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Selene's POV

The group stepped outside of Mount Lanakila. Across the area was the final lift, larger than the first one. Shivering, everyone moved towards it and boarded the machine. Selene pressed the button on the machine in the center and it began to rise.

Once the lift arrived at the top everyone got off it. The peak of mount Lanakila was covered in mounds of snow, a large path had been made leading towards the final tip of the mountain.

"The highest point in Alola. Here goes nothing." Plumeria said.

A group of Team Skul grunts were standing in their way on the path, most of them seemed very nervous.

"Yo dudes! The boss has an offer, give up now and die!" One of the grunts said.

"He really needs to work on his negotiating skills." Elio said.

"What do we do now dawg?" One asked another.

"Run!" The grunts all turned and ran back down the path, towards the cave inside the mountain. The group pressed forward, trudging through the snow. They stopped at the top of the staircase, all exhausted and cold.

"ATTENTION LOSERS!" Guzma's voice shouted, he walked outside of his base with Rotom Dex in his hand. "I HAVE YOUR WEIRD THING! IF YOU WANT IT! COME AND GET IT!"

"Rotom. That man is going to pay for what he's done to Rotom Dex." Selene said. "What if he's hurt? Or broken? Or..."


"Perfectly fine." Elio said.

"NOW! TEAM SKULL, ATTACK!" Guzma roared and Team Skull members poured from the door. Guzma walked inside with Rotom Dex in tow.

"Well here we go. Everyone, it's time for the fight of your lives." Plumeria said. Suddenly the ground between Team Skull and Elio, Selene, and the others burst open. Acerola jumped out and planted a flag with the same symbol as the ones on Mount Houkalani into the ground.

"ALOLIERS! FIGHT FOR YOUR FREEDOM! FIGHT FOR YOUR REGION! LET'S FINISH THIS! CHAAAARGE!" Acerola screamed, members of the rebellion now charged from the ground.

"Alright you two. Find a way to Guzma and take him down. We'll hold these guys off." Plumeria instructed Elio and Selene, then she and the other rebelling Team Skull members went to meet with the rebellion.

When the two opposing forces collided chaos broke loose. There were battles everywhere. Pokémon battles, hand to hand battles, and strangely enough a dance battle. Acerola was talking to Molayne and a boy with short orange hair.

"Molayne you plan the strategy and I'll handle the battling. Sophocles you can come with me." Acerola said.

"Hi Acerola!" Selene waved.

"Oh hey guys! Glad we made it in time. How's the memory loss?" Acerola asked.

"It's actually getting better." Selene said.

"Perfect! Sophocles here had his Togedemaru use wish to heal your memory once he heard about your problem." Molayne said.

"I don't remember meeting you Sophocles." Elio said.

Sophocles nodded. "That's because I was in the Geothermal Power Plant."

"You should've seen him in battle!" Acerola added.

"Well I hope to."

"Thanks a lot Sophocles." Selene said and the boy smiled. "Also Acerola, we saw those kids in the Aether House. They're doing just fine."

"Really? Thanks guys!" Acerola told them.

"Hey, are we too late?" Kiawe's voice shouted in the distance. Lana, Mallow, Kiawe, and Colress were all flying in on Charizard. They landed on the mountain and disembarked.

"Did you drill a hole into this mountain?" Colress asked, staring at the giant hole.

"No, I got a bunch of Alolan Dugtrio to use the tunnels and move upwards to here. It was an emergency and we had to move fast." Molayne said.

"Oh my Arceus you guys are here! How did you know where we were? And where did you get the Charizard?" Selene asked.

"I have a few that were per of the Ride Pager service. And we figured there was something going on if every Team Skull member was being called to this place." Kiawe replied.

"Well thanks for showing up. Now let's battle!" Selene said, everyone nodded and sent out their Pokémon. After that they charged into battle.

Selene and Elio first tried to go straight through the chaos. That didn't work out. Next they tried going around it. That failed too. Finally they just borrowed the Charizard and flew over the battle, occasionally dodging stray attacks. They landed at the door to the cave and went inside.

The interior was astounding. The cave glowed with gems and seemed to be beautiful despite Team Skull ruining it. There was a latter leading up to a room at the top.

"The champion's room. That's where Guzma is." Selene remembered.

"Well let's finish this. Once and for all." Elio said and they climbed up the ladder together.

At the top was a round room with a glass dome. The floor had been spray painted black with crude drawings of the Team Skull S. Guzma sat on the throne with his smug grin and the machete by his side.

"You kids just keep coming back? You're like mosquitos. Well I'm not having any of it! Enjoy the view." Guzma stood up and grabbed his machete. "Because it's the last thing you'll ever see."

"Good luck with that, Guzma. But we're finishing this. Now. Where is Rotom?" Elio demanded.

"You mean your annoying friend? Over there." Guzma motioned towards Rotom Dex and a computer. "He won't listen to me but I've already got an Ultra Beast, so I don't care!"

"Dudes I'm so glad you're here! This is radical!" Rotom Dex said, he floated over to greet them.

"Rotom!" Both trainers said.

"Now dudes. Let's stop the crazy guy with a machete."

Elio and Selene sent out their Pokémon and prepared to battle Guzma for the final time.

"Fine. If it's a fight you want then yadda yadda let's do this!" Guzma sent out Guzzlord. The beast roared with all of its mouths.

"Mimikyu use play rough!"

"Fletchinder cover it!"

Mimikyu leaped forward, Guzzlord's mouths snapped at it but every time one tried to hit it Fletchinder flew in and his them away. Mimikyu began to slash and smack Guzzlord repeatedly.

"Dark pulse!" Guzzlord roared and blasted a gigantic waved of black energy, not affecting Mimikyu, but sending Fletchinder into the glass dome. Mimikyu's disguise broke and it continued attacking.

"STRIKE IT!" Guzma screamed.

Selene bit her lip. "Look out!"

"Disarming voice!" Guzzlord moved to hit Mimikyu with its mouths but Brionne screamed at the top of its lungs, stunning the beasts and letting Mimikyu move away.

"Thanks, Elio. Now Nihilego use power gem!" Nihilego summoned four sharp rocks, they spun forward but Guzzlord swallowed them whole.

"We're barely able to damage him at all." Selene said with a hint of hopelessness.

"We need help. Guardians of Alola please, hear us. We need you now more than ever. Help us free our home, we can do this together." Elio said, for a few seconds nothing happened.

Guzma began to laugh. "HA! You really have given up. Those guardians haven't helped anyone in years!" As he finished his declaration four lights appeared in the sky. One yellow, one blue, one pink, and one green. They stopped just outside of the glass dome and broke it to pieces.

"The Tapu!" Elio gasped.

"TAPU KOKOKOKO!" Tapu Koko roared, firing off electricity in every direction.

"Grab them Guzzlord! I'll get my Master Balls!" Guzma commanded. Guzzlord turned to the guardians.

"Fini. Tapu." Tapu Fini said. The Tapu all charged forward and struck Guzzlord. The Ultra Beast was thrown backwards into the remaining parts of the glass dome, almost falling off the edge.

"Nature's Madness cuts a Pokémon's HP in half. So four times means he's got some low HP." Rotom Dex reported.

"Thank you Tapu." Selene said. The Tapu nodded and flew off towards the rest of the battle.

"I WILL NOT LOSE! GUZZLORD EARTHQUAKE!" Guzzlord slammed its feet against the ground, causing shockwaves to rupture the ground. Cracks spread along the battlefield. Guzma charged forward with his machete in hand, about to slash Selene to pieces. Elio tackled him and knocked the weapon from his grip.

Guzma grabbed Elio's arm and shoved him towards the edge, the shaking ground made the piece Elio was standing on fall off. Selene ran and jumped off the side, grabbing Elio's arm in one hand and the ledge in the other. She planted her feet against the uneven ground looking for some sort of foothold.

"So this is how is all ends. Time for you pests to meet your end! I'd tip my hat to you two, but I don't wear hats! AHAHAHAHAHA!" Guzma laughed manically, preparing to crush Selene's hand under his foot.

Selene winced at the strain of holding her friend up. "NIHILEGO! NOW!" A bolt of lightning struck Guzma from behind. Guzma went unconscious and fell forward, off the cliff.

"Selene! You have to get out of here!" Elio shouted up to her.

"Are you kidding me! I'm not leaving you, and you're not leaving me! We're in this together. Nihilego lift us up!" Selene cried out desperately. But from the sounds she heard she knew the Pokémon were engaged in a battle to finish off Guzzlord.


The Pokémon battled as fiercely as they could, each scoring hits against the damaged Guzzlord. But the monster wasn't slowing down no matter what they did. It seemed to be unstoppable.

Mimikyu managed to land another play rough before it was smashed into the ground, down onto the other floor. Fletchinder was wickedly fast at that point, but even its great speed couldn't match Guzzlord's many appendages. The Pokémon was ensnared in one of Guzzlords mouths and then the mouth was beaten against the ground until Brionne freed the now unconscious fire type with her aqua jet.

"GUZZLORD!" The Pokémon roared, despite the damages it was still putting up a fight.

"Bri. Briiiiiione!" Brionne barked. The Pokémon began to concentrate, charging a ball of fairy energy in its hands. Guzzlord was about to stop it when Nihilego held the Pokémon off with a combination of thunderbolt and power gem. The ball expanded in Brionne's hands and when she threw it the pink ball got bigger and bigger. The ball hit Guzzlord's tiny head, and the Pokémon fell forward finally defeated.

Brionne yipped with joy but looked around, realizing Selene and Elio were missing. "Bri! Bri! Brionne!" Brionne barked to Nihilego.

"Ni. Nihi." Nihilego realized it had heard Selene tell it to use psychic. And it hadn't.


Selene could feel her strength failing. But she also didn't hear any more sounds of battling, she decided to call out one more time. "NIHILEGO! Please help us! Anyone!" Then she slipped and her and Elio began to plummet down the mountain.

This is it. This is the end. Selene thought, but before they could get far a portal opened up beneath them and a white lion leaped from it, catching them both. Then it planted its claws against the mountain and used the foothold to throw it into the air and onto the ground.

"Oh my Arceus! It's a Solgaleo!" Elio shouted.

"No. It's Nebby." Selene remembered, getting off of the lion Pokémon and patting it on the nose. "About time you found me buddy! Good job!" She said.

"Hey look at that. They defeated Guzzlord." Elio said.

"Yeah. Great job you guys!" Selene congratulated. Nihilego lifted Mimikyu back up from the ground and Fletchinder began to wake up. Afterwards they healed their Pokémon and returned them. Solgaleo returned Guzzlord to its home via portal. Then they decided what to do next.

"We should probably help with the battle." Elio said.

"Let's tell them that Guzma is dead and see what happens first." The two trainers hopped onto Solgaleo and the steel and psychic type Pokémon jumped off towards the battle.

Team Skull was losing horribly. Most of their members were just standing around not knowing what to do because they didn't want to actually fight. Solgaleo landed at the entrance of the cave and roared to get everyone's attention.

"Team Skull! Guzma is dead! And we are prepared to fight you all with the help of this legendary Pokémon! So surrender now!" Selene announced.

"He's gone? Yo we're finally free!" All of the Team Skull grunts cheered.

"Finally! That dude was way crazy yo!"

"Totally nuts!"

"I liked him when he was cool but he went way wack!"

After everything was calmed down everyone began to work on planning to rebuild Alola. Three of the Tapu flew off back to their temples but Tapu Koko floated up to Elio.

"Tapu Koko. Thank you for helping us." Elio said. The Tapu didn't respond, it closed its eyes and a moment later a Z Ring appeared, it landed in Elio's hands. " you Tapu Koko. I will make sure you do not regret this choice." Tapu Koko nodded and flew off.

"Congratulations Elio! You're a Kahuna!" Selene shouted.

"Ye-yeah. It's amazing. I never thought it could happen. Me. A Kahuna!" Elio began laughing, clearly still in shock.

Later that day after most people had cleared out Selene's closest friends stayed behind for their goodbye.

"Bye Selene! Stay safe!" Mallow said.

"And don't go into anymore portals without ride back." Kiawe recommended.

"Good luck as champion!" Lana wished.

"Thanks for all your help, kid! And one more thing, try not to abuse the Digglet Tunnels now that you know our secret." Molayne grinned and Selene swore she saw him wink.

"And tell other me I said hello!" Acerola said. "She'll probably think I'm cool!"

"Continue working with Z power. I believe you can unlock something quite special with it as I will try to do myself." Colress said.

"Don't do anything crazy!" Sophocles suggested.

Elio was last time say anything, he took a deep breath. "Selene. Thank you so much. I think I speak for everyone when I say you've changed things for the better. You saved Alola. If it weren't for you things wouldn't be this way. I can't thank you enough. You didn't just save Alola... you saved me. I was able to become something thanks to you. I can't explain how much I appreciate that." Elio said, offering Selene his hand. She instead pulled him into a hug.

"Trust me, I understand. You and me Elio, we're a team. And I'm never going to forget about you. Until we meet again." Selene smiled. and turned to Solgaleo.

"I love cliché happy endings!" Rotom Dex said.

"Hey Rotom Dex, remember to make sure she doesn't do anything too reckless again." Elio told him. "You're the only one who can prevent another situation like this from coming up." Selene rolled her eyes as Rotom Dex took the words to heart.

"Alright everybody. Thanks so much. All of you. Let's go Solgaleo." Rotom Dex flew into Selene's bag and she jumped onto Solgaleo. Selene smiled and waved goodbye, wiping tears from goodbye. Solgaleo roared and a portal appeared. As Solgaleo walked through it Selene replayed all of the memories from her adventure. But now her old memories flooded back to Selene.

Selene now had way more friends, and now she was going back home. But she wasn't leaving her new friends behind, she was just going forward. Without forgetting what made up her past. With that final thought, Selene arrived home.


And so that's then end! I have loved writing this story and I'm sad to see it go. But I'm also excited for newer works such as Shattering Adventures. If you're interested in a comedic take on a Pokémon adventure then give it a read. The first chapter premieres on Wednesday. I hope you've all enjoyed reading today's chapter. Comment your favorite part of the story if you want to. Alright that's about everything, have a great day!

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