Chapter 21 - 7 Rounds of Revenge

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A/N : Hola Ppl! I dint post yesterday so you will be getting two updates today, one is this and the other most probably at night. But yes, 2 updates is for sure. 36.5k + Words , 3.3K views and 643 votes <3 <3 Love you all ! Ok no more talking to the update. This update is bit picturesque ;)

Inside Taarika's Residence 9:00 AM

A voice is heard saying, "Oh! You did it! I did see you both overcome by passion and your sweet assault on him. I won't let this continue Pragya you can't live with him because...."

A grand mandap set inside Taarika's residence completely covered with roses all types and kinds. Only roses because Taarika loves Roses, She always says it's so lovely and lively just like me ;)

Both Taarika and Raghuveer exchanges their garlands also made of roses in a place filled with their loved ones, relatives and friends. When the time came for Tying Magalsutra (sacred thread) and filling her hair line with vermilion You can see two pair of eyes having staring contest with each other when a third pair of eye looks at them with utmost hate.

Abhi's POV (Dedicated to suba and Mona ;) )

Am I dreaming I can't believe it, she kisssssed... Me?? And she propossssssed me? Oh, all my ancestral beings, how can I ever believe in such a wonder that happened today? My lips still ache for her lips on it. I just can't explain in words how I felt at that moment even now. All I remember is seeing heaven at that time, her eyes expressed her feelings even before her lips could. And now we are having staring contest. How many times I have longed for her to at least look at me? But no man she is one admant woman, She never gives me what I always expect the opposite. Even today I thought she would want to discuss about the attempted murder on her. But she... she... * Blushes* I am giving my word Pragya, I will protect you with my life! And I mean every word I just said. I WILL PROTECT YOU WITH MY LIFE.

Pragya's POV

I pretty well know what's going on in your mind right now, I know you are shocked beyond belief. Don't worry, I won't leave you ever but at first I think we need to solve the problem at hand. Who it might be? I don't have many enemies to say clearly I don't have any. Tanu? But she doesn't have that much guts to kill me in front of so many people. So who was that? I am sorry Abhi, I need to solve this first, but that doesn't mean I will move away from you. I will be there with you like your heartbeat all the time. I will love you like you are the only soul on Earth. I have promised myself not to fall in love again, if so, I will love that person like I have never loved anybody else. I will shower you with my love DG. I love you! And I will always be there for you. If she tries to hurt you that will be her end! THE END!

Taarika's wedding

After tying the sacred thread and filling her hairline with vermilion, they are told to get up to take the Saath Pheras (7-rounds) around the holy fire. While the Bride and Groom Vow to each other for every round...

Round 1:

I will never let you live in peace whatsoever may happen

Round 2:

I will snatch away everything and everyone that keeps you happy

Also (Divya and Taarika)

Round 3:

I will make your life a living hell

Round 4:

All that is your's will become mine

Round 5:

I will make you beg for your life

Round 6:

You would have lost everything by now and hoping not to lose him alone.

Round 7:

I will kill him just to prove a point. (Like I Would! HA HA HA but I will make you think so ;) )

Around 10:00 AM

Pragya felt bad vibes surrounding her when all the 7 rounds were completed by Taarika and Raghu, She looks around to spot if she still in this premises since nobody had seen her face. She saw a woman running away from the mandap and ran behind her only to miss her because of the crowd. Divya also ran behind Pragya to know what happened, why she suddenly ran away and found Abhi approaching her. So she let the love birds alone and left with Taarika's family. Abhi found her looking stressed and covered with sweat, He came near her and asked, " Pragya, What happened to you? Why are you sweating like this?" Pragya could say, "Nothing Abhi! Shall we go and join Taarika and her family for her Vidai (Send off to her In- Laws)

Soniya's Old empty (Now filled with Goons) Residence:

Kalia (Head of Goon's) woke up with a headache enough to kill him for the whole day, he looked around to find all his goons lying around inside a house. He thought, 'I am in an empty house? But whose? Where am I ?' Slowly yesterday's images flood through his eyes and he scowled in fury. He checked his pocket to find the note, after reading it, he howled in fury. Hearing his voice all the other goons woke up holding their head in their hands. All they could think was, 'Now what the heck happened? Does he have to shout like this all the freaking time? Ouch! My head hurts.'

Kalia called one of the goons and ordered to do something after which he got up and left the home thinking of his sister (Soniya's mom).

Soniya's Present Residence:

A voice is heard saying, "I know your exam is around 2 O' clock, but believe me and leave now." Soniya who was fed up speaking to her mom about this bobbed her head and fled the place with her friend Priya. Both friends went walking, chatting away happily since the college is now near to this new residence.

She reached inside the college to hear a commotion outside of the college that is when she noticed Kalia's Goon standing outside and teasing every girl who walks by.She thought, 'Mom knows her brother so freaking well. Like she said, I have to be very careful from here on. Thank God I reached before they reached here otherwise what would have happened? I can't even imagine.' Priya who saw her friend talking to herself said, "Don't worry Soniya, we will leave the college by the Backside gate which has been closed for a long time now. But watchman will open it for us, since I have told him about that when I came to get your hall ticket. Now let's revise and rock the exam! Cheer up Honey!" Soniya just bobbed her head and went along with her.

Taarika's Vidai :

All were standing near the door of her residence with tears that they are letting off of their only salt and sweet daughter. Taarika hugged everybody and bid good bye and came near the car to find Pragya and Divi standing with tears. That was enough for her to break into tears the very second, she ran towards both and shed her tears hugging them tightly. They were the only one who knows the emotional side of her except for her mother of course. It was XUV-500 black model Taarika, Raghu, Sid, Raj,Pragya and Divya boarded the vehicle and left. After the vehicle crossed the gates it burst into millions and trillions of pieces.

A/N : Don't scold me next update tonight till then bubye !!!

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