4. Aaaaaaaaah!

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I woke up feeling thirsty I dint find Nikhil next to me I called, "Nikhil.... Nikhil... Where are you?". I heard my bedroom door opening slowly


I went towards the door gulping in fear and asked, " Anybody there? Nikhil if you are playing with me I won't spare you." I walked out of my room, door closed behind me THUD! Illumination was dull with night lamps, I turned back towards the door again and asked, " Who is there? Don't under estimate my power I will do anything to make you suffer for this better stop playing with me..." There was complete silence I moved towards the kitchen to drink some water and to take some to my room. I took a bottle and started drinking ,the sound resonating in the kitchen. DOOK DOOK DOOK.. Haaaa! I felt thirst free and started walking towards my bedroom it was so quiet I could even hear my Flip flops


that's when I heard a room door close with a THUD at the end of the hallway ( Just 3 rooms in the hallway one is the bedroom ). I started walking towards the door but I wasn't able to reach it, I felt like the distance between the last door and me keeps on increasing with every step I take. I turned back and saw, there were around 15 rooms now behind me I just hardly walked for 15 seconds. I started running towards my bedroom which I don't even recognize now. There were 15 rooms I had to open each and every room to know which is mine. I felt cold so cold that I needed something hot to hold onto or perhaps a sweater to wear. I opened the first room which is near to me now with shaky hands. I wasn't able to open it, I tried opening it vigorously turning the knob of the door but in vain. I walked towards the next door and tried the same with same result, this happened till the 14th door. When I approached the last door (15th door) I felt someone's breath on my neck and some liquid drip on it. I looked up and found none, I tried to open the door.

The door opened with the first try making a 'CLICKK' sound. I went inside the room it was so dark I wasn't able to see anything. My eyes started to accumulate to the darkness and I saw something moving I asked, " Who is that? please tell me I am scared to death now please and Nikhil where are you? please respond." That's when the lights automatically turned on. I saw a guy sitting on a chair with one of his legs on the chair, the other one down he had his head hung low. Another discovery was I was no longer inside my bedroom. This was the store room located at the end of the hallway I got confused I opened the door and walked out and saw that I was indeed in the last room but how was that ever possible ? Now the hallway had only 3 rooms. I came back inside and heard the sound of a chain dangling from above now the illumination of the room was dim, dark yellow in colour yet dim. I was only able to make out that a person is sitting right across me on a chair and now he held his head high. I again asked him, " Who are you? And what do you want?" I heard two voices coming out of him in unison saying, "YOU......" I had to clasp my ears, that voice or should I say voices were more than horrible! I bent down clasping my ears. I looked up with sweat drenched all over my night T-shirt. I saw that guy looking at me and the lights went off , I could no longer take it and started to scream AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

I Chocked and was out of breath after that long scream. I dint have the guts to move an inch from my place. I heard a voice calling me, " Baby Doll missed me?" I again tried to scream but no words came out from my mouth I was completely exhausted and petrified with fear all I could manage to say was, "Abhi." That was enough for him he came closer to me I was able to feel his breath near my shoulder I turned back it was dark everywhere I wasn't able to see anything but I was able to feel his presence and the next moment I lost him. Lights starred to flicker in that room to life I tried to move then again they went off. Now only one light was lighted next to that chair where he was sitting. I dint move from that place ever but I was bit far from that place. He motioned me to come there. I dint budge, he pulled me there with some invisible force. Light was above our heads I wasn't able to see his face which was hung low but I know who it was. I said, "Abhi, I thought you were dead?" He said in a terrifying double voice, "Yes I am dead, I came back to take you with me. You wanted to be with me so badly right ? Now you can come with me Baby doll, come let's go" He was about to grab my hand, I started to run but in vain because every step I take towards the door I find myself coming closer to him so I stopped trying to run and asked him yet again, " What do you want Abhi?" He again said, " YOU!" My head started to spin thinking what all I did to him. I hope he guessed what I was thinking because he asked me in his voice, " Do you remember this room Baby doll?" I wanted to scream, I wanted to run but wasn't able to do any of them I just stood there and knelt down before him. That's when I again heard the noise of chain slamming against the floor and coming towards me I screamed yet again AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

I lost my conscious, I opened my eyes after sometime to find myself locked with chain all around my body. Both my hands were stretched and tied same with my legs I would have looked like a human X, an X with a head.

I tried to move, make myself free from the chain, but the more I tried the more tighter it became I had to stop. He again came wearing a hat covering his face. This time the illumination was bright I was able to see everything in that room. We have that room as our store room to store old stuffs and we used it to do something else which led me here being in this posture. Just thinking about it makes me hate myself for bringing me in this situation it was my mistake. I had to experience this. He came towards me with a knife in his hands and gave me a deep cut on my neck not deep enough to kill me yet deep enough to make me scream again AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!. Another cut near my heart I screamed again in pain AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

I closed my eyes and opened them again to find myself in my bed with someone besides me. I thought Phew! That was a bad dream I said it aloud only to hear a reply, " No baby doll your torture isn't over yet." I found Abhi next to me in my bed with blood dripping all over his face and his sockets were hollow. I jumped out from my bed and ran towards the door it opened automatically and I ran and ran and ran that is when I realized again I was going nearer to him with every step I take. I was so near that I could smell blood and sweat and I could no longer take it. I closed my eyes and opened them again praying it was just a dream. When I opened my eyes again I was in my bed with Nikhil besides me and I had my mobile in my hand. I was typing something. I looked closely and found what I was typing I was typing,

' Help me please! Help me please please please!' I thought why would I type it ? The answer came in form of emoticon's in my mobile, Emoticon's started to appear without me typing them.

appeared and slowly turned to

and again

appeared which also turned to

and came

and the next was

and next finally a new emoticon I haven't seen it till now on my mobile or any other mobile it was a tombstone emoticon something was written on it I had to bring my mobile closer enough to see it. When it was close enough I saw it had my name on it. I was shocked and before I could react something from my mobile pulled me inside it. I was left in the Emoticon's world,

All those emoticon's came towards me. I started running and found a Gun emoticon I took it up and started firing on them . I was running all the while I reached another room there something else started to follow me

I had to run again , I had the gun so I shot them yet again. I was in no mood of running, completely exhausted my eyes closed without my knowledge.

I opened them slightly to find myself in the middle of nowhere. I shouted with all my energy," Anybody here?" As usual no reply not even terrifying Abhi's voice. How much happy I would have been if I had heard at least his scary voice now after fighting with all those emoji's I was tired too tired. I turned around and found a house , I walked towards it and knocked the door KNOCK KNOCK! No reply, again KNOCK KNOCK . I turned my back and started walking when I heard it open KREEENNN!!!!!! I turned towards the door fully drenched with sweat and thought Ghost or no ghost I have to wash myself. I headed towards the door and locked myself inside it and walked searching for a bathroom. It was just like my own hallway brightly illuminated. I saw a girl smiling at me and pointed towards a door she kind of looked like me. I walked towards the door and opened it to find a tub filled with water and roses I locked the door behind me and removed my clothes and went towards the tub full of awesomeness making SWIISHH SLASH SWISH SLASH sound.

I heard someone opening the door I dint mind , and then I had this bad idea of closing my eyes. When I opened them again I was no longer inside the tub of awesomeness but near the front door of that house I looked at myself, I was fresh and wearing a red coloured tube top and a jean with matching accessories. I looked straight to find a girl looking like me in my old night T-shirt and pyjamas drenched in sweat , I smiled at her and showed her the bathroom door. That's when reality strikes, I was the one who led myself to the bathroom door but how on earth this happened I walked towards the bathroom door and found Abhi in the bath tub instead of me I had this urge in me to slash his throat with a knife. A knife appeared in my hands out of nowhere I went towards him and slashed his throat with the knife but no blood came and there was no mark in his neck. He turned towards me and pointed towards my neck. That's when I felt I have slashed myself blood was dripping from my neck pain was not at all endurable. I went outside the bathroom walking towards a mirror which showed my earlier avatar.

I walked towards it, and when I reached close enough I was pulled inside by Someone or should I say something? I had no idea... Now my heart started thumping loudly LUB DUB LUB DUB LUB DUB LUB DUB it became faster and faster I opened my eyes to see my surrounding I found myself inside my bed room I really felt very happy but that dint last longer either. Someone started to choke me AWWK! AWWWK! AWWWK! I was no longer able to breathe I thought I would die that very moment so I closed my eyes again. I opened them to find myself chained like an X again. I closed my eyes, Opened them to find myself in the world of Emoji. I closed them again and opened to find myself in that house where I slashed myself. Now I closed my eyes and dint open them, I heard a voice saying , " You will pay for your sins Baby doll HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.... Enjoyed playing with Emoji's and had a nice bath? Now round two begins."

I dint open my eyes at all, but I could feel myself levitating, I was scared but I dint want to see what was happening around me I chose not to open my eyes. I felt heat around my body, I was forced to open my eyes to find myself in a microwave oven which is being heated to who knows what temperature except him. I felt like I would melt inside it, I had this amazing idea of closing my eyes again. I opened them to find myself surrounded by water. This time I dint have any idea where I was, I started to swim SWIISH SLASH SWISH SLASH SWISH SLASH! But water increased with every move I make so I stopped swimming. Water stopped filling itself, instead it started to move in rhythmic motion making weird noises. That's when I realized I was inside a washing machine. I closed my eyes yet again praying round two should end too. I think there is no way I could ever escape from this nightmare I opened my eyes to find myself inside the freezer of my fridge! I tried to close my eyes but in vain. I heard a voice saying, " Not so fast Baby doll experience the thrill of being inside a fridge!" It would have been around half an hour , I thought I will freeze to death. But my eyelids closed automatically.

I dint want to open them, but I was forced to open them and I find myself in my bedroom with Nikhil besides me. I thanked my stars and tried to sleep, But Abhi had other plans. Nikhil woke me up screaming. I asked him, " What happened stupid? Can't you see I am trying to sleep." He turned me towards him I saw him and almost gasped there were no eyes in his socket and his lips were torn apart, His nose broken! Ears I can't find them. I asked him, " What happened to you?" *Shaking with fear* he pointed towards a space where his ears should have been and said, "I can't see or hear you, do something please." But that wasn't his voice I know it very well. I started to move away slowly. Something held me in my place, Nikhil was coming closer to me, His tongue came out and licked my face and said, " Wow she tastes so good thank you Abhi! I will have her for dinner." I screamed AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I closed my eyes and opened them again to find myself with that creature once again. Now I can clearly see its features it dint have eyes or ears, lips as I said torn apart and nose not broken it was crooked in a weird way. Neck was usual like a human being, Hands were slender and fingers long or should I say Loooooonnnnnng! and pointed. He had some sort of sharp thing in his hands and came near me and licked my face again. I closed my eyes not able to bear that. I felt something sharp near my fingers and a 'SNAP' I screamed in pain AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Again a 'SNAP' I wasn't even able to scream again I was tired of screaming. I closed my eyes in exhaustion and opened them again after a few minutes hearing CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP. I saw that thing was eating my fingers Oh my God my fingers I looked at my hand to find all the 10 fingers missing it was paining like hell I wasn't able to endure this pain at all. This time I screamed ABHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!! He appeared in front of me blood dripping from his face and asked, " What happened Baby doll I told him to give you some anaesthesia so you wouldn't feel the pain when your fingers were removed need any other help darling?" I dint know what to say I closed and opened my eyes so that this will end and at least something else will begin but no It dint. I felt a sharp prick near my legs I dozed off after that, again I woke up hearing the same CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP. I dint want to see which part of mine he was eating now because I was able to feel the pain my legs they were gone. It came near me and said, " I love to eat human eye balls they are very very tasty yum yum." I know what he was going to do, I closed my eyes but was forced to open and he took a sharp knife and took my eyes out from its socket I screamed with all my energy AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I heard a voice saying, " Now you will be able to understand my pain right Baby doll? You look awesome with no fingers, Legs and eyes oh my bad you won't be able to see yourself in this state. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!" I felt that thing lick my face and a sharp prick on my neck that's all I remember and nothing more. I wish, I really wish I hadn't done anything to Abhi!

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