1. The Begining

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Scene: A narrow road running in between cemetery

A light flashes on the road, after focusing you can see a guy riding a bike through the narrow road.

Guy, "Ah!! Why do I feel uncomfortable while crossing this cemetery all the time?, Is it because of my Grandma who always tells me scary, spooky stories? Or is it the scenario here?"

Cemetery covered with fog and full moon can be seen clearly, a tree which has shed its leaves stands against this scenario which makes him gulp down his own saliva.

A lone dog was howling from a distance, Sweat breaks on his forehead. Lights goes off in his bike, he tries his best to ride his bike without light. Suddenly his bike stops in the middle of the road, It was around 11pm and nobody crosses this place around that time.

Guy, " I am so very sure you will die out of fear today!" he got down and tried to check what happened to his bike with his mobile light (Not much dark since it was a full moon day).

He saw a man sitting on one of the tombstone turning towards him, he was frightened at first later composed himself and asked, " Who are you? And what are you doing here?"

Man asked, " Hey can you see me? I Am Abhishek!"

Guy asked, " What does that mean?"

Abhi said," I am a ghost you fool! That's why I asked you can you see me?"

That guy started to sweat profusely when...

Abhi said," Cool man I was just playing with your mind, come here I am bored to sit alone.

That guy walked towards him and sat on the opposite tombstone petrified. Abhi who sensed his fear yet again said, "Dude I am not a ghost and you can't shake hands with one wanna try?" held out his hand for him. That guy hesitantly forwarded his hands and said (shaking his hands with Abhi), Purab khanna. Abhi said," See you are able to shake hands with me I am a human believe me man or should I say Purab?" Purab smiled after a long time being in fear and said," Just imagine the circumstances bro, I felt like someone just took my heart out and put it back inside. Abhi said, " Come on you are just being a scardy cat!!." Purab said, Ok, May I ask you something?" Abhi said, "Shoot me with questions" (smiling weakly). Purab asked, "Why are you here?" Abhi dint know what to say tears welled up in his eyes, he ignored them and said, "I am here for my love she passed away two years back" He showed Purab another tombstone besides him in which it was Written Pragya Abhisheik Prem Mehra aka Fuggi (1992-2014).

 Purab felt really bad after seeing it, above those details was a cute photo of her engraved. Purab said, " Your wife she looks beautiful, guessing from the years mentioned she died when she was just 22? What happened to her?" Abhi said, "Someone killed her..." (Tears ran down his cheeks and met near his mouth). Purab was patting his back and consoling him. Abhi said, "You know when I met her..." Purab interrupted and said, " It was Love at first sight right?" Abhi smiled and said, " You would have heard people saying that cupid struck them with an arrow when they met their love for the first time but here things are different..." Purab asked eagerly, " Like what?" Abhi said laughing ," I think Cupid was bored so he sent devil instead" Purab asked," what do you mean by that?" Abhi said, " Our meeting was like Fight at First Sight"

FB Begins...

A very long queue is seen, A boy and a girl is seen rushing towards the end of the queue. Both of them gets collided before reaching the spot and falls down. Around 10 people stood in that place before the girl or the boy were able to get up. Pragya started shouting, " Oh my God because of this stupid I have to wait more longer now." I who heard her said, "What did you say because of me huh?? It was because of you and not me".

She said, "It's because of you." I said," No it's because of you". A guy behind us said," Could you guys move aside so I can join the queue?" We moved aside and was about to start fighting when another girl came and said," Pragya they have closed the counter tomorrow we have to try again, come let's go." My friend Nikhil came and said," Abhi today also they closed the counter, come let's go." Both of us looked at each other as if given a chance both will dug our nails onto each other and left the place.

The next day we met again, this time we both were before time and standing in the queue and waiting to get to the counter. I dint know she was there right behind me I heard someone speaking turned back to see it was her. I said to Nikhil, "I just don't understand something, It is just that problems come behind me or am I finding it wherever I go." She got really angry this time and said, "Mr Whoever you are just mind your words, If not I will slap across your face." I was shocked hearing that from her, you know she kind of looks little like really a little girl when next to me and she said something like that very boldly I was shocked beyond belief I dint even know I reached the counter. She said, " Your turn Mr. go" I just nodded and turned towards the counter. Purab interrupted and asked, "Wow she is really a brave girl, you liked that dint you?" Abhi said, "Totally in love with her attitude but she is not the same every time. She is a very sweet person, If you mess with her you are dead and gone." After our work was done we (Abhi & Nikhil) head back home had, my favourite coffee prepared by my Grandma and suddenly I was reminded of her and said, " Hey Nikhil you know what? I hate her! Hate her Guts, Hate her Eyes, Totally totally hate her attitude. What does she thinks of herself ? A Queen? Come on. She can never be a Queen, If she is one she will be the worst one ever." Nikhil asked me, " About whom are you talking about man?" I said, " The one with the specs ". Nikhil said, " Dude stop it I am feeling sleepy." I said, " I can't she kind of lives in my mind. You remember right she was the one who made me furious the very first time?" Nikhil said, " Ok buddy cool down and let me sleep please." I was rewinding everything in my mind and dint sleep that day.

Purab said, " So you like her Guts, Her Eyes, Her attitude. Don't you?" Abhi said, " Yes of course I do. You know what I went out the very next day to get details about her and found something which made me hate myself for behaving with her in that way. I really felt sorry for her and planned to meet her that weekend because I heard she only comes there during the weekend." Purab said, " Don't tell me you are going to tell another Flashback?" Abhi said, " Dude I hope we were great friends in previous birth you know me very well. Anyway I am gonna start you have to bear with it."

FB Begins...

I saw Pragya walking on a road near a church speaking to another girl. A fast car is seen approaching a small kid somewhere near her eye sight. She ran towards the child ignoring the incoming vehicle. She saved the child, before the car could reach them I went and stood between her and that car and said, "Yo bro could you just get down from your car??" To everyone's surprise a girl wearing a little black dress got down from the car and wore sunglasses and asked, " Who are you to stop me?" after noticing me the girl suddenly became all lovey, dovey saying, " I am sorry I dint meant to..." I said, " Enough of your drama baby doll say sorry to her and that kid". She went ahead and saw Pragya and said, " Why should I say sorry to that orphan? No way" saying this she turned away. Now somebody lost their patience and slapped her hard across her face and said, " Say sorry now!" That girl became very shaky and finally apologized to Pragya.( Yes it was me who slapped her).

That girl turned towards the car and left in a hurry while going she was murmuring, " Pragya because of you he slapped me, I will show you what Tanushri can do to you" (smirking).

I went near her and asked, " Are you ok sweetheart?" She was lost in her own world dint reply me tears traced her pale cheeks. The boy who was saved by her said, " Don't cry sister I will take care of her, when I grow up." When she came back to being herself she said, " What you just said? Sweetheart? Really? I hate that don't call me so, ever." I said, " Hey I just wanted to make you feel comfortable cool down and I am sorry if I have said something that hurt you in anyway." Her friend came and said, " Thank you so much for saving her, sometimes she is very emotional and the other times violent." I said, " Its ok I completely understand." From the very next day I started following her and someone else was following me. Purab asked, " Who was that? The one following you?" I said, " Why are you in a hurry I will tell you everything have some patience." Abhi said, " Buddy is there any hotel here? I want to wash myself and have a good sleep it's been a while you know!" Purab said, " I have a Good news and a Bad news for you, which one should I say first? The Good news or the Bad news?" Abhi said, "Bad news first." Purab said, " You can't find a hotel in this vicinity." Abhi asked, " So the Good news?" Purab said, " Good news is you can stay at my home." Abhi thought, " That is what I wanted and I achieved it, I hope the other trick worked too." Purab waved in front of him and asked, " What are you thinking? You don't want to stay at my home? Hey it's pretty decent and well maintained." Abhi said, " Ok I am coming just slipped into her thoughts again and nothing else." They both stood up and left the place in his bike. When you see the tombstone next to Pragya's , a lightining strikes revealing Abhisheik Prem Mehra (1988-2014).

 When Purab was about to reach his place a man sees him and thinks, " Who is he speaking with? Has he gone mad?" Now you can see Abhi turning back and smiling wickedly. A lone dog howls rrrrraaaaaaahhhhhhhhhooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwww!!!

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