Tapu Koko

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Elio and Popplio had actually managed to hold their own during the battle. Every grunt went one at a time which he wasn't expecting but didn't mind.

Popplio managed to beat the Salandit and the Alolan Rattata with relative ease, but before the next guy could step up the girl pushed her way to the front of the line impatiently.

"Look nobody has time for this, yo I'm the real challenge let's go!" She sent out a Drowzee, who laughed upon seeing Popplio.

"Popplio use water gun!" Water fired from Popplio's mouth, spraying Drowzee .

"Use confusion!" Popplio was lifted into the air and throw back into the ground. The water seal slowly got up, she wasn't doing so well. Three battles really took a toll on a Pokémon that had barely battled.

"Use aqua jet!" Popplio was surrounded with water and sped forward in the blink of an eye. She slammed Drowzee in the chest and flew back, smirking. "Finish this with disarming voice!" The water type opened her mouth and Elio's hands flew to his ears.

Elio's Pokémon let out such a high pitch wail his ears felt like they were about to explode. Drowzee fell forward and Popplio took another bow.

The Team Skull member grunted and returned her Drowzee. She put her hands on her hips. "You might have beaten me but my two dawgs are going to destroy you yo!" She pointed back at nothing and Elio smirked.

"You sure about that?" He asked smugly, she seemed taken aback by the question.

"Of course I am yo! Get him boys!" She turned to see nobody. "When I get my hands on those cowards!" She let the threat hang in the air. "You just got lucky kid, I won't forget this!" With that the girl ran off, Selene clapped.

"Great job Elio! Here's a potion for Popplio." Selene tossed him a hyper potion and he sprayed it on the Pokémon while he pat her head.

"You did a great job Popplio. Now get some rest." Elio said, he fished the Pokeball out of his pocket and tapped it on the water type's head, a red beam shot from the ball and absorbed Popplio, sucking her into the Pokeball.

"I see you beat Marrow." Elio said to Selene.

"Yep! So we can go to Akala now!" Selene replied cheerfully.

"Hey, I hate to take away any time from figuring out what happened to you but do you mind if I go to the ruins to talk to Tapu Koko?" Elio requested, Selene's smile didn't waver.

"It's fine, I recognize the name Tapu Koko but why do you want visit it?" Selene inquired.

"Tapu Koko is the guardian of this island, and I've never gotten a chance to visit the ruins." Elio replied.

"Ha! Yo the Tapu haven't shown themselves since the boss got his hands on Masterballs!" Marrow laughed, they ignored him.

"Well then let's go. Lead the way!" Selene said, the two marched up the hill. The sky was lit up by the full moon and the stars seemed to shine brighter than normal. The trees rustled in the soft breeze and the smell of fresh air washed through them. As they reached Iki town they saw Team Skull grunts running around line idiots.

Four of them were fighting on the battlefield in the middle of the town. Many of them were milling about the entrance to the town. They parted ways for Elio and Selene. After climbing the stairs they could fully see the town, illuminated by torchlight.

Two houses were left of the second set of stairs. To the right of the stairs was a third house. The pair climbed the second staircase, Elio was surprised how nice thing were.

Nothing was burning and even the windows all looked intact. The only house was the large house where the Kahuna Hala used to live with his grandson Hau. Elio regretted thinking about the house, bad memories surfacing. He pushed them away and kept walking.

They walked along the side of the battlefield into a clearing of trees in the north most part of the town.

The two trainers were silent as they walked, climbing the multiple flights of stairs leading to the bridge. The bridge was weak and didn't look like it could support even a feather, but by some miracle they both made it across without it sending them plummeting to their deaths.

"Here we are. Tapu Koko, I hope you're willing to listen since I'm ready go talk." Elio muttered, and they walked into the temple. Inside the temple was a large stone room, there was a chasm in the middle but it could easily be walked around. In the next room was the shrine to Tapu Koko. Elio walked up to the statue of the guardian, he took a deep breath and started talking.

"Why did you vanish when we needed you most? I know you're scared of being captured but together we could stop them. People are dying and Alola is falling about, but you won't do your jobs and help. Tapu Koko, and the rest of the Tapu, we need your help if we ever want to win. So if you care about Alola, let me know." Elio turned and stormed off. Selene close on his heels.

"Elio wait up!" She called but he ignored her until he was out of the temple, he brushed tears of frustration from his eyes and came to a halt. Selene ran out of the temple and bumped into Elio.

"Oh Arceus sorry Elio!"Selene apologized. 

"Its fine." Elio said coldly, he felt stupid for taking out his anger on her but Tapu Koko sure wasn't around. Neither was his dad or anybody else he wanted to yell at.

"Elio." Selene said concerned, she put a hand on his shoulder. He tensed at first but then he relaxed and managed a faint smile.

"Let's get to Akala." 

They walked to the Marina in silence, when the arrived Marrow was waiting for them. He looked frustrated but didn't try to attack them.

"Now look yo I got you a boat, but no matter where else you go Team Skull'll have a bone to pick with you, even if you come back here dawgs. So don't be expertin' a warm welcome from any of us. Now get outta here!" Marrow ordered, the two got into the boat. 

"Wait I don't know how to drive!" Elio realized.

"I do!" Selene said, Elio gave her a puzzled look and she shrugged. "Must've been a trick I picked up back home." Selene grabbed the controls. Elio got to the front of the boat and gripped the railing tightly in one hand, and his hat in the other. They shot forward out oft he Marina, towards Akala island.

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