A Whole New World

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The bright light died down and Selene was able to make out her surroundings again. She and Elio were on the ground next to one another.

Selene looked around and they appeared to be in some sort of city. Skyscrapers pierced the horizon and buildings lined the streets.

All of it, however, was devoid of natural light. The eerie lack of light set Selene's nerves on edge. Artificial white lights reflected off of the black buildings but no light shone from the sky.

"Where are we?" Elio wondered.

Selene got to her feet. "I have no idea... are you alright?"

Elio nodded. "Fine. But I'm still trying to process everything that just happened. That Pokémon... it looked like it fused with Nebby."

Selene checked her bag to make sure all of her Pokémon were safe. "Let's look around and try and find someone who can help us. We need to go after Nebby and Necrozma."

Selene was about to zip her bag back up but Rotom flew out of it. "Woahhhh. This is like... way creepy dudes."

A set of footsteps echoed along the ground to their left and Selene turned to see a man and a young girl dressed in strange outfits running towards them.

The outfits were white bodysuits that seemed to cover most of their bodies. Their faces were pale blue and Selene couldn't tell if they were wearing masks or not.

The man had a purple mustache and goatee while the girl had a braid of orange hair draped over her shoulder.

The man approached them and moved his hands in a square motion. "Greetings! I am Phyco and this is my cohort, Zossie."

The young girl waved. "Heya strangers! Welcome to Ultra Megalopolis!" She swayed back and forth as she stood, seemingly bursting with energy.

"Ultra Megapolis? I've never heard of that before." Elio mused.

"We're from another world," Selene added.

Phyco twirled his mustache in his hand. "Interesting. You don't look like Fallers. How were you able to traverse the Ultra Space?"

Selene frowned. "Nebby, my Solgaleo, can open portals into Ultra Space."

Zossie's jaw dropped. "You have a Solgaleo? That's just like that girl who battled Necrozma!"

"Necrozma?" Selene's eyes widened. "You know it?"

Phyco nodded. "Necrozma is from our realm. It is also the reason we no longer have light in our sky."

"Does that mean you can help us get Nebby back?" Selene asked.

Phyco raised an eyebrow. "Whatever do you mean?"

Selene and Elio explained their encounter with Necrozma to the two strangers. Phyco seemed to grow distressed as the explanation went on.

Zossie tugged on his sleeve. "Mr. Phyco, what does this mean?"

"I-I am not sure," Phyco admitted.

Elio folded his arms. "Wait, what do you mean? Why is Necrozma attacking Nebby?"

Phyco pointed at a tower in the center of the city. "That tower contained Necrozma for a long time, but we feared it would escape soon.!We teamed up with some trainers in a realm similar to yours and a girl named Luna was able to defeat Necrozma in battle after it took control of her Solgaleo."

Selene gasped. "So then how did she get him back?"

"Necrozma released the Solgaleo upon being defeated and fled the realm," Phyco finished. "But the last thing I was told by Luna was that she had found Necrozma and captured it. So I don't know why it's attacking realms again. We must get to the bottom of it."

Zossie looked up at Phyco. "So what's the plan?"

Phyco looked off into the sky. "Call down Lunala. We're going to Luna's realm." Zossie nodded and ran off. "I'm deeply sorry about this. We'll do whatever we can to get back your Nebby."

Elio shook his head. "We're coming too. Nebby's saved us both and it's Selene's Pokémon."

"Yeah! Plus, I'm The Champion of my home realm! I can battle better than most." Selene added.

Rotom flew in between them. "They're right dude! Their battling is wicked!"

Phyco begrudgingly sighed. "Alright. As guilty as I feel taking your help, I fear Luna may be in trouble."

"If she's me from another universe, then I have to help!" Selene declared. They had been fortunate enough to end up in a realm with people who could help them. Now they just had to find Necrozma.

Zossie returned by flying down on the back of a Lunala. The Pokémon had two large wings that seemed to have an entire galaxy patterned on them.

Elio stared at it in awe. "Wow. You guys just have a Lunala?"

Phyco nodded and climbed onto its back. "Indeed. Lunala is our good friend and has aided us ever since our world was plunged into darkness. Now, climb aboard."

Elio jumped onto the back of the Legendary Pokémon and helped Selene up. Lunala started flapping its wings and climbing into the air.

A blue portal opened in front of them and Lunala flew into it. Selene grabbed onto her friend's torso so she wasn't flung from the back of the bat Pokémon as it plunged into Ultra Space.

Lunala swerved around hazardous energy balls and collected as many golden orbs as it could. It continued to speed up as it weaved between portals and flew through the never-ending blue world.

Finally, they flew into a portal and Lunala began to slow down. Selene looked down to see they were high above Alola. The sun was nowhere to be seen and they appeared to be over Ula'ula Island.

Phyco pointed at Mount Lanakila. "That is where The Champion resides. Lunala, bring us down there."

Lunala began descending toward the peak of the mountain and landed in front of the entrance to the Alola Pokémon League.

Phyco disembarked from Lunala and walked over to a man standing at the entrance of the league.

"How come it's night time?" Selene wondered aloud. "It was barely midday when we were attacked."

Zossie turned around. "Oh, well ya see time is different in different realms."

"Weird. Our realms both have the same time." Elio said.

Zossie tilted her head. "Realms? Whatcha mean?"

"We're from two different universes," Selene explained. "We met about three years ago when I was visiting the Ultra Deep Sea with my Nihilego and I fell into a portal."

The answer seemed to satisfy the young girl and Phyco returned to the group. "According to them, Luna said she wanted to go explore Ultra Space with her Necrozma. We should be able to track where they went if we can find where the portal was opened."

"Well," Selene started. "I usually open my portals on the Altar of the Sunne because Nebby has an easier time opening them there."

Phyco climbed back aboard Lunala. "Then let's go there." Lunala took off once again and began flying over the Alola Sea.

The height didn't scare Selene and only helped improve her mood by taking her mind off of Nebby.

The Legendary Pokémon was one of her closest friends and had saved and helped her more times than she could count.

The group began to see Poni Island in the distance and before long they were right on top of it. Lunala flew over the Vast Poni Canyon and the Altar of the Sunne came into view.

The structure had a massive staircase that led to an altar with ancient architecture. Selene had worked with her friend, Lillie, at this very place to evolve Nebby into a Solgaleo and save Lillie's mother.

Lunala gently descended once again and landed in the center of the Altar. Phyco slid off of Lunala and took out a device. "I should be able to track the portal once I can get a read on where it is."

The man walked off, holding the device up in the air. Selene decided to follow after him to ask him some questions.

Phyco fiddled with the device as Selene approached him. "Mr. Phyco, sir. Is there anything I could do to help?"

Phyco thought for a moment. "Actually, maybe there is. Your Rotom Dex likely has lots of information on Ultra Wormholes, could I see him?" Selene opened her bag and Rotom came flying out.

"Whatcha need dudes?" Rotom asked.

Phyco grabbed the Pokédex. "I just have to check something. Selene, you bare a strong resemblance to Luna. Both physically and in your drive to help others." Phyco told her as he fiddled with Rotom.

"Oh, really? T-thanks!" Selene felt herself become embarrassed by the compliment. "I hope she's alright. I'd like to meet her if she's like me."

"She's a very resilient girl. Facing down Ultra Necrozma is no small feat and winning is even more impressive. I have faith that she is fine." Phyco assured Selene. His machine began to beep. "I have located where the Wormhole took her! Now let's get going."

Selene smiled and ran back over to Lunala. Phyco climbed back on board and told the destination to Lunala. It opened up another portal and flew into it.

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