Lord vs Lordess

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Selene crash-landed on the dirt ground of a foreign world and immediately began coughing as dust filled her lungs. She looked around at the new world she had been transported to.

All around her was a desolate wasteland. Wreckage of buildings scattered the dusty field and the sky was a putrid yellow. The air quality was terrible and each inhalation brought dust and dirt with it.

"Ow..." Zossie groaned. The young girl was still on the ground and seemed discombobulated. "Jeez! What happened back there?"

Selene recalled what she could from the brief interaction with Necrozma. "Elio shouted at it and then I tried calling it down but Necrozma attacked us and we were thrown into this world."

Zossie got to her feet. "Well darn. I hope they're alright."

"Yeah, me too." Selene looked up at the sky. "Poor Elio. He's had such a hard time rebuilding his Alola and now this happens..."

"No worries!" Zossie assured her. "Mr. Phyco can track us down and then we'll stop Necrozma once and for all!"

Selene sighed. "I don't want to stop Necrozma, I want to talk to it. I want it to know I understand so I can help."

Zossie shrugged. "Are you sure that'll work?"

"I have to try. After all its been through, the least I can do is offer it some sympathy." Selene told the young girl. "Let's try looking around and see if we can find some shelter, I don't like being out in the open."

The two walked through the wasteland and come across a partially destroyed building. Part of it had sunken into the ground while another large chunk of the wall as missing.

"What type of disaster caused this?" Selene wondered.

Zossie peered into the home. "No clue! Mr. Phyco usually has information on all these worlds, I just like seeing the cool new Pokémon and the bright sun!"

"How come a young kid like you is allowed to go on these sorts of missions?" Selene asked as they strolled down what remained of a street.

Zossie's shoulders went up and down once again. "Mr. Phyco and the rest of the Ultra Recon Squad have been my family for pretty much as long as I can remember. I've been going on these adventures since I was really young."

Selene was a bit surprised by how natural this all was for the young girl to talk about but brushed it off.

The two came to what was left of an intersection and Selene felt more and more unnerved by the giant holes in the buildings. She felt her heart rate begin to rise and her eyes scanned the field around them.

A low rumble came from the earth and Selene was further put on edge. "We need to find somewhere to hide before-" Selene couldn't finish the sentence as a ferocious and familiar growl echoed from afar.

Selene spun on her heel to where she'd heard the growl and fear filled her as she realized what was down the road. A Guzzlord stared them down and began stomping over on its bulky legs.

"Uh oh." Zossie murmured. "I've heard of these things. We should probably get cover."

The girl's words fell on deaf ears, however. As Selene was taken back to the desperate battle she had fought against one of those monsters with Elio by her side in their final face-off against Guzma.

Zossie tugged on Selene's arm. "Uh, Selene. We gotta move!" The beast was making its way over to them quickly. Guzzlord's large pincer arms were extended and its mouth was wide open. The mouth was large enough to swallow Selene whole.

Selene still couldn't will herself to move as the monster got closer and closer. That was until one of her Poké Balls burst open and Nihilego appeared next to her.

Selene's Pokémon shoved her and Zossie aside and then dove out of the way itself to narrowly miss the Ultra Beast. It spun around and nearly smacked Nihilego with its spiked tail.

Nihilego electrocuted Guzzlord to get its attention away from the two trainers. The monster turned to Selene's Pokémon which finally snapped her out of the trance she was in. "Nihilego lead it to that building!" Selene shouted.

Nihilego drifted over toward a fairly large building that was still standing and Guzzlord lumbered after it. "Now use Psychic and drop that building on it!"

Nihilego began to concentrate and the structure started to shake as Guzzlord got in range. The Ultra Beast prepared to grab Nihilego with its arm when the building came crashing down.

Dust exploded from the scene and when it cleared Nihilego was floating over Guzzlord. The opposing Pokémon was struggling under the rubble but Selene knew that wouldn't hold for long.

"Nihilego, return!" Selene said as she recalled the Pokémon. "We have to run!" She took Zossie's hand and pulled the girl down the street.

The two came across another mostly intact building and retreated inside of it. Selene sat down again the wall and tried to catch her breath.

"What the heck just happened?" Zossie questioned.

Selene didn't want to answer the trainer but she felt that she owed the girl an explanation. "I had a very scary experience involving a Guzzlord a few years back with Elio. An evil trainer was controlling it and we barely won." Selene told part of the truth.

The other part being something she didn't want to divulge to a child. The fact that she was responsible for Guzma's death was something she constantly thought about but that Guzzlord had taken her back to her greatest regret in full.

The loud rumbling of the ground started to get closer and closer as Guzzlord searched for them. "Well, how did you stop the Guzzlord?" Zossie asked.

Selene sighed. "We had help from the Island Guardians which I doubt is a viable option right now."

"We have to do something!" Zossie started looking around the building for ideas. "I'm too young to get eaten."

Selene balled up her hands into fists as Guzzlord continued to get closer and closer. "I've got an idea, but you have to stay inside in case the worst happens."

The girl was about to protest but Selene had already gotten up. "Just trust me and we'll be fine."

Selene stepped out into the open and the Guzzlord immediately noticed her. Here we go. I hope that building did enough damage to him... Guzzlord charged at Selene and she ran off to the side.

The Ultra Beast was much bulkier than her but was also able to cover much more ground so she had no chance of outrunning it. Selene's only plan was to lead it away from Zossie.

Eventually, Selene was sure she couldn't run for much longer and turned to face her foe. Guzzlord ran straight at her and prepared to eat her in one bite.

At the last minute, Selene sent out her Mimikyu. "Use Shadow Claw!" Then she sent out Incineroar. "Incineroar use Flamethrower!"

Mimikyu flew straight at Guzzlord and struck it in the side with her claw. Incineroar, meanwhile, appeared on the ground and shot fire at the small head on Guzzlord's body.

Guzzlord was stopped in its tracks momentarily by the sudden attacks. "Now Mimikyu use Play Rough!"

Before Guzzlord could turn around, Mimikyu began repeatedly striking it from behind with an extremely super-effective attack. "Incineroar keep up the pressure by using Darkest Lariat on the same spot Mimikyu attacked!"

Incineroar ran around the stunned Ultra Beast and leaped up. Selene's starter began spinning and slammed right into Guzzlord's back. Guzzlord was overwhelmed by the attacks and fell forward.

Perfect! Selene celebrated. But much to her dismay, Guzzlord got right back up and knocked both her Pokemon away with its tail.

Its breathing was slow and all of its movements were much more deliberate. Only a little more damage and it would be done for sure. Selene reached for another Poké Ball but saw one of Guzzlord's pincers fly toward her.

She barely moved her hands to grab the limb before it could snap her in half. The jagged teeth-like spikes that lined the two halves dug into her hands but she was only barely able to hold it open.

I have to do something! I have to do something! I have to do something! Selene panicked as her arms strained against the force of the Guzzlord.

The girl looked up to see the other pincer prepare to strike her and realized that it was over. She would die just like Luna and that would be it.

Selene would never get to do the things she wanted to do or say what she wanted to say. She was awash with regret but instead of wallowing it in, she used it to fuel her will to keep fighting.

Selene pushed the pincer away and dove to the side right before the second one could claim her life. The limb crashed into the sand and Selene decided to use her adrenaline to finish things herself.

The trainer leaped onto the limb and managed to balance on its thin arm. Selene jumped off of it and sprung toward Guzzlord's head. She prepared her fist and punched it in the face.

Guzzlord groaned but its eyes shut and it fell over, this time for good. Selene nearly collapsed next to it after such an insane feat but knew that she was in no position to rest.

Zossie and her Pokémon came running up to her and the young Ultra Recon Squad member hugged Selene tightly. "That was crazy! And so cool! But please don't do that again."

Selene chuckled and returned the embrace. "Trust me, I don't plan to." Selene returned her two Pokémon and the trainers walked back to the main intersection of the destroyed town.

Selene was about to search for shelter for the two trainers when she noticed a bright light come from the sky. A portal had appeared in the air and from it emerged a Necrozma- controlled Nebby.

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