When All Distortion Breaks Lose.

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Selene wasn't sure how she felt about Kiawe. He was a great leader but he didn't even look upset when he gave away Fletchinder.

The two walked up the route past Colress's lab, multiple Pokémon moved about through the grass bordering the road they walked on.

"The grass has grown out of control back here." Kiawe muttered. "Colress probably likes it that way, he can get Pokémon just by stepping outside."

"You know Colress?"

"Yes. Although I wish I didn't, that man doesn't understand how to keep a secret. Clearly." Kiawe grumbled.

"He only told us because he knew we could be trusted!" Selene didn't know why she felt the need to defend Colress, but she just did.

"And what if you were Team Skull members in disguise? Then what?" Kiawe growled.

"Team Skull isn't smart enough to come up with that plan."

"Fair enough. But that doesn't make Colress any less of an issue."

They walked to Route 7 in silence, then Selene noticed two Team Skull grunts loitering in front of the entrance to Wela Volcano Park.

"Hey you numskulls! Get out of here!" Kiawe commanded, the grunts turned to face him.

"Yo man look at this! This dude be tuh captain tuh volcana!" One of the grunts announced, sounding like he had missed a few too many classes at school.

"Yo so the Trial Captain finally shows himself! Bout time you decide to save your family!" The other snarled.

"What is he-"

"What are you talking about!" Kiawe's face was red with rage.

"Ain't this a perty sight? We ain't gut no time tuh waste, so lettuce tak cheese dawgs tuh town!"

"I'll destroy you! Marowak let's go!" Kiawe shouted as he sent out a black Pokémon that held a bone at its side. Two blue flames danced on the ends of the long bone.

"Yo I ain't gut no pokaymun. You has tuh duh this." The one told the other. The second one signed and sent out an Alolan Rattata.

"Marowak use bone rush!" Kiawe's Pokémon charged forward, swinging its bone into the rat Pokémon. The Pokémon was flung to the side and Alolan Marowak followed up with a downwards strike onto Alolan Ratatta's head. The dark and normal type Pokémon fainted and his trainer returned him.

"Well shoot. Let's get outta here!" The grunts bolted off before Kiawe or Selene could react.

"Kiawe, what were they saying about your family?" Selene asked.

"It's not important. Let's just get going." Kiawe said coldly, returning his Alolan Marowak.

"Kiawe please... just tell me." Selene said.

Kiawe's muscles tensed. "I told you. It's not important." Selene decided against pursuing the subject further. The two walked into Wela Volcano Park in silence.

The park was less of a park and more of a battlefield. Lone patches of grass stood in the field, the field was a war zone. Salandits spat poison at each other, scampering around and chomping down on each other.

There were about two dozens of these fights going on in Selene's sight alone. Many parts were obscured by smoke.

The field itself was huge, the area was mostly circular. Selene could make out a path leading to a cave but there didn't seem to be any fighting anywhere near it.

"It's worse than I thought! The only one who can get all of them under control is Salazzle." Kiawe said.

"Is there only one female?"

"Yes. Female Salandit are very rare and when there's more than one in a pack, they fight to decide who will evolve and become the leader. And I know exactly who the leader is, my Totem Pokémon."

"Then let's get her attention. I'm sure she'll help once she remembers you!"

Kiawe shook his head. "Like I said before, Salazzle won't listen to me unless we beat her in a battle."

"Then we'll beat her. Let's go Nihilego!" Selene called out her Pokémon friend, Kiawe sent out his Alolan Marowak.

"SALAZZLE! I, Kiawe, captain of Wela Volcano Park, challenge you!" Kiawe boomed, the Salandit all stopped fighting and turned their attention to the cave entrance.

"SA-SALAZZLE!" A voice from the cave hissed. All of the Salandits scattered and hid. A four-foot tall lean lizard stepped out, her poison purple eyes were locked on Kiawe. Salazzle gave a cruel smile and showed her razor sharp teeth. The lizard Pokémon's orange aura flared to life and she charged forward.

"Marowak us bonemerang!" The fire and ghost type threw its bone at Salazzle. The bone spun like a boomerang but Salazzle ducked under it. Somehow the bone turned around and struck her from behind. The bone flew back to Alolan Marowak.

"Nihilego use power gem!" Four rocks appeared at Nihilego's sides and sped forward, slamming into the downed Salazzle.

"SALAZZLE!" The Pokémon roared, it stood up and three Salandit ran from their hiding places, standing in front of the female Totem Pokémon.

The salandits spat poison at the duo, some of the poison landed on the ground but most of it continued to fly forward.

"Psychic!" Selene yelled, her Pokémon stopped the poison the flung it back into the Salandit and Salazzle.

"Shadow bone!" The flames enveloped Alolan Marowak's bone and he surged forward, whacking away the three Salandit before they could react.

Salazzle opened her mouth and hot flames spewed from them, engulfing Alolan Marowak.

"Bad move Salazzle! Flare blitz and bone rush!" Kiawe's Pokémon jumped forward, still engulfed in flame. He rammed headfirst into Salazzle, then struck the poison and fire type in the head. Salazzle fell forward and Alolan Marowak slammed his bone into the side of her face.

"Now let's finish this! Nihilego use psychic!" Nihilego picked up Salazzle and threw the weakened Pokémon into a wall, it fell forward, lifted its head, and then fell again. The aura fading.

"Selene, I need some of those healing items." Kiawe said, Selene dug out a revive and a full restore and handed it to him. Kiawe went to work healing Salazzle, Selene tended to Alolan Marowak and Nihilego's wounds.

Afterwards Salazzle called out all of the Salandits. They stood at attention, awaiting her next command.

"Alright, now let's head back to Lush Jungle." Kiawe said.

"Not so fast yo!" A familiar voice shouted. "You ain't leaving that easily bro!"

"Bro I think that's something they know." The other voice rapped. "Now let's stop putting on a show!"

Standing at the entrance was Marrow and Kevlar, along with ten grunts.

"Thanks for telling us where you guys are hiding out. Tell the B team to attack Lush Jungle!" Kevlar commanded a grunt, he turned and ran out to Route 7. Moments later he returned with a sly grin.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll run." Kiawe warned, the Salandit all snarled to prove his point.

"Yo we ain't scared! We'll catch 'em all!" Marrow yelled. All of the grunts produced Pokeballs.

"Well we'll defeat you!" Selene told them, trying to act confident.

"Last I checked, we beat you girly." Kevlar reminded her.

"If we have to battle, then so be it." Kiawe said, sounding very confident.

"Man you couldn't just make this easy on us and surrender? Well bring in the C team!" Marrow called, over 20 more grunts charged into sight.

"I'm not liking our chances." Selene said, nervously.

"Stop right there!" A new voice shouted. Standing at the base of the hill leading to the cave entrance was Colress, at his sides were 5 women. They had black hair and were dressed in all white. White shirts, pants, stockings, shoes, hats and gloves. 

"Colress, what are you doing here?" Selene asked in disbelief.

"What Elio said... I thought about it for a long time and realized he was correct. So I am doing something now, I went and found a few remaining members of the Aether Foundation who were willing to help. Now I hope you're ready for a fight!"

"Colress man, you're a fool for coming here. Now you're all going to perish!" Kevlar announced.

"No way! Nihilego let's do this!" Selene said, her Pokemon responded with a cheerful cry.

"Salazzle, on my command have the Salandit attack." Kiawe told Salazzle.

"Everyone, let's get them!" Marrow and Kevlar called out Toxapex and Lurantis, the grunts called out an assortment of Alolan Rattata, Yungoos, and Zubat. Selene also heard the sound of six Pokeballs being popped open behind her where Colress and the Aether Foundation people were. The grunts and their Pokemon surged forward.

"NOW!" Kiawe screamed.

"SALAZZLE!" Salazzle shrieked. The Salandit all moved forward, and all distortion broke lose. 

"Nihilego attack the enemies!" Selene shouted through the chaos, hoping her Pokemon heard her.

The scene was not a pretty one, in fact it was worse than all the Salandit fighting each other. Kiawe and his Alolan Marowak  were taking on Kevlar, while Marrow was being occupied by Colress and his Magnezone. The five Aether Foundation members didn't seem to have Pokemon, they were all physically fighting the Team Skull grunts.

The Team Skull grunts that weren't fighting the Aether Foundation girls were battling Salazzle and the Salandits. Selene noticed many of the Salandit were missing, multiple Pokeballs were scattered on the battlefield. Selene noticed two Salandit slip onto Route 7 and dash off towards Route 8. 

Before Selene could decide where to help a pink mushroom Pokemon strolled over to her, and before she could react, launched a cloud of spores into the air in front of her. Selene kicked it away but she knew it was too late, the spores made her drowzy and moments later her knees buckled and she fainted.

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