Valentine's Day

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In the Bistro, Kairi, Umika, and Touma are getting the decoration ready for Valentine's Day party which is in a couple days. Each of them has their part to put any decoration up since the Bistro is closed for a couple days but did send out the flyer to anyone who would like to come for Valentine's Day party. While the Lupinrangers are doing the decoration in the Bistro, the Patorangers saw the flyer from the Bistro to see that they are invited to come to Valentine's Day party which it takes place on Valentine's Day. That flyer gave the opportunity to Keiichiro to asked Tsukasa to see if she will go on a date with him.

"Tsukasa can we talk alone?" Keiichiro asked.

"Hai," Tsukasa said as she looked over to Keiichiro.

Keiichiro tried not to smile as he is happy that Tsukasa agreed to talk alone. Both Keiichiro and Tsukasa got up from their chairs and walk out of the office into the hallway. Once they were alone, Keiichiro turns to face Tsukasa.

"Tsukasa would you like to go on the date with me?" Keiichiro asked.

"Hai, I do," Tsukasa answered as she nods.

Keiichiro smiled brightly as he got his wish come true where he and Tsukasa go out on the date. Tsukasa was a little surprised but happy since she does have a crush on Keiichiro for a while but not sure how to say it to him. Unknown to Tsukasa, Keiichiro was the same way as Tsukasa but has the courage to say it after seeing the flyer.

While Tsukasa and Keiichiro are talking in the hallway, Sakuya was thinking about a girl that he secretly crushes on. The girl that he was thinking, her name is Michelle Scotts and she was originally from America but knows that she is from the future that sent to the past. Sakuya was hoping that Michelle can go on the date with him. Michelle has been working on her paperwork but she also trying to get a week off to go back to America. Sakuya turn to Michelle.

"Michelle, can I talk to you for a minute?" Sakuya asked.

"Sure," Michelle said as she stops working.

Both Sakuya and Michelle face to each other. Michelle noticed that Sakuya looked little nervous, so she grabs his hand to calm down. Sakuya slowly calms down since Michelle grabs his hand.

"Michelle umm would you like..." Sakuya said.

"Like what?" Michelle asked.

"To go on the date with me at the Bistro on Valentine's Day?" Sakuya asked quickly.

Michelle looked surprised but she was planning to go back home to visit her uncle and cousin. So, she has to rethink her plan if she wants to go on the date with Sakuya.

"Sakuya can you give me a few hours to think and I will let you know by the end of the day," Michelle said.

"Ok Michelle," Sakuya said.

While Michelle was thinking about the problems, Noel looking for someone since he needs to ask her something. Noel is walking and bumped into a girl and see to find out that she is the one he is looking for. Her name is Lucky Snyder and has a crush on Noel. Noel is planning to ask her to go on the date with him.

"I am sorry Lucky," Noel said.

Lucky frowns, "Noel..."

"Can I ask you something?" Noel asked noticed her frowned.

"Mhm sure," Lucky said.

"Would you like to go on the date with me?" Noel asked.

Noel was little nervous to see what Lucky is going to say. Lucky thought for a moment before jumping into his arms.

"Yes~" she said happily.

Noel smiled happy and glad that he got a chance to asked her. Noel hugs Lucky and kisses her on the cheek. Soon, they begin to talk about the date and the party.

While Noel and Lucky chattering about the party that was taken place in the Bistro, Touma step out of the Bistro to take a break and see Jessica. Touma smiled softly but has the feeling that Jessica is going to ask him. Jessica was walking and saw Touma standing outside of the Bistro. Jessica walks up to Touma.

Jessica said," Hey Touma, Um I was wondering if you want to umm."

Touma knows what she is trying to asking and nods.

"Yes, I do since I have the feeling you might be asking," Touma said.

Jessica smiles and hugs Touma. Touma hugs back.

"Jessica, I have been waiting for you to ask me almost all day since I was busy getting Valentine's Day party ready on Valentine's Day," Touma said.

Jessica said," Oh wow you must be really tired. I'll take care of the rest and you go to sleep. I don't want you to get sleepy on Valentine's day."

"But Jessica we only have one more day left before Valentine's Day party," Touma said before he let out a big yawn.

Jessica said," Touma you need to sleep now."

Jessica took him inside the Bistro and kisses his cheek. Touma blushes but yawns again.

"Fine but tell others to get rest since they were working hard as me," Touma said as he headed to his room.

Jessica nods and told the others to get some rest. Kairi and Umika tried to protest that they need to finish up but Jessica won't have it.

Jessica said," Go to bed now!"

"Fine!" Kairi and Umika said before going to their rooms.

Jessica continues getting the party ready. After Jessica was done with the decoration then she went to bed. The party at the Bistro is going to be fun since there will be many dates going to attends there. Soon almost all except Sakuya and Michelle. Michelle manages to tell Sakuya that she is going on the date with him which Sakuya is happy.

A few days later which is Valentine's Day, everyone is getting ready for the party. Unknown to all of them, a Gangler is attacking the people on Valentine's Day. A lot of people were trying to get away from a Gangler. A Gangler hates anything that is love on Valentine's Day so he is destroying and ruined many people's day. Both Patorangers and Lupinrangers heard the attack and went to the Gangler.

When Patorangers and Lupinrangers got there, Lupinrangers are already in their suit and Patorangers are not. Both teams saw each other and knew that they will work together to stop a Gangler since a Gangler almost ruined Valentine's Day.

"Yo cops. We decided to work with you since Gangler almost ruined the Valentine's Day and plus we need to leave soon," Lupin Red said.

"For once I agree with you thief," Keiichiro said.

Patorangers took their trigger out and morph into their Sentai suit. Lupinrangers joined Patorangers and looks at the Gangler. A Gangler noticed that they are working not against each other.

"We are here for your treasures," the Lupinrangers said.

"By the power vested in us by the Global Police, we'll deal with you by force!" the Patorangers said.

"You will never stop me since I hate anything is love," a Gangler said.

This answer gave Lupinrangers and Patorangers an idea. They looked at each other and nods knowing how to stop a Gangler. A Gangler started to realized that he spilled his weakness to Lupinrangers and Patorangers.

"Crap!" a Gangler said and starts to attack them.

Lupinrangers and Patorangers scattered to avoid the attack. A Gangler laughed as he shoots at them more. None of them are able to get close without getting shot by the beam.

"Are we going to keep avoiding his attacks?!" Lucky asked jumping over a beam.

"Until we get closer to a Gangler and stop whatever that Gangler shooting at us," Michelle said.

A beam shot at the bench and its turn into ashes. This scene makes Patorangers and Lupinrangers worried but know they have to work faster to stop a Gangler. But what they don't know that a Gangler has another trick against them. A Gangler smirked as he sees the girls are separated from the boys so he quickly shoots at them caused the girls to screams.

"NO!" the boys yelled when their crush got struck by the beam that was sent by a Gangler.

The girls scream before stop as their heads are down. The boys are worried about their crush and see the vision on their helmet change color to white. None of the boys know what is going on as soon the girls start to attack them. Lucky attacking Noel. Michelle attacking Sakuya. Tsukasa attacking Keiichiro. Umika attacking Kairi. Jessica attacking Touma.

"Snap it out!" the boys said as they block the attack of the girls.

"Never!" the girls snarled.

"Hahaha you will have to hurt them if you want them back," a Gangler said laughing.

The boys growl and fight against the girls. The fighting has been going on for almost 30 minutes. Kairi, Touma, and Sakuya shoot at Umika, Jessica, and Michelle while Noel and Keiichiro slash at Lucky and Tsukasa. The girls got hit and knocked out. A Gangler saw and make his way to escape but both male Patorangers and Lupinrangers won't let him go.

"You will never defeat me," a Gangler said.

"Yes, we will. You hurt the one we love," the boys yelled.

Lupinrangers runs toward a Gangler and put the Dail Fighter on a safe to take the Lupin Collection out of it. Patorangers waits until Lupinrangers take it and shoots at the Gangler to destroy him. A Gangler got destroyed but never got revealed as the boss of Ganglers doesn't like it. Each of male Sentai picked up their crush and looked at each other. Lupinrangers left with their crush while Patorangers are walking to the car to drive back to HQ.

An hour later, all the girls woke up to find out that the male Sentai beats a Gangler. All of the girls are covers in small cuts and bruises but it is easy to cover up for the party. Jess and Lucky took Umika out for a quick shopping after Jessica called Tsukasa to see if she and Michelle can join the rest of the girls. Tsukasa and Michelle agreed to go with Jessica, Lucky, and Umika. They went out shopping and gone to the spa to get ready for the party.

Meanwhile, Kairi, Touma, and Noel are left behind so Noel called Keiichiro and Sakuya to see if they can come to the party since they have a feeling that the girls will appear there. Both Keiichiro and Sakuya agreed and left the HQ to headed to the party after stopping at their place to get the suit.

As everyone is getting ready for the party at the Bistro, all you can hear the music in the air with so many loves and hearts. Keiichiro, Sakuya, and Noel helped Kairi and Touma with the foods to set up on the table. Then they are waiting for their date as some of the people who saw the flyers came in. About 10 minutes into the Valentine's Day party, the girls walking in when their date saw them. The boys were blushing badly as they see their date. Jessica is wearing purple with a red stripe dress. Lucky is wearing cyan with orange hearts dress. Michelle is wearing purple with pink twirls dress. Tsukasa is wearing a rose pink. Umika is wearing a yellow with a little bit of red spots dress.

"W-wow!" Keiichiro and Sakuya said.

"Belle(Beautiful)," Noel said.

"Sexy~" Touma said.

"So beautiful," Kairi said.

As the girls heard their date and blush badly. The boys took their date in their hand and ask them for a dance which all of the girls accepted. Each of the lovers looks at each other.

"Lucky you look so belle(beautiful) today," Noel said.

Lucky blushed at his comment and smiled softly. "Merci, Noel-kun."

Noel smiles and kisses on her lips.

"I love you Lucky," Noel said.

Lucky kissed back as she held his hand, "I love you too, Noel."

"I was so worried about you since you been out for a while since we have to stop you in order to get to Gangler," Noel said.

"I just have a few bruises and cuts... you did everything you could to save me and I couldn't be more proud," Lucky said wrapping her arms and legs around his body giggling softly.

Noel nodded as he kissed her forehead. The next lovers are Tsukasa and Keiichiro. Tsukasa and Keiichiro talked quietly about the attack earlier today.

"You did your best to stop us Keiichiro," Tsukasa said.

"I know but seeing you against me hurts me badly even it is Gangler's fault," Keiichiro said softly as he held her hand tightly.

Tsukasa nodded knowing it is true. Tsukasa kissed on Keiichiro's cheek caused him to blush. Tsukasa giggled softly seeing Keiichiro's face turn red. Onto next lovers, Jessica and Touma talked softly as their heads are on each other. Their eyes are not anywhere but on each other eyes.

Jessica said," My My Touma, you look so Beau (Handsome)."

"And you look so beautiful," Touma said as he blushed.

Jessica said," I love you, Touma."

"I love you too Jessica," Touma said.

Jessica said," You know, I always wanted to dance with you and hopefully we can do this more often."

"I agree," Touma said, "After today, maybe we can do more often as long there is no Gangler attacking us."

Jessica said," Yup."

Touma kissed her on the lips. Jessica kisses back. They both smiled at each other and talks about how they can get more dancing so often when they are taking a break. The next lovers are Michelle and Sakuya.

"Michelle, I always dream about us dancing in a slow dance for a long time," Sakuya said.

"Me too, Sakuya," Michelle said.

"I couldn't believe it that Gangler turns you against me," Sakuya said.

"I know and I don't like it. It feels like I am hurting someone that I love," Michelle said.

Sakuya hugs Michelle and whispers in her ear saying that he will take her home when the party's over. Michelle nodded and smiled softly at Sakuya. Michelle is glad that she choose to go on the date with Sakuya than going back home for Valentine's Day to spend time with her family. The last lovers are Kairi and Umika. Kairi and Umika smiled at each other.

"I can't believe it that Valentine's Day party actually working," Umika said.

"Yeah," Kairi said.

"I am really sorry for what I did," Umika said tried to apologize but Kairi won't have it.

"It's not your fault. Blamed on Gangler did to you and others," Kairi said.

"Ok," Umika said.

Kairi nodded and smiles. Umika giggled softly and kiss on Kairi's cheek. Kairi blushed when Umika did that.

Its seem like all of the lovers were talking about the accident and the fight that they were in it earlier today. As the music play very soft dance for everyone. Slowly into the night as the lovers dancing together and get so lost in love on Valentine's Day.

Lucky: Mach_Speed_Go_On_Red 

Jessica: LupinPurple

Michelle: Starbee-Prime

The cover was made by Mach_Speed_Go_On_Red

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