13. Fallen Angel

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Cyla's POV

I was resting in my place peacefully, I heard someone scream. I thought, 'Cyla seems like you know the owner of this voice.' Don't fret people being alone in a dark hell for centuries has made me speak to myself more. I was a pure soul I had been sent to 'The White Zone' I wasn't able to stand the color white. I started behaving weird and attacked people around me, sometimes myself. I loathed the color 'White'. I was here around 10 centuries, I heard people speak of something called Phobia I sent my Irises and copied his knowledge about Phobias. I read them and understood I had 'Leukophobia'. How people name stuffs these days.

And speaking of Irises they are nothing but eyes which I found on the floors of 'The Black Zone' I blended them with my body and soul so that I could feel and see whatever comes across my Irises. I can also speak through them and hear through them if I wanted to. I have modified it to my benefit, Just for entertainment purpose. To know what people spoke in the upper layer. Yes, You guys have a lot more to see in 'The Black Zone.' I had to keep my eyes closed since I have I sent my 'Irises' to check on that person, It went away from me with full speed. I closed my eyes so that I could see through them who that person is. At last I found the source or should I say the source found Irises. Oh, it's a man! He started following them. I felt like I was being followed, I know none will come to my place. So I instructed my Irises to turn back, I saw him 'Bryan' what is he doing here? He was the most pure soul ever in our century. How did he end up in the wretched 'Black Zone'? I heard even hell was better it seems or so they think.

I looked closer that's when I saw his clothing. It doesn't belong to our century. I adjusted them so that I could look into his eyes, I saw that he was from this century and he not only looked like Bryan but he is Bryan. Born again to claim his love back in this century. But why is he here? Is he dead? When I looked closely into his eyes, I was able to see his life history. Yes, In spite of being a fallen angel I can read people's mind without them knowing about it. Ok, coming to the point. So, he is not dead, but being tortured and have been sent here to be tortured. I have to safeguard him I owe him my life (even though I am dead).

I ordered my Irises to follow him and shed the protective light on him. I noticed that he was curious to look around, so I increased the brightness to let him see the surroundings. We both saw everything that happened there. He made a stupid mistake of stepping away from the protective light. I had to order my Irises to hover above him immediately to protect him from those 3 crazy people. Phew! Later he understood about the atmosphere around him and walked only under the light of my Irises. I wasn't able to control him when we reached 'The Mermaid of the Black Zone'. He walked towards her no matter of fact, I even spoke to him to divert him but in vain. I had to pull him towards my lair. Poor guy was screaming when he was welcomed by 'Juno'.

Juno, my lovely pet I made him using all the poisonous snakes I found here. We met, he talks a lot asking all sorts of questions. I answered him patiently. He was about to sit down so I called my 'Judo' he wouldn't be able to see it but can definitely make out its silhouette. He sat on it comfortably while I narrated his story.

He was living in 'Jemoria' which is often attacked by Fallen angels, I was one among them. He is the one who protects the country from us. I was not a fallen Angel to be precise until...


Purab's POV

When Abhi started his torture game making Nikhil eat live roaches and all I wanted to puke badly, but controlled and thought what he did and watched him suffer. He wanted to fill his stomach with water and rip it off, that's when my mobile rang. Abhi pushed me to take control it was Bulbul. I said, "Hello Bulbul! I am extremely sorry for my bizarre behavior yesterday. I wanted to call you but..." Before I could finish she started, " Mr. MLP do you even remember yesterday was your birthday? I wanted to surprise you and celebrate it in a different way this time. But what to do Mr. MLP wanted to enjoy with his new G.F Aaliya (she spelt it like Ah-Liya). Can you come here now? Or should I come there? I said, " Ok, I will come."

We went back to Nikhil, he took control over my body and said, "I have to go out now so let's end this torture soon for him." He closed his eyes and opened them to find a sharp knife in his hands. He called Niki (Nikhil's clone) and said, "Hey Niki... Bring that box which I have kept beneath the staircase, make sure you don't make any noise be as stealthy as you can be. Got it?" Niki nodded his head and left the place. He stabbed Nikhil with the knife and tortured him by letting rats into his stomach after ripping off his skin. I had to endure all this, This was like I was torturing myself even I could see Abhi having a worried face while doing all this. I don't feel like he was torturing him, I felt like he was being tortured by punishing his best friend.

That's when we heard Aaliya's voice I cursed myself for not mentioning about leaving me alone for a while before we could react, she found the hatch to the basement open and came down. So Abhi had to send Nikhil to 'The Black Zone' with Vishal's permission I heard him speak to Vishal. We managed Aaliya by saying he is a Demon blah blah... She asked us about the basement, I said, " We discovered it today only Aaliya." Niki nodded in agreement. She found that Golum costume and enquired Niki, "Why you dint return this costume yet?" He said, "Oh I completely forgot about this. Will return it today definitely." She spoke again, this time maintaining a distance from us, "You guys said you just found out about this basement right? Then why is his costume here? Don't tell me you brought that costume here by mistake." Abhi came out and smirked. He said, "Wow you still are intelligent sis." She was about to shout but no voice came out of her mouth. Abhi closed the hatch with just a snap of his fingers. Niki tied her in a magically appeared chair. We left her there to meet my G.F.

Pipe Hot coffee

We both went towards her and sat across her. She said, "Please tell me what is happening here. I know you are hiding something from me. Please tell me I can't take this anymore." I said, "Bulbul I think you owe me an explanation." She dint understand, she looked at me like a lost child. I asked, "What is the relationship you are sharing with Abhi and Pragya? Is Pragya your sister? If so why you never spoke to me about your sister? Why I never found even a small picture of her in your home? Answer me Bulbul." Tears started to flow from her eyes, making a path towards her chin. I said, " I know everything but I want to hear it from you." She nodded and said, "I am sorry Purab, we know each other for a year now right? It's been two years since my sister and my Brother-in-Law passed away. I was in depression for a year after my sister passed away. I waited for her for 16 years when I saw her I wasn't even able to recognize her, after we recognized each other my fate had other plans. She died in front of my eyes Purab. Our parents don't want me to think about my sister after that. So they removed all the pictures we both took after we met." I said, "I don't understand! She was your sister right? Why did you wait for 16 long years to see her? Was she in some other state or country?" She said...

I heard my mobile, ring, I picked up to see a landline number. I answered it anyway. I heard Niki speak in an urgent tone. I told him to slow down and tell me what happened. Niki said, "Someone has killed Aaliya. I just went out for a few minutes when I was back, I saw her in a pool of blood. She has been completely disfigured. Police is here, I had to call them since robin followed me and saw Aaliya's corpse. Even Tanu is here with me now, please come soon.

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