Chapter 29: Jane Alone

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Jane saw Bear's face the first day after he came home from school, and her heart broke for her brother. He was obviously furious, and had been for a while. He kissed his sister and went upstairs, and she could hear him stomping around up there as he tried to calm down. Cam left, giving the siblings some privacy.

Jane went upstairs, stopping in the doorway of her brother's room. As usual, it was kind of messy, a gentle mess, like Bear himself.

"Barrett?" she called.

He was sitting on his bed, his head in his hands. He looked up at Jane, smiling gently.

"I guess it was pretty bad," she said, going to sit next to him.

He shrugged. "My friends, my real friends, they aren't going to say anything, but I'm sort of high profile, you know?"

Jane nodded ruefully. "That's an understatement."She sighed. "I'm so sorry, Bear, I really am." She leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Not your fault, Janey," he responded. "All you did was fall for a guy who turned out to be a sleaze bag."

Jane lifted her head. "No. Bear, that's not true! Charlie didn't know about any of this! You heard dad, right?"

Bear shrugged again. "Whatever. Even if he didn't do it himself, it happened because of him, like I said. No one did this because of you, you know? It's all on him. He could have any woman in the world. Literally. You can't say that about many people, but Charles McAllister could actually physically get any person he wanted, he's that popular." He looked at Jane. "And he has to choose you. And he puts you in this position, with no way to defend yourself, no way to protect yourself." 

He put his arm around Jane and they sat that way for awhile. Bear saw the world very black and white, Jane knew. He had to blame someone, and the only two choices were Charlie or Jane herself. Which meant there was no choice, as far as Bear was concerned.

"Come on, let's go eat, hm?" Jane suggested, patting her brother's leg. "I'll make you chocolate chip and banana pancakes."

"Sounds good, I just have to do something on my computer first, though okay?"

Jane nodded and went downstairs.

She found out that night, after she was in bed, what her brother had been doing on his computer when she opened her laptop.

Bear was ridiculously popular on social media, though he rarely went on it. He had tweeted something that afternoon at 3:23 p.m. which had already been retweeted over 50,000 times, which Jane found astounding. Even Bear didn't have that many followers. 

Then she read the tweet.

"Jane never hurt anyone, and if she were a guy all she'd be getting are high fives all around. If you're human, act like it, and don't watch."

Jane looked at the number of retweets. 50,157. 50,166. 50,182. It was climbing steadily as she watched it. So not everyone was making fun of her, reveling in her misery. That was nice to know.

She scrolled through the comments underneath it. It was a mixture of the kind she'd seen yesterday, along with some of support.

"She's a slut. slutslutslutslutslut."

"What he MEANT to say is: sorry my sister is a WHORE."


"Poor Charles, probably got splinters in nasty places screwing that broomstick."

"Let's play a game, who can count her ribs the fastest??"

Jane typed in the first three letters of her first name in her browser and got over ten million hits in less than a second. 

What had she been thinking? She had no business trying to be with someone like Charlie in the first place. He was a movie star, a platinum-selling, grammy-winning singer, a millionaire. He was one of the best looking people in the world.

She was Jane, with the bug eyes, with the little kid's body, she was no one.

She clicked on the video.

"Ooh, is the girl from New Jersey feeling a bit randy?"

She watched it all the way through. Three times.

Christmas, and the entire break, went by in a blur for Jane. She stayed in the house with her family and Cam, whiling away her days cooking, reading, and showing everyone how fine she was. And every night, after she got in bed, she'd watch the video, again and again, forcing herself to sit through it, seeing over and over how Charlie's breath stirred her thin hair off her shoulder, or seeing her tiny, pitiful breasts for mercifully brief seconds as she lay under his body. 

She woke every day dreading the Monday in January that she'd have to go back to school, but it came anyway. Cam came to pick her up, and her mother hugged her at the door, something she hadn't done in years.

"I love you, Jane," she said. She didn't tell her to have a good day or anything, for which Jane was grateful.

They got out of the car, and Jane could already feel the stares, but no one said anything to her until they were inside. That was when she heard the anonymous, male voice, doing a decent imitation of an English accent.

"Hey, Carroway? Feeling randy today?"

Jane and Cam just kept walking to Jane's locker. It was weird, because it was like everyone knew where she was and what she was doing, but she was also invisible at the same time. No one talked to her or acknowledged her in any way.

She walked in to her first period class to find a pile of condoms on her desk. Wordlessly she picked them up and took them to the trash, hearing a few snickers as she walked with them in her hands.

The rest of the day passed in much the same way, and even though Cam was staunchly by her side, Jane didn't see how she could endure another day, much less finish out the year. And knowing that Charlie was all the way over in England just made things so much worse. She couldn't even remember what he looked like, sometimes. 

Every night, though, she'd watch the video, and see his face in grainy, low-quality video as he fucked the girl he was with, the girl Jane knew to be herself, but who seemed to have less and less to do with who she was.

Jane had never felt so alone.


After a few weeks of this painful existence, she finally burst into tears one night in front of Camilla, who was spending the night.

"Oh god, Cam, I don't think I can do this anymore," Jane said, her face in her hands. She heard nothing from her friend, and finally looked up at her.

Camilla was sitting across from her on the bed, looking at her with an inscrutable expression.

"What?" Jane asked.

Cam shrugged. "I don't know what you expected, Jane. I mean, he's Charles McAllister. What did you expect to happen?"

"What? Are you saying I should've known I'd end up in a sex tape?" Jane gasped.

"No, I'm just saying you had to know it wouldn't end well, or at least that it would end," Cam said.

"Of course I knew it would end," Jane said, at a loss for words. "I'm still not sure what you're--Camilla, are you upset with me about something?"

Cam took a deep breath. "Look, I know this hasn't been easy for you, and I'm not trying to make it harder, but the longer I think about it, the harder it is for me to understand why you didn't tell me what was going on right at the beginning, you know?"

Jane blinked in confusion. "I told you, I wanted to keep it private--"

Camilla cut her off, saying, "Private, right, yeah, I got that. I don't get why, though. I mean, I never would've kept something like this from you, Jane," and Jane could hear pain and venom in her friend's voice.

Jane was suddenly furious. "Now wait just a minute, Cam--"

"Jane, why are you getting mad at me?" Cam asked. "You asked if I was upset, and I'm just trying to tell you how I feel. I mean, if you didn't want to know, why did you ask?"

Something snapped inside of Jane. 

"You have no idea what it's like to be Camilla Parks' ugly friend," she hissed, leaning forward. "None! You've pranced through your whole life under a glittery pink spotlight, leaving a trail of fucking fairy dust in your wake, dragging me around like a piece of old, ugly luggage." Now the tears were falling, fast and furious, with no way for Jane to stop them, or the ugly words which were coming from her mouth.

"So I went with you to your lunch, like I always do, and what do you know, someone noticed me! Who knows why? I sure as hell don't!" Jane threw her arms wide. "But he did! For the first time in my entire, homely life, someone wanted to be with me, and not because he could use me to get to you." She wiped her eyes. "So forgive me for wanting something for myself that I didn't have to share with the perfect Camilla Parks." And it was amazing how horrible the same words could sound when said in a different tone of voice.

Camilla was just staring at her, mouth slightly open. "Jane, I just wanted to know why you kept it a secret so long. I mean, it must've been so amazing to spend all that secret time with him in the city, and you never talked about it at all..."

"Jesus fucking Christ, Camilla, are you telling me that after the shitstorm that my life's become, you're jealous?" Jane looked at her best friend in disbelief. "I mean, which is it? You can't be pissed off at me and covet what I had at the same time, you know?"

Camilla just stared at her.

"Oh my god, you are jealous," Jane said softly, stunned. If she hadn't already been sitting down, she would've fallen. She'd known Camilla all her life, and she'd never known her to feel jealousy towards anyone, ever.

"Well, congratulations," she said sarcastically. "You're probably the first person in the history of the world to be jealous of the ugliest porn star ever to make a movie! I mean, that's just pathetic, Cam, or funny, I don't know which." Jane wiped her eyes again.

Camilla rose from Jane's bed and began gathering her things. "Great. So glad I could entertain you. So now you can enjoy watching me prance out of here, okay?" And she left, shutting Jane's door very firmly behind her.

Jane was horrified. What had just happened? She'd never had a fight with Camilla. It was almost as unthinkable as having a fight with Bear. She tried texting, but got no response, then tried calling, but got sent straight to voicemail.

Oh no.

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