7. An invite

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I Woke up hearing someone scream, I realized it was Purab (Inside Purab's Subconscious mind). I shook him up he was saying, " Go away, Leave me alone!" I slapped him across his face his eyes opened up, he saw me. He hugged me and dint let me go, I said, " Bro I am not your girlfriend this is kind of becoming awkward now let me go." He said, " You don't have any idea what happened here when you left last time." I said, " I know someone possessed you and you were levitating said some incoherent words and passed out." He said, " Oh this is what she did after she pushed me down." I asked, " She, Who?"

Purab's POV

FB Begins...

After I released your hands to scratch my neck ( Inside Purab's subconscious mind)

A lady came walking towards me she resembled my grandmother, I thought, ' I was fooled once not anymore.' I asked her, " Hey who are you?" Her appearance changed from old and Tiered to Scary Women. She looked like she was wearing a long big black frock type gown and her eyes coal black in colour were piercing me as if it would kill me the very second.

She had a long curly, unruly hair which was flowing on her sides. If you look at her you will feel like you are seeing a witch from movies. First I thought maybe my mind is playing some games with me but no it wasn't , she was really a witch she pushed me down and started to speak in a different language I felt like my body was levitating. I started to speak to her in the same language I dint know how I know that language. I said, "Go away from here or else I would banish you again. This time you can't even come back as a spirit." I dint know what she understood but she went away with fear in her eyes. I had no idea I can scare away Witches! Wow Purab you got to tell this to Abhi by the way where is he? I feel tiered its better I sleep now.

FB ends...

Abhi told me to look into his eyes (Why does he do this all the time? What he wanted to show me now?) This time I dint get to see anything. After a few minutes he pulled me into a hug saying you saved everyone who were there! You are a Hero Purab! You are a Hero I love you Bro! I pushed him off and asked, " Abhi what are you doing? This time I dint get to see anything but you saw something. What did you see?" He said, " I will explain you later darling, now shall we go to our room and sleep? Because of that drama our training has been postponed to next week." I said, " Darling? Are you serious? OK anyhow I myself feel sleepy, So let's go." We both headed towards our room, when we woke up it was around 9 O' Clock my mobile sang. Abhi looked at me like 'I will kill you change the ringtone' I just shrugged and attended the call. I said. " Hello." That was all I could say before I could say anything, here is what happened.

Me : Hello

Person: Come on! You came here to Mumbai it's been a day, You dint even call me or message me after you reached. At least I would have come to visit you right? Oh well why should you tell? Hope you are so busy with your new girlfriend.

Me: Bulbul

Bulbul :Don't speak in between I will cut your tongue off. Now tell me who is she?

Me: Bulbul I am sorry I was busy yesterday! Shall we meet today?

Bulbul: Ok fine come to 'Pipe hot Coffee' shop at 11 O'clock my favourite! Bye take care love you.

Me: Bye love you too

Abhi was laughing hard hearing our conversation he said, " So shall we go?" I said Laughing , " Do I have an option?" So I fresh up, I mean we and get ready to go to that coffee shop. We hired a cab and reached there I said, " Abhi my bro please lock yourself inside it's been a while so maybe we both! You know what and I blushed. He said, " Wow you know how to blush?"

We entered inside the Coffee shop there were only few people scattered to very corner of the shop and saw her sitting near a window she was wearing a white shirt and a blue Jean with a red scarf like in the picture I have in my home, She has left her hair open, I was thinking it's been a while I played with her hair. Before other thoughts surfaced I just walked towards her sat across her she said, " Finally"

Abhi's POV

I have to conceal myself in the depths of his sub conscious mind so that I don't hear their conversation. I walked through his memory lane to kill the time. He had a beautiful mother, she resembles someone I knew. I walked through the time he was struggling to be an author, he was striving hard to get recognition in this field. I read few lines from whatever he has written till now. They were amazing, Every scene has been portrayed in such a way you can just close your eyes and watch it happen right in front of you. I loved the way he portrayed every character with so much care that every character is given equal importance. I heard him call me.

Purab's POV

Bulbul and I spoke usually like how was things going on in our life and some random topics. I felt someone watching me I turned back to my surprise there was a glass window tainted black I was able to see a figure staring at me with red glow coming from its eyes. Bulbul screamed that's when I came to know that figure attacked Bulbul. She started to levitate murmuring some incoherent words and was about to fall down. I caught her in my arms and placed her on the table. I wanted to ask Abhi what is happening here now, So I call him.

I said firmly , " Abhi I want to know what's happening around me now! We both hear Bulbul murmur in her unconscious state, we had to go near her to hear what she was saying it was not less than a whimper. She was saying, 'Just go away please, Go , Go, Go." I tried to wake her up sprinkling water on her face and patting her cheeks. She opened her eyes slowly and hugged me tight. I held her close to my heart for sometime. After sometime she asked, " What happened to me? Who was she?" We both were terrified hearing the word 'SHE'. Abhi said immediately, "We have to make her forget whatever happened right now, or else there is a chance she will come back again and control Bulbul." I just nodded and let him take control of my senses. Abhi looked into her eyes I mean we looked into her eyes and that's it she forgot whatever happened because she said, " Hey what are you doing? People are watching us." I said, " Sweetheart I was just helping you in getting rid of dust in your mesmerizing eyes." She blushed hearing those words and said, " Enough I need to go now, Bye take care love you." She pecked my lips saying this. I pulled her towards me and pecked on her lips and said, " I don't have the habit of keeping something others gave (Winking at her) she went away shying.

Abhi's POV

We were about to go when she came back again, I thought, ' Not again please guys.' Nope they never heard me they both shared a passionate lip lock. These moments remind me of my love, It's been a while since I kissed her, They broke the kiss looked around found none in the vicinity kissed again and she left. We also decided to leave, when we moved we bumped into someone, a girl all her belongings fell on the floor and she started her rant, " Hello mister can't you see while you walk?" she raised her face to look at us I said , " Aaliya?" Purab said, "Oh my God." Aaliya asked, "What?" but the anger which she had earlier was subsided seems like she is smitten by Purab. Purab too did a great job see for yourself what he said. Purab said, " You are that angel who fell off from heaven yesterday right?" She smiled sheepishly and said , "No, Hi my name is Aaliya." She held out her hand and I said, "Purab she is the ticket for us to get inside my home go ahead." He said, " Hi I am Purab very pleased to meet you." *Shaking hands* She asked , " Where are you from? I haven't seen you in Mumbai?" He replied, " I am from Theera (My imagination) a village near Pune, I am a writer so I travel a lot." She asked, " Are you free tonight ?" She noticed his 'Why do you ask me so' look and said, "Just to invite you to a party at my mansion." He said, "Sure why not? That too when an angel calls who would say no?"

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