Chapter 17 - Oh! No no no no no...

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A/N: 32 K words,2.75 K views and 500 votes in total. Awww! You guys made my day <3 Love you ppl. And yes I have started my update marathon per day one update. Here goes today's ;)

Taarika's residence 7:00 PM

A house beautifully decorated with lights that it gleams in the night. A person is seen walking towards the light as if a moth attracted towards a lamp. Inside all you could see is colorful flowers, a stage , lights and more lights. Arranged in such a way so that you could create a new ambience for each performance. One of the performance was going on, it was a girl singing "Yeh Mera Dil pyaar ka deewana...." That person's lips twisted in such a way that you can't tell whether it was a smile or a smirk. That person walked inside and was searching for someone. When that person's eye met with the silhouette of that person. Eyes were gleaming or should I say smiling? A voice is heard saying, "Target acquired! The mission is on!"

Pragya and Divya are seen enjoying the performance, when a girl suddenly pulled Pragya into a bone crushing hug shouting, "Sriti! Sriti! Sriti!" Pragya looked at Divya and mouthed, 'What? Who?' Divya shook her head as if saying 'I don't know' and shrugged. Pragya relieved herself from that girl and said, "I think you have mistaken me for someone else I am really sorry sweetheart but I..."

So ppl Guess who is that girl ;)

Still no idea ?? Ok, no problem will tell you!

Before Pragya could complete her sentence the girl replied, "I know! Being a celebrity is not that easy, don't worry, I won't tell anyone that you are Sriti. By the way I am Fatima, Fatima Khan!" She looked in awe at Pragya who is no less than an idol to her. Pragya dint know what to do and accompanied her along with Divya and continued admiring the performance. Two pair of eyes notices this, one with love and another sneered with jealousy.

Abhi is seen watching Pragya and saying, "Target acquired! The mission is on!" And he was about to move towards Pragya when he hears an announcement saying, "Pragya will be singing us a song now." Pragya was taken aback and noticed Divya standing near the stage. She thought, 'Oh! No no no no... How much ever I try to act that I am not shy, truth can't be held hidden right? Oh my I am very shy and reserved person and this girl will be the reason for my death I am telling you! Oh God! Help me!'

Pragya was too shocked to move , Fatima pulled her up and said, "Go and Rock the floor Sista ;) I know you can do it. All the best" Pragya looked at her and gave her a heartfelt smile and walked towards the stage.

She whispers something to the crew and all lights go dim except for one spot light above her emanating light and bringing out her sweet aura. She starts to sing looking at Abhi...

Abhi is completely mesmerized by her voice and the way she looks at him while singing. He is completely bowled over by her, he forgot where he was or what he was trying to do. He stood motionless, her voice still resonating in his ears and thought, 'Oh my! She can sing and that too beautifully, I think I am going to faint now. What a blissful voice she has! I just can't pull words from my mind to describe the feel that I experienced while she sang.'

He was so lost looking at her dreamily he failed to notice someone move towards her with a sharp knife. A scream is heard and Abhi is back from dreamland looking shocked of the events that transpired...

Raghuveer's home 8:00PM

Sid and Raj are seen chatting animatedly with each other and is noticed by Raghuveer (Raj's brother). All three were in his room since he wasn't allowed to meet his bride until tomorrow . He was so pissed seeing both of them chatting away so happily while he is sulking, not able to meet his fiancé. He shouts, "Rajveer!" Raj stopped his conversation in between and moves to near his brother in GOD SPEED! Sid, who saw this was astonished and thought, 'When I call him, he walks like a tortoise now he just disappeared from here to there. How is this possible?'

Sid's thoughts were broken when Raghu called him too and said, "I know my brother is a good for nothing dumb head, can you please give me some idea to meet her today please?" He found it amusing, Raj's brother pleading him the great 'Raghuveer' pleading him. That is something that doesn't happen often so he decides to keep a condition. He clears his throat and walks to and fro making both Raj and Raghu nervous, finally, after who knows how long he clears his throat again and addresses Raghu, "Bhai! I have an idea and also a condition. If you are Ok with the condition I will help you out. What do you say Bhai?" Raghu thinks for a moment before saying. "Agreed." Sid asks, "Bhai, Are you sure? I dint even tell you the condition, but you have agreed just like that?" Raghu replied, "Do I have an option right now? I don't think so. So here goes nothing, Now tell me the idea." Sid calls both Raj and Raghu towards him and whispered into their ears.

Outside Soniya's home 10:00 PM

After relieving themselves from jail, they all went to a bar and had drinks after which their reasoning capability completely lost. They all arrived in front of her now empty home. "Oh! My sister why can't you let me be your daughter's Mister?" All the goons laughters echoed. And there were so many other nonsensical words and dialogues delivered by him. He lost his patience, not hearing any reply from his sister or from Soniya. He barges in to find nobody inside, but an empty home with just a small package in between the living room.

He bends down to pick it up and opens the package to find a paper inside it. Since he was so inebirated to read it, he kept it in his pocket and turn to leave, but instead fell on his ass on the floor and fell asleep. All the other goons followed suit.

Soniya's home 10:00 PM

Soniya's mom is startled from sleep by hearing a scream from her daughter's room. She rushes inside to see her daughter battle a nightmare, she tried to wake her up but in vain. All she could do was wait and watch till she calmed down. After calming down Soniya woke up with a jolt only to see her mother looking at her worriedly. She hugs her mother tight and let her tears cleanse her soul. Her mother asked, "Is it the same dream?" All she could do was just nod her head and her mother understood her plight. And she thought, 'What did we ever do to live in this wretched hell? Why us?' and tears followed her thoughts, letting themselves out to cleanse her daughter's soul. Both lean on each other and slept to welcome the next not so welcoming day of their life.

A/N: Yeah I know its short but only for today tomorrow onwards will try for longer ones, Till then Bubye!!

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