have been living in solitude often hanging out with each other until one night, everything changed*

*at the lake luna and luca were talking together*

Luna: Oh luca *giggles* you're so adorable

Luna: oh i wanted to also give you this *takes the necklace off of her neck and gives it to luca*

Luca: Your necklace?

Luna: Of course if either of us ever got separated you can look at the necklace and it'll always remind you of me and when i look at the flower it'll always remind me of you

Luca: Always?

Luna: Always...

Luca: huh...i like that

Luca: Thanks

Luna: ah you know me

*then luca and luna nuzzle each other and they close their eyes*

Luca: Luna you know what we're gonna be doing now?

Luna: Oh i don't know luca we've never had a chance to find out but we are 'bout to find out Me-yow

*Suddenly a light shown down at luna and they gasp*

Luca: luna? what's happening?!

Luna: Oh no! they found us!

*Luna grabs luca's hand but before they can run away the classical trolls show up and surround them*

Classical troll #1: there she is!

Classical troll #2: where was she?!

Luna: We're trapped!

Trollzart: *gasps* luna?

*luna turns around and sees trollzart with a horrified expression*

Luna: Trollzart! this isn't what you think it is!

Trollzart: Isn't what we think?! to us it looks like you ran away with that...BEAST!

Luna: He is not a beast! he's a very sweet sea monster!

Classical troll #3: blasphemy!

Classical troll #4: He corrupted our princess!

Trollzart: i will have nothing of the sort now come we're going home *tries to grab luna's hand but luna slaps his hand away*

Luna: Never! i'm happier with luca and it'd rather be that way than being a stupid princess for a stupid tribe of dumb glittery cherubs!

*the classical trolls all gasp horrified* 

Luna:...You heard me!

Trollzart (horrified): who are you?...

Trollzart (horrified): that monster corrupted you

Luca: luna what do we do?

Luna: what i do best...i'll go home...

Luca: what?

Trollzart: well good she shouldn't spend her time around those who corrupt her

*luna hangs her head sadly*

Luca: luna...*sighs* look i just wish

Luna: i know...thank you for everything luca

Luca: ah it was only a journey

Luna: no...it was much more than that

*luca's eyes widen slightly with tears filling up*

Trollzart: Luna you come with us now!

Luna: trollzart- *sighs* i should go...

Luca: Luna...

Luna: i hope you find what you're looking for luca *walks away with trollzart*

Luca: Luna...luna! *tries to walk after her but the classical trolls show up and surround him*

Classical troll #5: away! away from her you beast!

*luca backs away and escapes into the water but not before glancing at luna noticing the tears in her eyes*

*at symphonyville in the middle of the night*


*luna headed to her room but trollzart noticed something about her, she was heartbroken he flew over to the table and looked back at his cousin before she went to her room closing the door and sobbing hysterically*

Trollzart: Oh cousin, i'm sorry...it's for the best...

*meanwhile with luca*

*luca sat on a rock in the water, he too was heartbroken*

*his knees were up to his chest and he wiped away a tear falling from his face and then looked down at her necklace and stroked it gently as the words echoed in his head*

Luna (in luca's head): if either of us ever got separated you can look at the necklace and it'll always remind you of me...always...

*then he looked up and saw a star shining a lot brighter than the others*

Luca:...Please...all i wish is to see luna again...just please...give me a sign...

*meanwhile with luna*

*she sobbed and cried but then sat up and looked at the lily flower luca gave her and she put it on her dresser*

Luna: Oh luca...why does the world want to keep us apart? don't every creatures deserve to share the heart that feels pain, love, joy, and sorrow? *sighs* If my true love is a sea monster, then so be it...i just wish i could see him again...

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