Chapter 3. The Inevitable

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"Carter?"  My grandmother asked suddenly  as she stepped out of the car. She folded her arms, glaring at me.

"I just need a second," I told her. She huffed, rolling her eyes and walking away, leaving the chauffer standing outside in the cold. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. I could only pray this perfume, voodoo crap would work.

I decided I couldn't leave that poor man to stand there with the door open for me, so I quickly stepped outside, my healed boot clacking on the  cement. I gulped, sliding out and looking at the too familiar mansion. We were on the very top of the hill, for Grandmother refused to have to park at the bottom and walk up here on her own free will. 

This hill was all too familiar. The steepness of it made me inhale as I remembered sprinting down the hill to get into the car with Nat. I came that close getting caught by Alpha Dalton Valerio. The thought sends a shiver down my spine. Suddenly I realize I'm actaully walking up to the lit up front porch. I gulped, walking up the small stairs after a couple of adults. I walked into the house, seeing things from a new perspective. 

I had seen some of it when it was all dark. Now it was lit up beautiful. The hallway in was filled with people from various smaller packs. I sighed, walking further down into the hall, hoping to find someone I knew. I came into the foyer, gulping as I stared at the stairs. Those stairs that he flung me off of. I wander if he hid the code somewhere? I walked past the fancy dressed wolves and came to the living room, keeping an eye out for this Alpha.

Suddenly there was a tap on my shoulder. Terrified, I jumped whilst turning around. Taylor sat there in a sleek red, showing off her cleavage. I sighed once more, glaring at her and her small group of friends. Their eyes glowed with a certain meanness that I didn't understand one could have. How could a group of girls be so conniving? I didn't understand it. 

"You failed, you know that right?" She asked, placing her hand on her sparkly red fitted dress.

"No shit," I replied flatly.

With a jerk, she leaned to my neck.

"What?" I snapped, stepping away. She began to smile as she backed away from me. I stared at her with annoyance.

"A scent marker?" She scoffed. "Those are expensive and we all know you're pack is nothing compared to ours, so how could someone like you possibly-"

"I just did," I snapped.

"Smart, I won't lie. But our Alpha is much smarter than you. He will find out who broke into his house last night." She said with a malicious grin. Her friends behind her began to break out into snickers.

"Oh and if I get caught you don't think I'll tell your precious little Alpha who wanted me to break in?" I tested. The snickering stopped and Taylor's daring eyes snapped to mine, narrowing.

"Who's he gonna believe Carter Blake? You, or me, his Beta's daughter?" She tested, but I knew she was really thinking about this. She just needed something to say to convince me, or rather herself. I smirked.

"I guess we'll see, won't we?" 

And with that, I turned away from the clan of bitches and walked to the kitchen where some adults sat talking with champagne in their hands. Huffing, I picked up a glass from the counter and downed it. It sizzled down my throat in a pleasurable mannor. I gulped it all too fast, resulting in a slight cough. The adults near me stared at me with dissaprovel in their eyes. Rolling my eyes, I grasped another glass.

"Hey, slow down," Someone suddenly said. I turned to see some random guy. I took a small whiff of his scent, realizing he was in Alpha Dalton's pack.

"Do I know you?" I asked tirelessly, hiccuping at the end. I covered my mouth. Great, I had a light buzz. Just what I needed. 

The guy had short black hair quiffed up, and stunning blue eyes. He was tall, broad and just sat there grinning like a fool.

"Actually I was wanting to talk to you," He said with a grin, and suddenly I choked harder on my drink.

"Uh," He merely said as I struggled to get myself together. What he knows? And he's going to question me? He's going to take me to see his Alpha!

"About what?" I whispered.

"Um, okay, well first, just follow me into the guest room." He said, holding out his hand. Skeptical, I picked up my drink, and took his hand. He started to lead us back under the foyer and into a hallway underneath it. He opened a wooden door that I didn't recognize and led me inside. I felt like I was going to puke! I just wanted him to come out and say whatever it was he needed to say. He shut the door behind him and I couldn't take it.

"I'm so sorry, I don't know what I was thinking-"


"Er, wait, why did you pull us into here to talk? I don't even know you," I questioned. 

"Okay, my name is Gavin. I just pulled you aside because I wanted to apologize about earlier today."

"Earlier . . . today?" 

Now I was confused because we obviously weren't on the same page. But a part of me was relieved. Clearly this  guy didn't know it was me who snuck into the Alpha's house last night. I shrunk my shoulders back, sitting down on the bed and calming down.

"That was me who attacked you in your wolf form. I was just out for a run and I knew you were the next in line for your pack to become Luna so I just assumed ..." He trailed off.

"That it was an attack?" I asked with wide eyes.

"Yeah, but you just ran right off so.." Again he trailed off, nervously scratching the back of his head. I let out a small laugh.

"It's fine, I didn't realize I stepped off my boundary. Our packs are really close and I just wasn't paying attention. But how'd you know it was me?" 

"Like you just said, our packs are close. I've seen wolves from your pack running around near the boarder and then they shift-"

"You've seen me shift!?" I screeched. That meant he saw me naked! That pervert!

"Guilty," He smirked and grinned, holding up his hands in defense. I scowled at him. "Pig." I growled

"Yeah yeah, at least I'm saying sorry about earlier ok?" He said with a cheeky smile. I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms and slumped back on the bed. 

"What's your name anyways?" 

"Carter Blake." I said, standing up and holding out my hand, trying to be proper like how Grandmother always wanted.

"Isn't that a guy's name?" He snickered.  I frowned at him, drooping my arm. 

"Better than the name Gavin, like what even is that?" I scoffed, scowling at him. He lolled his head back and laughed. 

"Wow, you really are something, Carter Blake."  He soon held his big hand out. Did this mean we were  friends or something?

"I know," I retorted, shaking his hand. 

He smiled. "We should get back to the party. My Alpha is going to make a speech soon."  And with that, my nerves kicked in.

"Say, do you know any more about it?" 

"Nah," He said while walking to the door, "He just knows it's someone from your pack. So if I were you, I'd wish that smoeone a nice 'good luck'." he said, holding the door open for me. I gulped, wanting to go home and snuggle into my covers. Or maybe I could move to Canada.

"Is he that bad?" I asked, following him into the hallway.

"Find out for yourself, there he is on the stairs."

And with that, I daringly turned around, craning my neck to see him at the top of the stairs, looking over the party. His eyes were in a strict constant scowl, cutting off his pale blue orbs. He had black hair that was somewhat long and messy. He didn't look like he played around.

"Hey, I'm just gonna be right back. Uh thanks again, Gavin," I said as I already began walking away. He stared at me and winked before turning his back to me and awaiting his Alpha to speak. Terrified, I pushed through the crowd and to the familiar living room that was now empty, and into the back yard. I closed the sliding glass door, letting the peircing cold air greet me. 

I didn't even realize I was hyperventillating by the time I slumped against the glass door. I needed to be alone. I couldn't do this. I was going to die. 

[Calm down] My wolf said with a growl. I took a deep breath.


Out. And repeat. 

I got up, and began to walk around the edge of the pool and into the little maze that I once recognized. For a bit I forgot all about the party and began to walk through the large hedge maze. It was dark out, but that was nothing a  little werewolf vision couldn't change. I walked around aimlessly, enjoying my time. I suddenly pulled out my cracked iphone, and began to play "Say it Ain't So", by Weezer. I bobbed my head up and down, making various turns when I needed to. I came to a stop when I realized I had gotten to the middle of the small maze. There was a little bench, with a clear view up of the bright stars.

Shrugging, I walked over to the bench, sat down, and stared up the moon and stars. Those two stars. There they were. I liked to think that those stars were my parents. I smiled up at them. I miss them more and more everyday, and wish I could talk to them.

My father's gentle chocolate eyes, and dark hair. He had a voice made of timber with the body to match. My dad loved me, and everyone. He was also a brave werewolf. My mother was soft and yet fiesty at the same time. Blonde hair, stunning blue eyes. A look not often consumed by werewolves. I wanted her lulling and soothing voice at a time like this, telling me that everything would be ok.

I turned off my music and began to sing the song on my own while getting up and walking to a small rose bush placed against a wall of shrub. I picked up a wilted purple rose and studied the thorns.  I began to pick and play with it, all while admiring the beauty of something so misunderstood. A flower with thorns, fire and ice, and contradiction. It was an alluring mixture.

"You," A deep voice rumbled. My adrennaline shot through my body, causing me to jump in fright, with my hairs on edge. That voice. It was so painfully famliar, like this backyard, and house. 

Within seconds, my hand was snatched, and the rose fell through my hand, lightly cutting my wrist. I turned to see a growling Dalton Valerio. I glanced at my wrist in horror. Though he was firmly grasping it, odd tingles were emitting from where his hand was. What was this? 


But he cut me off with a ferocious snarl.

"You broke into my house last night. It was you," He growled, pulling me closer to his chest and glaring me down. He squeezed my wrist, making me squirm in pain.

"I-I'm sorry I just, I wasn't-I had, there was a situation, I wanted to-I thought -I could, I wanted, I had to prove-" I couldn't get out anything coherent. I had never been more scared. 

"Just," He growled, loosening his grip on my arm. "Take a deep breath for a second," He growled harshly. I wretched my arm from, wandering if I should run. Then I realized this was the Dalton Valerio. Alpha.  I've already been caught, so running isn't a choice.

I closed my eyes and tried to breathe but in all honesty, I was ready to shit my pants.

"What's your name?" He demanded. I flinched back. "Carter Blake," I said.

"Carter," he tested the name on his tongue, something that made my wolf pace. 

[Something is strange] I told her but she didn't say anything back.

"Fuck," He suddenly growled darkly while staring me up and down like I was menu, and he was deciding what to order. It looked like he just had an opiphany. I didn't say anything, just stood there, playing with my fingers. His icy eyes stared at me once more.

"How old are you?" He asked.

"Er, 19. You?" I asked absent-mindedly. He snapped his head to mine. "What makes you think you can just ask me questions?" 

I held my breath.

"Maybe because God gave me a mouth, and I intend on using it?" I retorted.

"Great," he growled. He began to mutter things I couldn't understand.

"So uh, another question, are you going to have me killed for what I did?" I asked, needing an answer. I couldn't take any more waiting. I just needed to know.

Alpha Dalton straightened up, and turned his whole body towards me. 

"No. I can't do that, not now."  he muttered gently. 

"Why not?" I challenged.

"Do you ever shut that mouth of yours?" He growled. I shrank back. "Then what are you going to do with me?" I asked in fear. 

He hung his head, rubbing his temples and squeezing the bridge of his nose. 

I shut my mouth, praying I would stop saying stupid things. 

"I have to take you with me."

"With you? Wait, where? Howcome?" I began to unknowingly pour out my questions. Suddenly his huge hand slammed against my lips, covering them. He squatted down so he was level with my eyes. Instead of icy blue, they were now pitch black, matching the sky. I widened my eyes as tingles began to envelop my lips. I stared at him as his eyes locked with mine in ferocity.

"You're mine now, and you need to come with me. Listen closely Carter Blake. You're going to do as I say, when I say it. You'll stop asking questions, and you're going to come with me. If you do this, I will hold no punishment over your head for the fact you broke into my home, and tried to take the Code. Do you understand?" 

Woah woah, what? Now I was panicking! Was I going to be sold into sex trafficing!? Would I become his own personal sex slave? Was he going to torture me!? Surely there was a catch! Go with him where?! To Narnia land?!

I barely nodded, but I had a whole lot of questions.

He slowly lifted his hand off my lips, and I felt myself frown because there were no more tingles. 

"I'm still confused," I whispered, glancing down.

"I know," He replied flatly before walking away. He expected me to follow but I stayed still, glancing up at the stars. 

"Are you just going to stand there all night?" A growl snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked at Dalton as he stood there with a scowl.

"Is that an option? Because I'll gladly take it," I retorted.

"Or I could have you killed for treason," He replied. 

I narrowed my eyes at him and followed him through the maze, keeping my distance. What did this mean? What does all this mean? Is he going to kidnap me and chop my body up into pieces? Oh my God, my grandmother is literally going to kill me. 

"Wait," I said, as he reached for the sliding glass door. He paused, barely turning to look back at me. 

"What am I to you?" I questioned, feeling uneasy.

"Mine." He growled, opening the door.

"Your what?" I pushed. He paused, turning towards me. 



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