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Elio, Lana, and Rotom Dex ran outside Brooklet Hill to see complete chaos was unfolding.

Lurantis was battling three grunts and their Yungoos while four Salandit fought each other. The rest of the grunts were asleep, Elio suspected there might've been some Parasect involved. Mallow and her Tsareena were trying their hardest to take on a girl Elio had never seen before and her Salazzle.

The girl had pink hair, most of it was falling from the two grey hair clips on her head. There were two holes per clip, so two long wrist-length strands of hair fell from either side. Two of the strands were dyed yellow while the other two remained pink. She had a lot of make-up on, Elio guessed she was around 17 though it was hard to tell. There was white make-up of some kind around her golden eyes, which sharply pierced into Mallow and Tsareena.

The girl wore a necklace with a grey S charm attached to it. She also wore a short black top, two bands crisscrossed around her stomach area. There was also a pink S tattooed onto her stomach. On her wrist was a black bracelet with a white zigzag pattern going across it, the same was the case for her sweatpants. Which Elio had no idea how she managed the Alola heat in. Finally on her feet were white sneakers.

"Salazzle finish this with flamethrower!" The girl commanded. Elio was sure he remembered her, she was the third Team Skull Admin, Plumeria. Her Salazzle spewed flames at Tsareena, the Pokemon was clearly already tired and struck by the attack. She hit the ground and fainted. Mallow recalled her grass type and glared at Plumeria. Plumeria returned her Salazzle and shrugged.

"You might've beat me, but you better watch out! Elio and Lana are going to charge in with a Totem Pokemon any second now!" Mallow said.

"You mean them?" Plumeria asked, pointing to us. Mallow turned around and jumped.

"Where is Wishiwashi?" Mallow demanded.

"He's cleaning up the mess those idiots left behind. We didn't think we were under attack." Lana said.

"Well we are!" Mallow and Lana continued arguing and Plumeria deadpanned.

"Did they forget I'm here?"

"Probably." Elio agreed.

Plumeria shrugged. "We already have what we really need. I don't even really know why I'm here anyways."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"The girl. Somehow the two idiots managed to catch her. and the Trial Captain" Plumeria replied. "Alright you idiots, stop fighting a battle you can't win. Wake up the others, Marrow and Kevlar can handle these captains later." Plumeria began walking off, kicking the sleeping grunts and yelling at them to wake up.

Elio turned to Mallow and Lana, who were still fighting. "Both of you stop! Weren't you listening? They captured Selene and Kiawe!"

"What! Well then we need to save them!" Mallow said.

"No duh lady. Zzzt-Zzzt!" Rotom Dex said.

"Odds are they're being held in Heahea city. Which means we're going to have to attack it head on, just the three of us." Elio said.

"HEY!" Rotom Dex protested.

"Can you battle?" Elio asked.

"No. But my camera has a really bright flash!"

"You have a camera?"

"GUYS! Is this really the most important thing to be talking about right now?" Lana interrupted

"Well we need a plan. I'll see if I can get the rest of the forest Pokemon to join our cause. These two Salandit came from Wela Volcano Park, you should see if any of them are left." Mallow suggested.

"Are you sure splitting up again is a good idea?" Lana asked.

"Well we won't be that far. We just need to be quick and stealthy." Elio said.

"There is no need for that!" A familiar voice said, Elio looked up and saw Colress standing at the top of the hill, more Salandit and a Salazzle at his sides.

"Colress, what are you doing here?" Elio asked.

"Your words inspired me and showed me how wrong I was, I went to help your friend but the battle took a turn for the worst and she, Kiawe, and five members of the Aether Foundation were captured. I barely got away, when I returned these were all that was left."Colress explained. He had about ten Salandit with him.

"Well there's no point in trying to round up any more grass types from the jungle, we already have as big of an army as we'll get." Mallow sighed.

"Indeed that seems to be the case. I have a feeling all of our Pokemon are injured, let us talk more in the Pokemon Center." Colress climbed down the hill, followed by the fire and poison type lizard Pokemon.

The Pokemon Center was in better condition than most, the center was empty but a few healing items remained stashed away in the shop and the healing machine was working. Rotom Dex even got to plug in and start charging again.

"I found a few healing items in the other Pokemon Center. Hopefully this is enough." Mallow said.

"I'm sure we'll be fine. We can do this!" Elio encouraged, trying to sound confident.

"I've calculated that our odds of victory are-"

"Never tell us the odds!" Mallow, Lana, and Elio interrupted Colress.

"We'll have to try a divide and conquer method. Half of us will come in straight from Paniola Ranch, the other half will come in from Route 4. Hopefully we can split up their numbers and push through until we find the location of Selene and Kiawe. Afterwards Selene and Elio will slip through Diglett's Tunnel to Konikoni city and take a boat out of here. If my calculations are correct, a few grunts, if any will be in Konikoni. Due to the very hostile Diglett." Colress said.

"Wait if these Diglett are so hostile then how are we supposed to get through?" Elio asked.

"You have one thing Team Skull grunts are too stupid to know how to use, repels! Your friend Selene had many items in her bag, I'm assuming she has some repels. If not, I have a few I'll provide you with just in case."

"Well then, let's do this. Lana you're with me. Colress and Mallow, you can take the direct route from Paniola town. Let's do this." Elio said.


Selene awoke to the sound of shouting. She opened her eyes but she still only saw darkness, when she tried to move her arms they wouldn't budge, almost like she was-

"Wait a second." Selene muttered, she tried to move her legs but there seemed to be something blocking her ankles. "Definitely tied up. Which means I'm captured, which means Nihilego is in trouble!" She struggled against her bonds but they wouldn't budge.

An explosion shook the ground, sawdust fell from the ceiling. "Yes! I hope that means what I think that means." One of the walls shook and light poured into the room, blinding Selene. She blinked until her eyes adjusted and saw Mallow standing in the doorway.

"Selene! Oh thank Arceus you're OK!" She rushed over Selene and untied her, Selene stood up, rubbing her wrists and trying to get the blood flowing through them again.

"Mallow. How did you find me?"

"We're leading an attack on Heahea. I'll explain on the way, let's go find Kiawe." Mallow said, they ran out of the room. By the abundance of wave patterns on the walls Selene figured she was in the Tide Song Hotel. They ran down the hall and searched the rooms, eventually Selene found a room with her bag in it. Nihilego was still missing however.

"Where is Kiawe?" Mallow wondered.

"Mallow, I need to find Nihilego. She's still missing."

"We'll split up, I'll find Kiawe, you find Nihilego. Good luck." Selene didn't protest, she turned and ran for the elevator. The doors parted, revealing two Team Skull grunts. Selene hit the first one over his head with her bag and kicked the other in the shins.

"Where is Nihilego?" Selene demanded.

"Yo man I don't know! The only ones would be Kevlar and Marrow!"

"Get out and don't do anything stupid." Selene ordered, the grunt scrambled out of the elevator, dragging the other with him. Selene pushed the 1 button on the control panel and the doors shut.

When she got outside she saw complete and utter chaos. Smoke was rising from multiple buildings, A group of five Salandit were trying to hold their own against five Team Skull grunts, cars scattered the streets. Standing on one of them was Marrow, battling against Colress and his Magnezone.

Selene ran as quickly as she could to the canal of water, trying to gain her bearings. Before she could think about what was happening for more than a second she heard the numskulls shout.

"YO dawg! Stop right there!" Ten of the grunts moves forward from the Marina, completely unopposed.

"NOW WISHIWASHI!" Lana's voice screamed from far behind Selene. Selene looked down in the water to see a dark fish outline swim through the water, suddenly the outline grew until it barely fit into the canal. A giant blue fish leaped from the water, high into the air. It blasted a pump of water into the ten grunts, pushing them all the way into the water past the Marina.

Selene turned to see Lana and her Gyarados engaged in battle with a giant palm tree Pokemon.

"Selene!" A familiar voice called, she looked and saw Elio running over to her. His Fletchinder flew onto his shoulder, he told it a command Selene didn't catch and it flew off again.

"Elio! Thank Arceus you're here!" Selene ran up to meet him.

"I'm glad you're safe but, where's Mallow and Kiawe?" Elio asked.

"Me and Mallow split up before we found Kiawe, I'm trying to find Nihilego. She's still missing." Selene explained. "Marrow and Kevlar know where she is."

"Then let's hope Colress or Lana have beaten one of them." As if on cue an Araquanid flew back and collapsed at their feet.

"Yo man this is not good!" Marrow shouted, he returned the Pokemon and Colress smirked.

"Alright Marrow, tell us where Nihilego is!" Elio demanded.

"Yo no way!" Marrow reached for another Pokeball but Rotom Dex flew over and took a picture of him, the picture flashed bright light that temporarily blinded him, making him drop the Pokeball. "Dang Dex!"

"Now tell us!" Selene repeated.

"Fine yo. It's over at the Marina so the boss can pick it up when he arrives, which'll be soon." Marrow said. Selene turned and bolted for the Marina, out of the corner of her eye she noticed a black boat speeding through the water. Wishiwashi jumped out to attack it but a bolt of lightning fired from the water near the ship and struck Wishiwashi. The light was so blinding Selene was forced to look away, she had to hope Wishiwashi had stopped the boat.

Right before she reached the door a Lurantis jumped in front of Selene. The beast raised its claw to strike but was knocked back by a ball of sludge. Kiawe was standing further down the road, Salazzle at his side. Further down the road Selene noticed Mallow, Elio, Popplio- wait that wasn't Popplio, she must've evolved into Brionne, and Lurantis battling Plumeria and her Crobat.

Selene threw the door open and saw her friend's Pokeball sitting on a table, she grabbed it and held it close to her.

"I'm so sorry Nihilego. Don't worry, you're safe now." The Pokeball seemed to warm in her hands.

"NOT SO FAST!" A horribly familiar voice boomed, standing at the entrance to the docks was Guzma.

"Guzma, it's over. We're going to defeat you! We've already taken back the Totem Pokemon and we have the Trial Captains on our sides!" Selene shouted.

"Totem Pokemon? You mean like the one Marrow's Lanturn stopped in one thunder?" Guzma asked, to prove his point he held up the unconscious form of a Wishiwashi in his hand. "Pathetic!"

"I'll stop you, right here right now then." Selene threw the ball into the air and Nihilego burst free.

"Eh, what the heck. I love a good battle! But first..." Guzma turned and threw Wishiwashi at the docks behind him, Selene let out a sigh of relief when she heard a soft splash. The Guzma grabbed a nest ball. "Now. Time for you to die!"

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