Chapter 27 - A New Game begins

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A/N: 3.9K views and 836 votes... I am shocked !!!!!!! Thank you all so much and  I am very sorry for sometime my updates will be short please do bear with me till then. Love you all <3

Happy Care hospital 3:00PM

Pragya, Abhi , Divi and Aaliya are seen waiting outside the I.C.U each in one corner again. The doctor went in to check on Bulbul to make sure she wasn't injected with any poison again. Meanwhile Aaliya receives a phone call, "Hello, yes I am. What? How? Where? Oh no! How is she now? I will be there in a few minutes. Did you inform a person called Nikhil? Oh! He is there ? Fine I will be there soon."

Aaliya moves towards others and said, "Bhai! Bhabhi, Divi I have to leave now I am sorry. Can anyone call and tell me when Bulbul gains consciousness? I will be here soon ok?" At the exact time doctor comes out and informs them that Bulbul has gained consciousness. Aaliya was the first one to rush in and was about to slap Bulbul but was held back by Abhi. Aaliya fuming in anger said, " Leave me Bhai! Everything has a limit, Is she a kid? Doesn't she know, she has to keep limits with a complete stranger?"

Bulbul was looking at Aaliya like 'Oh my God! I am dead today' She was swallowing her saliva in fear that in any minute Aaliya would kick her butt. Pragya intervened and said, "Let her slap the hell out of Bulbul, leave her Abhi." Bulbul was now aghast and looked at her with a pale face saying, "Sista, you too brute?" Divi replied, "Yes, we too! You have no idea what all happened here. Do you? That wretched witch came here to poison you again. Our hearts came out through our throat in fear and you were sleeping peacefully Grrrr..."

Abhi shook his head thinking, 'When she was unconscious all three were praying to get back her consciousness and now these three are trying to kill her?' Women can't be understood! Never ever!' Bulbul asked, "Who Tanu? Was she behind all this?" Aaliya looked at her and tried to speak something, but nothing came out of her mouth. Pragya said, "No Bulbul it was... It was... Sneha!" Bulbul looked at her in shock and thought, ' Now what does wants from my di? She already ruined everything for her!' There was silence , pin drop silence, nobody spoke or moved from their place. Bulbul suddenly started shouting, "Ahhhh! Ahhh! Ahhh!" Everybody went closer to her to see her still shouting holding her stomach. All asked, "What!?" *With fear written on their faces* She replied with a pout, "I am hungry as hell, and here you people are trying to murder me with your silence. You all know, Bulbul hates silence and an empty stomach now go get me something please!"

Everyone shook their heads laughing, "She will never ever change." Aaliya's mobile again rang and she looked at everyone as if asking 'Should I leave now?' Pragya said, "Go Aaliya someone needs you right? We will take care of Bulbul here." Aaliya ran out of the I.C.U and caught the lift straight to the ground floor and ordered a taxi for her. And waited for it to come, she felt something on her neck and the next thing she was darkness and only darkness.

Tanu's residence 3:30PM

Tanu is seen lying on her bed with her eyes closed using a cloth thinking, 'Where is Aaliya? Why dint she come here still? I know she would be with Bulbul shopping. She called me and I denied the offer, but I need her now. Where is she?' Nikhil was sitting next to her bed thinking, 'What happened to her suddenly? She never removes her sunglasses always, today o forced her to remove and this happens. This has happened before? Or is this the first time? I need to clarify with someone. Where is Aaliya?'

Tanu said, "Nikhil could you call her once more?" Nikhil replied, "I tried Tanu but her mobile is switched off now." Tanu *sweat dripping from her forehead* said, "Call Abhi immediately! NOW! GO!" Nikhil was trying to reason with her, but she dint give him a damn and repeated to call Abhi and said, "Aaliya never switches off her mobile! She never stays out of reachable zone, She is in trouble you fool call Abhi NOW!" Nikhil who knows whatever that was happening called Abhi immediately and explained him the situation.

Happy Care Hospital 3:45PM

While Abhi was speaking with Nikhil Pragya received a call from an unknown number again. She called Abhi and Divi and attended the call and put it on speaker for them to hear, "Hey Darling! I know, you are searching for Aaliya right? Don't worry, she is just unconscious, I just made her sleep! I will call you when she is awake till then don't try anything funny. You will lose her too, like how you lost Taarika, Let another game begin. Bye bye!"

Pragya couldn't take this anymore and started crying, hugging Abhi as tight as she could thinking, 'Why is she doing this? She was the one troubled me in the past and now she is blaming me for the mistake she and that idiot of my Ex committed. How am I responsible for their situation?' Abhi said, "I think it's time to take the game in our hands otherwise we will keep losing people around us. Calm down Pragya, I know what to do." Abhi left both Pragya and Divi alone and left the hospital. He came out of the hospital dialled a number and said, "I am coming."

Divi and Pragya went to the general ward with some food items for Bulbul and sat next to her with worry written all over their face. Bulbul could sense something was wrong and asked, "Both di's could you tell me what's wrong? I can clearly see that something is amiss. Please tell me, maybe I can help you." They heard another two voices saying the same, "Yes, maybe we can help you." Divi and Pragya turns back to find Sid and Raj standing near the door of Bulbul's room.

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