Spoils of Rage

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"What were you thinking?" Runaan demanded, watching her flinch at his tone. Not once had he ever spoken to her like this. Before he hadn't been angry, no. Frustrated, yes, because she'd made his job all the more harder. But he understood she was still just a child, not ready to spill blood just yet. Now?

This wasn't just another one of her little mishaps he could try to fix. This wasn't just a simple screw-up she might make when she was little. She had kidnapped the Crown Prince, something no one in the castle would go long without noticing. She had allowed Prince Ezran to live despite the binding that would cut deeper and deeper into his arms, and for the rest, their wrists, each passing day there was breath in his body. It was supposed to be simple, in and out without being noticed much. Not too much blood spilled. Not too many casualties and innocent lives taken.

Only two targets were needed for justice.

And now not only had Rayla compromised that part in which they could take the king by surprise and minimize the body count by refusing to kill the guard, but she'd also taken the Crown Prince, an offense the King would not take lying down. They'd think the prince was their sole target all along, and they'd known it was them because Rayla let the guard go. Katolis would search for them, King Harrow would stop at nothing to find his heir.

Because of Rayla, their mission was shambled beyond repair, and she may as well have killed them all.

He wasn't just upset, he wasn't just mad. He was absolutely furious.

"I—I tried, but I couldn't do it!" Rayla defended herself. "He looked at me with fear in his eyes, and... Runaan, he's too young to be any threat to us! He's never done anything to us!"

"Rayla, we bound ourselves!" Runaan snapped, eyes livid. "Our duty is to Xadia! If you didn't think you were ready, you shouldn't have come in the first place!"

Kouru was struggling to hear the argument but he was sidetracked by the small human who apparently now decided to latch onto him with Rayla no longer available. Even with one or two-worded answers, the young child shot a volley of questions faster than he could keep up. They ranged from "What treats do elves like?", often followed by the prince offering him one of the many jelly tarts stashed in his bag, to "Why do you have four fingers?" (He did not dignify that one with an answer) which afterward the prince held up his hands to compare. Either that or he'd ramble on about random topics, like his pet whose name was apparently Bait and was his best friend in the whole darn world.

He kept glancing over his shoulder every so often at Hyla or Kai, hoping they'd cut in, and the boy could bother them next, but they were seemingly having their own debate with one another so it seemed Kouru was stuck watching the child. Something he had no clue how to do in the slightest.

Moon above, he was an assassin, not a babysitter.

Still, it brought to question how the young prince could be so friendly? It wasn't even about them being elves and this small human child just walked straight up to them, but he had known Kouru for exactly five minutes and was talking to him like this was just a casual encounter in the woods. Didn't his father ever warn him about stranger danger? His literal first sight of them were with their weapons drawn; the boy was half his own size! But Prince Ezran didn't seem remotely intimidated or scared for his life even while the others were discussing his fate, just the occasional mention of how his father and brother were probably worried about him at home and that he should get back soon.

Despite their mission, Kouru couldn't help but be bothered that this kid was just too damn trusting.

Were all human children this naive?

In their culture, Moonshadow elves claimed they didn't have children. Only weapons. Few chose other professions. Soon as he was old enough, Kouru had taken up training. Their kind were not a...friendly type, per se; there were the few odd ones out, but most were a cold, hardened bunch, changed by the humans' destruction of all that mattered to them.

Show no fear, that's what he was taught. Emotion is weakness. The Moon is not warm—why should they appear so? Human children, on the other hand, were claimed to be raised weak, gifted with frivolities and novelty items, instead of the tools and skills they need to survive.

Still, the one before him talked away, oblivious to the imminent risk of his life by the people before him. Just completely defenseless and so much more fragile and smaller than elven children. And he had to wonder if all humans start out this way, innocent, then grew over time into the terrible monsters that he'd met.

If so, then at what point did they lost that?

"Rayla, humans cut down the King of the dragons!" Runaan's voice was suddenly loud enough to cut through Prince Ezran's rambling. "And destroyed the only egg of the Dragon Prince. Justice cannot be denied!"

Yet Rayla kept defending her choice. Why? She could finally redeem her parents' mistake, serve justice for the death of the Dragon King and Prince. But...unfortunately the more the kid talked, the more he could see it from her side. "Justice! King Harrow killed the Dragon King, not his son. Runaan, he is innocent—"

"He is our target. We took an oath! Do you have any idea the retribution we'll face for taking the King's heir?"

Kouru turned the prince's attention away by asking a question of his own. "So, uh, what colors can Bait change again?"

But Prince Ezran would not be deterred. "Everyone's talking about that you want to hurt my dad. I-I want to tell them that Dad is a good person... that they don't need to-" He cut off, squeezing Bait tighter. "People say that elves are evil and that they want to kill all of us. But that's not true!" He paused again, and looked up at the elves surrounding him. "Right?"

"No, we're not monsters," Kouru said, watching him quickly wipe his eyes. "You shouldn't have come with her. You shouldn't be here at all."

"Yeah, well, you shouldn't either!"

Alright, technically he had a point.

"My dad is a good person!" Prince Ezran repeated, his voice shaky.

"Your father orchestrated the murder of the Dragon King and then destroyed his only egg!" Runaan snapped, obliviously more in tune to the conversation than he'd appeared. "Our people desire some semblance of justice for the horrible crimes your people committed."

"And then what will happen?" Ezran asked.

"War, little prince, look at the world around you."

Prince Ezran walked in between Runaan and Rayla. "Can't you just talk about it?" he asked, tilting his head. "Besides, it's not Rayla's fault. She got all the way into the castle, and she didn't even get caught!" he gushed, his eyes sparkling. "She was just doing her best. And it was so cool how she carried me and Bait, and jumped from roof to roof!" Suddenly, he gasped, as if remembering something. "Oh, now I really have to get back soon. I wanted to show Callum this cool thing I found in the dungeon, it's magic, I can tell."

"Magic?" Hyla asked, walking forward.

"Mhm!" As the young prince recounted his story, his words tumbling out in a rush, barely pausing to take a breath, using both hands to gesticulate as he told his tale. About how there were many, many tunnels in the walls of the castle and he'd found them all, and even though it would help their mission, Kouru almost wanted to facepalm from how painfully trusting this kid was. He had just begun telling about how just before Rayla took him and mentioned the thing he found was this glowing rock thing that looked like an egg shape when Hyla stopped him again.

"An egg shape?" Her eyebrows were furrowed as she glanced over at Runaan. "And you think it was...magic?"

"Yeah!" Ezran beamed. "There was a noise coming from it. I think it was alive!"

Hyla stood abruptly. "Runaan."

Runaan turned to her. She gestured for him to come with her. After making sure Kouru and Kai were watching the prince, he let her take him off to the side. "This changes things."

Runaan kept his voice low. "This changes nothing."

"He's describing the Dragon Prince's egg," she hissed.


"Then don't you think we should go see for ourselves?"

"He could be lying. He's a human, our target, Hyla."

"A human child," she said. "And if he's right, then maybe...maybe The Dragon Prince is still alive. If we see for ourselves, we can take it back and we'll have the egg. There wouldn't be any need for justice against the young prince. This is the heir to Katolis and a nephew to the great General Amaya. He is worth more to us alive than dead."

"What then? I can't simply undo this. We bound ourselves, Hyla."

"Justice will still be taken with the King's death, Runaan, but if it turns out the egg is alive, then we will have the egg of The Dragon Prince. You said it yourself. Life is precious. If we find out that the Prince lived, we don't need to take this one, anymore."

Runaan turned to look at the prince. Prince Ezran was looking right at him. The boy said, "I'll go with you. I know where everything is and I'll take you there... If you don't hurt my dad."

Runaan considered those words. Hyla's voice was in his ear. "Peace can be had, Runaan."

"You can't hurt my brother, either." Runaan raised his eyebrows at the Prince's second request. "I'm sure he'll understand once I explain everything."

Callisto shook his head. "We can't. If the prince lives, we all lose our hands."

Hyla snapped, "Is that not worth it for Xadia? We could have the egg. The egg we all thought had been destroyed. Do you realize what kind of change that could bring?"

"We'll be slowed down," Callisto argued. "Runaan, you know we don't have time for this."

"The Dragon Queen can unbind us," said Hyla. "Dragons have powerful magic. If we find the egg, we can get it to her, and she most likely will release us from our bindings."

Kai stood next to Callisto. "Wait a minute. Are we sure about that? Are we sure she can do that?"

"Losing my hand is worth it if it means getting The Dragon Prince back to his mother."

Callisto snorted, "If he is even alive at all-"

"Enough. Runaan, make a decision." Kouru's voice cut clear between them. That tone made Runaan turn toward him. "The moon will rise soon. If we are to strike, it has to be tonight. What do we have to lose? If the young prince is right, we have the egg and can call off the mission. If he's wrong..."

Runaan turned to the prince and regarded him. For a moment, Runaan said nothing. Then, he broke his silence, "You will be compliant. You will be quiet. And if you become a liability, you will be dealt with. Is that understood?"

The prince shared a glance with Rayla who flashed him a small, reassuring smile. He looked back at Runaan and nodded.

"Very well. Come with us."


It was completely impromptu. Yet in the moment, it seemed the change of plans worked out better than he ever could have dreamed.

Originally, Viren had chalked up Callum's distress to the day's event, but when he tried to get one of the guards to get him out of the line of fire, he'd called out, "King Harrow!" and when that hadn't worked, desperate, he'd cried out, "Dad!"

It had its desired affect. Not a minute had passed after when Harrow threw open the doors to his chambers and ran out. "What happened?" he demanded, pushing past the Crownguards who tried to hold him back. "Callum, what's wrong?"

"They took Ezran! The assassins!" panted Callum as he shook off the guard holding him. "He ran off, and the next think I knew he was gone! I'm sorry, it was my fault!"

Harrow's eyes widened and he stumbled. Viren managed to catch him just in time, his mind already racing with what he could do with this situation to benefit his plans.

The Crown Prince was missing; he was certain the boy was still alive, possibly being kept alive by the Moonshadow elves that dared threaten to enter their fortress but there was no guarantee how long it would stay that way. The young prince was weak, a prince who would grow to make decisions that would keep Katolis and the humans from their rightful place in Xadia, but Harrow was willing to do anything to ensure his safety.

And whether the prince was kept alive or not, he could sow the seeds of despair the longer he was missing that he was in danger, and over time, well, it'd be a shame if something were to happen to the poor thing before he was saved. Any indication at all that the young prince wasn't so lucky, that the elves were what Viren had tried to get Harrow to believe: Bloodthirsty, vengeful monsters who couldn't be reasoned with.

Harrow would stand by his side again at last.

Straightening his shoulders as he helped Harrow up, hands clasped behind his back, Viren set his face into a stony, blank expression. He could play the part of a grieving man just as easily as he could act out all of his other expected roles.

"You are certain?" Harrow asked.

Callum nodded.

"But not dead," Viren reminded, "certainty of death would mean having his body in our possession, which we've found no trace of."

"Send out every soldier. Search every inch until he's found," Harrow said roughly, shaking off Viren. "They can't be too far away."

"Yet...we are not certain that you are no longer their target. You cannot be left unprotected—"

Jerking forward, a deadly fire burning in his smoldering green eyes, Harrow straightened to his full height—not much taller than Viren but in this state, it seemed as though he was fifty, a hundred feet tall—and spat, "Dead or alive, I will find my son. If he is alive, then I will have him returned to me safely. If he is dead, then I will make sure every inch of Moonshadow territory is razed and burned until there is nothing but ashes! Do you understand me?!"

"Yes, sir," Viren said humbly, bowing his head and fighting against every instinct to smile. "I will do everything in my power to find Prince Ezran. Now, please, you must return to be placed under protection."

"I will not stay idle while my son may be in danger or rotting in some wood!" Harrow snarled, taking a step forward to Callum whose face had gone pale at the mention of his brother's possible death. "Come on, Callum, it's going to be alright," he said, his expression softening. "We'll find him. If we find him before sunrise, there's still a chance."

"And what do you plan to do, sir?" Viren asked cooly. "When there's the slightest possibility you can't once the moon rises—" He stopped a moment when Harrow looked over his shoulder at him with a searing look—"And the people will need some reassurance once they find out. What are you going to do then? Run yourself to the ground searching through the entire castle? The entire forest?"

"If that's what it takes." This time it was Callum who spoke. Because this was his precious, baby brother. He was more than willing to do what it takes to get him back. When he thought it'd only been Harrow, he'd been willing then and he was willing now if it meant keeping his sweet, annoying baby brother safe.

"If Prince Ezran cannot be retrieved on time, that means you will have to take the place of Prince Regent, Prince Callum," Viren sighed heavily. "Neither of you are worth anything to Prince Ezran or this kingdom if you don't stay protected. If the Crown Prince is indeed in Moonshadow custody then you need to be ready to defend him. If it is as we feared, you will need to prepare for battle."

"But—" Callum began.

"Did you not take in consideration this may also simply be a ploy to get you out in the open?" Viren challenged. "That once they have the opportunity, they make sure none of the royal family survives tonight? We will find the prince, but the King is not good to anyone dead, and with him gone, neither are you. Don't you agree?"

Harrow glared at him, his gaze so heated that Viren was surprised it didn't burn a hole clean through his forehead then wrenched his gaze away. "Find my son, Viren."

"I give you my word, my king." Viren placed a hand over his heart, bowed low then turned and walked quickly down the stairs.

Once he was safely out of sight of anyone who would find him smiling at a moment like this bizarre, Viren finally let the somber expression drop away, replaced by one of delighted satisfaction. Everything was set in motion. He knew no amount of hints would ever be enough to convince Harrow or the step-prince. No, the body of Prince Ezran was needed. That would be the only thing to push Harrow over the edge, to actually follow through on his threat to burn the lands of the Moonshadow elves, and hopefully all of magical Xadia to embers.

Even if the monsters didn't carry through with Ezran's execution on their own, Viren would send his children after them under the guise of rescuing Ezran. Neither would dare defy him. And it wouldn't be long until the body of Prince Ezran was placed before the king and his stepson, and his plan could finally be underway. Harrow would follow him like a dog on a leash, straight into the heart of Xadia, intent on revenge. And, oh, he would reap the spoils of that rage.


Author's Note: Okay, I'm thinking about Callum maybe joining team Viren at least for a little bit because I've always thought it a little weird in the show that, while I can understand Ezran because he has that young naivety most kids have, Callum sided with the elf that chased him down, nearly killed him, and admitted to being an assassin there to kill his family, and not Claudia who he's known probably most of his life. As much as he'd believe ending the cycle of violence, I honestly doubt that if they did kidnap Ezran he would immediately side with the elves. So, yeah, I think he might be on team Viren for a bit to search with Claudia and Soren for his brother at least until he realizes Viren's true intentions

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