Finding My Poipole

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The group emerged from the portal flying over some sort of unfamiliar town. Lunala descended and everyone got off it it's back. "Where are we?" Selene asked.

Phyco fiddled with a device on his wrist. "We're in the Kanto Region in your universe. Lunala didn't have enough time to pick a destination in the realm so we ended up here."

They were in a town with a Pokémon Center, a mart, several buildings, and one big orange building. Ledges were all over the small town and a fountain was stationed in the center.

Elio looked around in awe. "Woah. I've never been to the Kanto region. This place is so different from Alola!"

Selene shivered. "Colder too. Almost wish I'd brought some warmer clothes." Elio reaches into his bag and tossed a jacket over to her. "Oh, Elio are you sure you don't want it?"

"I'm good," Her friend replied. "I'm not that cold. I just have that in case I need to get to some of Melemele's caves."

Selene slid the jacket on. "So, now what?"

"It seems that Luna was killed by that Mewtwo," Phyco answered softly. "Which explains Necrozma's sudden attack. It likely simply wants power and to cause destruction now that its trainer is gone."

Selene didn't know how to take in the news. The poor girl had died to that Mewtwo like Selene almost had before she was saved by- "Where's Poipole?" Selene asked, looking around.

The Ultra Beast was nowhere to be seen. "Oh dear. Poipole must still be heartbroken." Phyco mused.

"We gotta find him then!" Zossie declared. The group seemed to be in agreement and they started looking around the town for Poipole.

Selene and Elio walked together around the northern part of the town while Zossie and Phyco searched the lower part.

"Elio, do you have any idea who that Decidueye that saves us was?" Selene asked.

Elio shrugged. "Not a clue. I saw it fly off to some other figure but I couldn't tell if it was a human or not."

"Phyco said humans were extinct in that world," Selene recalled. "So I wonder what it must've been."

"There's no way to be sure. Whatever it was though, it saved us." Elio said.

They came to a bridge leading to a mountainous path and stopped. "Do you think Poipole went up there?" Elio wondered.

Selene frowned. "I'm not sure." She suddenly saw something move out of the corner of her eye. Selene turned her head to see Poipole flying off. "Poipole! Wait!" She called and started running after it.

Poipole vanished around the corner of a building and as Selene rounded it she ran into someone. Selene fell backward onto her butt while the person stumbled forward.

"Ah shoot, sorry." Selene apologized as she got up.

The boy she bumped into looked to be a bit younger than her. He had unkempt red hair and was wearing a black overcoat. "It's alright." The boy smiled at her warmly.

Elio came around the corner not too much later. "Did Poipole get away?"

Selene nodded. "Yeah. I lost him." She frowned. That was their opportunity to find the missing Ultra Beast and she had blown it.

"What's the matter?" The boy asked them. "Maybe I can help."

"Oh, we're looking for a Pokémon called Poipole. It's pretty rare and from the Alola region so you probably haven't ever heard of it." Selene decided that lying would be easier than explaining what an Ultra Beast was to someone uninitiated. "We're visiting Kanto to tour the world and he ran off."

Rotom flew out of Selene's bag and flashed an image of Poipole in the boy's face. "This is the Pokémon! Thanks for helping! It's way rad man!" Selene shoved the talkative Pokédex back in her bag.

The boy seemed to process Rotom Dex very slowly. "Well, I remember seeing that Pokémon fly past me right before you bumped into me. Let me help you guys look, I know this town pretty well."

Elio shrugged. "Sounds good to me. Let's get looking then."

The three of them walked back to the center of the town, keeping their eyes peeled for the runaway Pokémon. "Oh, by the way, I'm Silver." The boy said.

"I'm Selene and this is Elio." Selene introduced. "Nice to meet you."

"So you said you're from Alola?" Silver confirmed. "And your name is Selene? Would you happen to be The Champion of Alola?"

Selene nodded. "The one and only."

Silver's eyes lit up. "Oh cool! I saw your battle against Cynthia during the International Championship Tournament! The way you beat her Garchomp with your Oricorio was so cool!" 

Selene felt her cheeks turn red. "Oh wow, thanks so much! I didn't expect to be recognized here!"

"Well, Gold is my best friend so I was there for all the matches." Silver explained.

Selene immediately recognized the name Gold. "You're friends with Gold? That's so cool!" She said. "He's the strongest trainer in the world now so that must be pretty cool." The young trainer had faced off against other Champions from across the regions like May from Hoenn but had come out victorious.

Silver nodded. "It sure does! Hey, you know Lillie, right?" He asked.

"Yeah," Selene answered. "Do you?"

"Mhm! Gold and I met her during her visit to Kanto and helped her get in touch with Bill! She mentioned you back then. How's her mom during?"

Selene almost felt like she was talking to an old friend. "Lusamine is doing a lot better now. Bill's remedies really worked." Silver grinned and she noticed Elio being abnormally quiet.

Silver and Selene continued to talk about their shared friends and the International Championship Tourney. They searched the entire town for Poipole but the Pokémon was nowhere to be found.

Selene was started to feel like they'd never find it when Elio grabbed her shoulder and pointed up. "Selene look!"

Selene followed his finger to see an Ultra Wormhole had opened in the sky. With it, a purple winged creature flew out. The creature had a large stinger at the end of its body and many draconian features.

Rotom quickly appeared and scanned the Pokémon. "Ahh dudes gag me with a spoon this is no good! That's a Naganadel! The evolved form of Poipole!" Rotom Dex told the trio.

Naganadel spotted the town and flew down. It charged a beam in its stinger and unleashed a purple blast into the fountain.

Silver gasped as the attack landed. "What is that thing and why is it attacking?"

"It's an Ultra Beast," Selene answered. "No clue why it's attacking though. Elio, let's take it down! Silver get everyone out of danger!" Silver and Elio nodded and Elio sent out his Talonflame while Silver ran off to the crowds of people.

Selene called out Nihilego and faced down the foe. "Use Psychic!" Nihilego sent an invisible wave of energy up and into the Naganadel, getting its attention.

"Now Talonflame, use Acrobatics!" Talonflame flew close to the invading Pokémon and struck it multiple times before flying away.

The Naganadel roared and fired several poisonous balls down. One hit Talonflame and knocked it out of the air. It then aimed its stinger at Nihilego and fired its powerful purple dragon beam again.

The attack hit its target and generated a massive explosion. The dust cleared and Selene could tell Nihilego was feeling the damage from the move.

Talonflame still hasn't gotten back up and Selene knew she had to act fast. "Hang in there Nihilego! Use Power Gem!" Nihilego summoned stones around it and launched them at the foe.

Naganadel began smashing the stones one by one with its stinger. "Talonflame use Flame Charge!" Elio's Pokémon shot into the air and suddenly ignited.

It slammed into Naganadel's back and started flying off. Naganadel quickly recovered from the attack and chased after Talonflame. The Ultra Beast tried stabbing Talonflame with its stinger.

"Grab the stinger in your talons!" Elio shouted. Talonflame got its claws around the needle but Naganadel began thrashing about and threw Talonflame off and into the ground.

It began firing Sludge Bombs down while Talonflame was wide open. "Nihilego get in between Talonflame and those attacks!"

Nihilego flew in front of Talonflame and took the bombs head-on. Naganadel didn't waste any time firing another Dragon Pulse down at them.

"Nihilego use Psychic and redirect it back into Naganadel!" Nihilego concentrated and managed to slow the beam. It moved its arms and the beam started to turn around.

The attack flew back but Naganadel got mostly out of the way and was only grazed by the move.

Naganadel flew down and prepared to jam its stinger into Nihilego. "Nihilego! Look out!" Selene cried but it was too late.

Suddenly, Naganadel was intercepted by a small purple mass tackling it. Poipole was jamming its own stinger into the Ultra Beast's side. "Poipole! You're back!" Selene cheered.

Poipole smiled at her but didn't see Naganadel recover from her attack. The invader grabbed Poipole in its arm and threw it aside.

Talonflame was once again back in the air and glared at Naganadel. "Alright, Talonflame!" Elio called. "Hit him with Flare Blitz!"

Elio's Pokémon erupted into a blazing ball of fire and flew at its target. Naganadel began to speed up and thrust its stinger at the approaching Talonflame.

The two collided and created a massive explosion between them. Talonflame flew away but looked about ready to pass out while Naganadel didn't look much worse for wear.

"It's time to finish this." Selene declared. "Nihilego use Power Gem and Thunderbolt!" The gem appeared around Nihilego again but this time Selene's Pokémon electrocuted the gems as she threw the four stones Naganadel's way.

Naganadel was seemingly too worn down to move and struck by the attack. The move slammed the beast into the ground and it fainted.

Selene pulled out a Beast Ball and tossed it at the Pokémon. Naganadel was sucked inside and caught with ease. As Selene retrieved the Poké Ball Silver came running up to her.

"Selene that was amazing!" He told her. "You guys are really good at battling!"

"Thanks!" Selene said. She looked down at the Beast Ball and handed it to Silver. "I want you to have it. I already have a Poipole so I don't need him."

Silver grabbed the Poké Ball and observed the strange design. "Wow! Thanks a bunch, Selene! Enjoy the rest of your vacation and be sure to say hi to Lillie for me!"

Selene nodded. "Sure will. And tell Gold I want a battle with him some day!" The two parted ways and Selene went back up to Elio. "Those were some pretty fancy moves from Talonflame. He's gotten faster."

Elio grinned. "We've been training quite a bit." The bird landed on his shoulder and he stroked its head. "Nihilego has some new tricks too I see."

"Sure does! We've been working hard to bring out its true power." Selene told her friend. She returned Nihilego and was reminded of the reason they were even still in Cerulean when she saw Poipole lurking not too far from them.

Selene walked up to the Pokémon and it, fortunately, didn't flee. "Hey, Poipole. I know you were scared before and I know this must be a really weird time for you, but I'd like you to come with me." She offered. "I'm not the same as Luna but I promise you I'll be the best trainer that I can be."

Poipole hesitated at first but nuzzled up to Selene. She produced its Beast Ball and returned her new friend.

Elio had met up with Phyco and Zossie while she was gone and was talking to them. "Yeah, it just appeared out of the sky from a wormhole. Can Naganadel open Ultra Wormholes?"

Phyco shook his head. "No. And it's beyond abnormal for portals to open randomly..."

"Dudes it's been all over the news!" Rotom Dex pipped up. "Portals have been reported opening everywhere and bringing strange Pokémon with them."

Zossie gasped. "I remember when Necrozma attacked Luna's realm, he opened a bunch of portals all over the place! He must be doing the same thing here!"

Selene clenched her fists. "We have to stop him then."

Phyco nodded. "And I have a plan for how. Climb aboard, we're going back to Ultra Megalopolis. We need to find Necrozma's weakness."

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