Chapter 15: The Stalker Gets Railroaded

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Jane really thought Camilla would let the whole Manhattan Nights wrap party idea go, when push came to shove. Camilla's social life was always jumping, and between school and her family, the holidays were just a blur of events, so Jane figured she was safe.

Camilla didn't let it go.

"Jane, come on, who else would I ask to do this with, hm?" Camilla looked at her friend appealingly. "You're the one who came to lunch, you're the one he'll remember! You still have his sunglasses, right?"

Camilla was driving Jane home in her new car, a very cute, bright yellow Mini Cooper. It was her "congratulations for getting into Princeton" slash Christmas present. Jane was grateful for the ride, as it was snowing, hard, and Bear had tutoring after school today, and she would've had to wait until five to get a ride home with him.

Even though Camilla's family was loaded, this was her first car. Her family didn't believe in "spoiling" their kids, a fact which Jane found admirable slash hilarious.

Camilla parked in front of the Carroway's house and the two girls ran inside as fast as they could, first hitting the kitchen to load up on food. Jane emptied the fridge, while Cam began making the sandwiches, and ten minutes later they were in Jane's room, eating roast beef and avocado sandwiches. A pack of Oreos sat on Jane's desk for dessert.

"Anyway," Cam said, "my cousin's boyfriend's roommate knows the script girl or whatever, and says he can get our names on the list. It's going to be at the Oak Room, Jane!" She looked at Jane imploringly, blue eyes wide. The Oak Room was one of Manhattan's trendiest bars, with private rooms upstairs. Apparently the entire top floor had been rented by the production company for the wrap party.

Jane knew all about it because Charlie had already told her. He planned to put in an appearance and retire to his room at the Marriott Marquis as soon as possible, where Jane would be waiting for him. But if she got roped into the party with Camilla, Charlie and Jane's quiet evening together would be ruined.


"Jane," Camilla began again. This was the thing with Cam; when she got an idea in her head, she held on to it with the tenacity of a terrier. It was a quality that had stood her in good stead, and had definitely helped her get into Princeton. It was also a quality Jane could do without right now.

"Cam, have you thought about how awkward it is for me to have to tag along on your social conquests?" Jane asked, taking another bite of her sandwich. "I mean, do you know how horrible it is for me to constantly hear people refer to me as 'the skinny one', or even 'the girl with the pretty one'?"

"Stop that." Cam, like Bear and her parents, refused to listen when Jane tried to tell her the truth about her looks. Her parents and Bear had to, because they were her family. Cam, however, inhabited the world outside these four walls with Jane, so it drove Jane crazy that she wouldn't admit the truth. "There's nothing wrong with the way you look." She glared at Jane. "In fact, sometimes I think you don't try on purpose, just to spite me."

"Yeah, it's all about you, isn't it, miss 'I had three boys fighting each other over who got to take me to Prom'?" Jane leaned over and grabbed the Oreos and ripped the bag open. She offered them to Cam, who shook her head.

Camilla got serious. "Look, there isn't anyone else I want to go with, you know? It'll be an adventure, just you and me in the city? We probably won't get in, and we can go get dinner somewhere. My treat?"

Jane looked at her friend and sighed. "And Payard for dessert?"

Camilla smiled. "Of course!" She lunged across the bed to hug Jane. "Thank you thank you thank you!"

Jane patted her back. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Get off me, you're making me spill my cookies!"

She texted Charlie, who was miserable, filming outside in the rain. He texted back, ten minutes later.

"It's fine. Everyone would be in a strop if I cut out early anyway. We probably wouldn't have had any time together, you know?"

"Yeah, I guess. But I hate to miss even one day with you, you know?"

He sent back a bunch of hearts.

Charlie had found out he was leaving New York on December twenty-first, the day after he hosted Saturday Night Live. Hosting the show meant another week in the city, so he hadn't complained when his manager set it up, even though he wouldn't really be able to see Jane very much during that time. The rehearsal schedule for SNL was crazy, and frequently lasted all night, especially the Friday before the show, and Fridays were Jane's best days to go to the city.



"What's going to happen when we're apart?"

"Oh, man. IDK, to be perfectly honest. I've tried not to think about it, you know?"

"Look, if you want to just end things when you go back to England, I'm perfectly okay with that, I want you to know."

"What you're hearing now is the sound of my heart breaking into a million little shards and raining down all over Manhattan."

He sent another text immediately.

"Jane, say that isn't true? PLEASE? NOW???"

"Of course it isn't true. I just wanted to give you an easy out."

"I'm not looking for an easy out. I'm looking for an easy IN."

"That was beneath even you, Charlie."

"Seriously. IDK what's going to happen after the holidays. I'm supposed to start working on a solo album, start writing it, I mean."

"You mean England's greatest boyband is never getting back together? [cue scary music] Say it ain't so!"

"I talk to the other lads sometimes. They're pretty happy. I think the original plan was a two year break."

"Your last concert was two years ago last August, at Wembley. I remember. Camilla and I cried and cried."

"Really? That's nice."

"It was horrible, Charlie! Camilla's Catholic! She wore mourning for two weeks!"


Charlie thought about the holidays, back in England, without Jane. He enjoyed Christmas with his family, but the thought of being without Jane was horrible.



"There's no way on earth you're going to miss me as much as I'll miss you, I believe."

"You're probably right."

"Jane!!! I'm bereft..."

"I think I might just die."

Charlie read the words and his heart tightened.

"Look, I'll figure something out. I promise. I mean, I'm a bazillionaire, as you're so fond of saying. I can just come back to New York after the holidays and write my new album here."



"Srsly, Charlie, what's involved with that?"

"Well, I just have to have a place to live, that's all. I'll just buy a place. Oh god, Jane, you could live with me!!!"


"You graduate in June, right? So what's stopping you??"

"Well, I'm going to find out in March where I'll be going to college, so yeah, there's that?"

"Oh. Well, where did you apply?"

"I can't believe I haven't told you that?"

"No. We've, uh, been busy doing other things, you know ;)"

"Yeah (; Anyway, I applied to Yale, Stanford, and Cornell."

"Oops, and Berkeley (safety school)"


" (:"

"But you didn't apply to, say, Columbia? Or NYU?"

"Sadly, no ):"



"Ithaca? Where's that?"

"Upstate New York. Cornell's there. I notice you're not shouting with excitement anymore. Does that mean you wouldn't come to Ithaca??"

"I'll go anywhere you are."

"I heart Charlie."

"Hm? I didn't quite catch that..."


"Good night, Jane. xxx"

"Night. xxx"


The next day Camilla was all excited because some new pictures of Charles McAllister had surfaced on social media. Apparently he'd been wandering around Midtown and some lucky fans had gotten pictures.

"Look how good he looks!" Camilla said. Jane leaned over her desk to look.

Vivian wandered over, too. "He's taller in person," she remarked. "And a really good kisser."

Jane looked at the picture of Charlie, standing in front of the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Plaza. She remembered when the girl had asked for the selfie. Charlie's hair was curling over his collar in that way that made Jane's knees weak.

And there she was. She was looking at herself.

In the picture.

She was standing a little behind him, looking down slightly, but it was definitely her.

"Look, Jane, that could almost be you!" Vivian's manicured finger was pointing at her. "And that coat looks just like yours, too."

"Huh, she's right," Camilla said, looking at the picture. She clicked to another one. "And look, she's in this one, too!"

Great. Different fan. Different location. Same Jane.


"She looks shorter than me," Jane said briefly.

The bell rang, thankfully, and Camilla turned her phone off, sliding it in her bag.

After school Jane went online and looked through the most recent pictures of Charlie, and found herself in the background of three of them, not counting the two she'd seen at school.

She was just texting Charlie about it when she got a text from Camilla, with all the pictures of her and Charlie attached.

"Look! Charles McAllister's stalker is your doppelgänger!"


Jane fervently hoped that was the end of it.

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