10. The Black Zone

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Purab's POV

After being pulled out of that room by Aaliya my right eye it was hurting a lot, tears were coming out of it. I controlled a lot not to let my tears down. Bulbul who saw me suffer, tried to come towards me, I signed her not to because I was with my hanging chad Aaliya. I excused myself from Aaliya and went towards a secluded area followed by Bulbul. She asked, " What happened Purab? What happened to your eyes? Show me, let me see." I stopped her and told Abhi, " Bro help me out I can't take this anymore it hurts to the core. I am not even able to see clearly with you guys moving around. I heard him speak to Nikhil's Clone. He told me to blindfold myself, I took help from Bulbul. We walked towards that cursed store room where everything began. Bulbul helped me walk towards the store room under the guidance of Abhi. He was speaking in my voice so she dint have any doubt.We both reached the storeroom.

Abhi said, " Tell Bulbul to leave the premises immediately I don't want Bulbul to witness what is going to happen here. If she sees will feel pity and tell me to end it." I told Bulbul to leave the premises, I will take care of my eyes. At first she dint oblige later I saw her leaving half heartedly. I was told to remove my blindfold. Now Abhi and Nikhil's clone entered my eyes once again, I was jumping in pain. He let both of them out of my eyes and he went back to his place (Inside my Subconscious Mind). Within a fraction of second Nikhil tried to run away, but was stopped by his own clone. I really felt sorry for him, but when I thought about what he did to Abhi every form of pity over Nikhil subsided away. Abhi took over control slapped him and many things happened I wasn't sure because I was in a daze. I was tired I just wanted to sleep, but kept myself awake for Abhi. I felt tears streaming down my cheeks, whatever it may be still Nikhil is Abhi's friend and he doesn't want to hurt him. After a series of events he wanted to guide the clone out of the basement towards the party so that no one misses Nikhil. We along with Nikhil's Clone walked towards the party area, we saw Aaliya searching for us. We led Nikhil (His clone) towards Aaliya and told him to keep her busy and left to Basement again.

This time we carried a bucket with us to the basement and the contents I really don't have any idea about it. When we entered I switched on the lights it only gave a minimal light which was enough for one to see through. The sight before me caught me off guard and Abhi told Nikhil , " Take a look at yourself buddy you have a surprise." *Smirking* His body was fully covered with Mouths very inch of his body and the bucket was emptied before him allowing the contents to spill on the floor those were worms yuck I felt like vomiting then and there. And the next scene was more horrible those worms were eaten by those mouths all over him. I buried myself deep inside my subconscious so that I don't hear or see anything. In spite of my efforts to do so, I still heard a person vomiting I peeped to see Nikhil vomiting worms I turned away once again. We went back to get another bucket filled with sharp needles. Aaliya would have spotted us but Abhi contacted Mr. Clone and told him to distract her meanwhile I took control over the body. I had to empty the contents on a cot in the basement and carried Nikhil towards the cot stripped him off his clothes and threw him on the cot.

Abhi's POV

When I took control over his body I saw Nikhil being impaled and blood oozing out from his body. I wasn't able to see him like that so I lifted him up and healed him instantly. But when he was healed, I was again reminded of my Fuggi so I dropped him down with such a force that it created a hole beneath the basement. I buried him alive, yes buried him alive. I don't want him to die so I dug a small hole and protected him from the mud surrounding his face and let a long straw in so that he could breathe. I heard Aaliya call Purab I was like, ' What do you want now sister?' I contacted Mr. Clone again. Wait I should name him something else ok, I got it! I contacted Niki again. He took Aaliya away for the time being. I went out and told Purab to take over his senses. We walked towards Aaliya and said, " Sorry Aaliya I am very tired now I have to sleep." She said, " You are staying in a hotel right? Why don't you check out and stay here instead?" I thought, ' Thank you for the marvelous idea sis.' Purab was too tired so decided to go to the hotel later and slipped into my room which they turned into a guest room. We dozed off to sleep.

Dream continued from Chapter 6 (Cubiporter)

So with those terms and conditions we hoped into the Cubiporter. As soon as we closed it, It started to move. We entered inside the black zone it was eerily silent the only sound we heard were the smooth movement of the Cubiporter on the rails. We felt like travelling in a train. Suddenly a thud was heard, followed by many thuds around the Cubiporter. We heard a static followed by Sonia's voice she said, " Guys, be careful those are the Black zone guys trying to lure you out. You guys want to see them?" We said, " Yes" Which we would soon regret. She said, " Now press that Big Yellow Button written as invisibility. I am very sure that's the only Big Yellow button over there. Be careful not only you, but they can also see you if you press that button." We pressed that button without thinking twice and was shocked to see the Cubiporter disappear. It was like we both were floating, surrounded by nothing to keep us away from that evil zone. We hugged each other when we heard the 'Thump' again. Now we could see an invisible layer around us in the shape of Cubiporter. Another clear glass scenario. We could see hands thumping against the glass with full force in order to break it. We don't mind it.

Suddenly all the hands surrounding us disappeared, replaced by eyes Red in colour in various sizes. All we could see were red coloured eyes surrounding us from all sides. I know you guys wonder how could we see through the darkness right? We are provided with a special power to see in darkness just like the nocturnal animals. Perks of dying on a full moon day, that's all I can say now.

One point of time we saw a child with cracks all over his skin calling out to us saying, ' Help me' We weren't able to hear him but we could sense he was saying help me.

I was about to reach out to him when we heard Soniya shouting, " No Abhi.. No Sid, don't he is not a human being look at him carefully." We looked carefully at him, his eyes suddenly turned green in colour and all those cracks disappeared. He grew taller and taller above our transport and thumped strongly. We thought we were dead and later thought we are already dead. But nothing happened to our Cubiporter. Soniya said, " Do you guys want to hear what he wants to say?" We looked at each other and thought, 'If we say no, there is no way we are going to know who is he.' So we said. "Yes." She said, " Now Sid press that Big blue button over there." (I know your doubts not all buttons are big that's the reason she keeps on saying Big this and big that.) We pressed that button and was able to see something like an ear come out from both sides of our Cubiporter it looked like Elephant ears. The next moment we heard sounds of high frequency unbearable to our ears. Soniya had to type a message on our screen to tell us to wear a headphone like thing that was kept there. We both wore it and we heard what he said, " YOU STUPID'S THINK YOU CAN DESTROY HER? NO YOU CAN'T SHE IS MEANT TO DESTROY OTHERS! I WILL FINISH YOU OFF." Saying this he was hitting us with great force we only had a small impact like someone tried to move us that's all. Sid asked, " What did he mean by that?" We saw a white light passing through him and we never saw him. Soniya asked the same question as Sid, " What does he mean by that? He never said that to anyone. He always says I am the greatest demon of all here, no one can defeat me. We will pass the white light through him (Not an ordinary light) he will fall down it was fun all the time." Suddenly she panicked and was about to say something but lost our connection we heard a beautiful singing voice.

A/N : This is the girl, imagine her.

Both myself and Sid turned our heads towards that voice. We both saw a beautiful girl in the middle of the place our transport stopped all of a sudden that is when I realized I stopped it. We both kept our eyes fixed on that beautiful girl she was singing so beautifully we weren't able to take our eyes off her. She stopped singing and both of us clapped till our hands were paining. I started the Cubiporter we were about to leave she suddenly changed in front of our eyes. I was shocked to the core to see her change to something like that I looked at Sid he was equally shocked too. Each and every strand of her hair was transformed to a tentacle, Teeth's every tooth was pointed her eyes were White in colour.

 Slowly two more eyes formed on her face, followed by more eyes all around her face, was fully covered with eyes and near her neck we could see her teeth pointed teeth ready to devour anything in sight. She turned back, I think to show us even she can see from behind, the back of her head was also covered with eyes it was like she can see in all 360 degrees. We gasped in horror, that's when something unexpected happened. She disappeared from our eye sight we were relieved, but lights inside Cubiporter flickered for a second. We heard a voice calling us, we slowly turned back terrified towards that direction to face her before us. Now her face was only with two eyes, she spoke, " How can you guys escape from my grip? You weren't mesmerized enough to open the hatch for me so I myself got in." She laughed it was ear piercing sound we both bent down and clutched our ears. She continued to laugh, we both felt unbearable pain throughout our body. We only had a single thought, 'Open the hatch and run.' It was repeated in our heads so loudly that we weren't thinking straight. Sid was about to open the hatch using his hands, I went towards the control board to press that Big Red button to open the hatch when I saw a message on the screen saying. Abhi, your Pragya loves you a lot and tell that idiot I love him please come back guys. That's when reality strikes I remembered what she said,


Soniya said," It's for your safety guys, Never ever open the hatch whatever may happen. For instance, you will feel like a pure soul is in the black zone or one of the evil one is inside the Cubiporter. All these are just illusions created to make you open the Cubiporter so don't do it."


I thought about my love, all the confusions in my brain were cleared I no longer heard her pain inflicting laughter. I went near Sid and said, "Soniya loves you bro be strong." He also came back to his old self. She was no longer inside she was struck to our transport and was shouting, "No............. How can you do this?" We drove past her now we gained contact with Soniya and she said, " So you guys got my last message right? I am so thankful that somehow that last message reached you guys. Now pull the reverse gear and come back that's it, enough for today." We went back to our White Zone got out from the Cubiporter. Soniya ran towards Sid and hugged him tight, then started showering him with kisses all over his face. Sid tapped her and pointed towards me both were embarrassed to face me. I said, " It's ok stuffs like this happens a lot." Soniya said, " What were you guys doing? Stopping the vehicle, all of a sudden? But I am surprised you guys weren't mesmerized, you were only inflicted with pain. We lost many of our people to her, she ate them alive. She is popularly called as 'The Mermaid of the Black Zone'. She can lure only the male, hence we named her so." Sid asked her, " Why wasn't she able to lure us?" Vishal appeared in front of us and said, " People who are loved cannot be lured by her. You both are lucky to be loved and Soniya can I speak with you for a moment?"

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