Dare Game

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Because it is requested by my sweetheart @aditiroy_sunshine

1.How did you get the habit of writing?

I have always been a voracious reader, I will stay awake just to finish a book in hand (Sleep deprived who cares). I used to write poetries in Tamil when I was a 15 yr old that was the first time I started to write something basically. Writing a story, It all began during 3rd year of my college life, I was going through a stressful period. I had to pour it out somewhere right? I started to write. For your information that was just my own story of college life and I dint complete it till now. One of my friends still bugs me to finish it. She wants me to become a professional writer :D :D (Silly Girl).

3 years later I came across KKB updates in TU and came to know that we can write our own stories and submit as a Fan fiction. Then again I was stressed I wanted to throw out my bottled up emotions I was so moved by one of the writers, you will be surprised because it wasn't Srimathi (I love her stories to the core). It was Maya (CS), I lost myself in her stories. It intrigued something in me. That's how my journey started, My very first story was very silly though yet I love it. (So Do you Love me?). It's been a year still not satisfied with the way I write, I always think I need to improve more.

2. What should I do, If I want to write like you??

That's actually quite simple just be you! Definitely you will be noted for your uniqueness, not every person has same personality. May be similar but never the same. Be a retina than being a finger print which can be forged.

3. My first relationship?

Yeah it happened nothing big that's it! that's my answer for everyone who asks this question. Because we both were more like friends. May be love dint exist between us.

4. My first date

Never been to a date, so no idea.

5. My first break up

With one of my friends, it was horrible I dint expect she would do something like that. It was pure back stabbing not for me but my other friends and she used me for that which I realized later. From that cursed day till date I never contacted her.

6. What's your true nature?

I am very soft spoken, caring, loyal, lovable friend until provoked (Yeah, you guys read it right). I am a walking, talking time bomb. You can hurt me, back stab me you shall be forgiven but if you even raise your hands towards my near and dear. You just poked the dragon buddy!Dressed up as a girl but behaves like a guy. Loved to be loved and cared for, loves attention, If not given just walks off (Expects only from near and dear :D ) Not jealous or possessive but you may feel so. Definitely not easily hurt, takes things in a lighter way . Need a shoulder in middle of the night or early in the morning always available (Ppl who has my mobile number :D) So that was about Kshama.

Prathi, is a very chirpy, emotional, girl who wants to be known among every writer here. I am not so famous in Wattpad (Don't know about TU though). Always swings around to support her co- authors because she knows how it feels like being not noticed. She is a very adamant girl who always wants to update something or the other don't know how to manage this girl eats my head if I don't update. Pushes me out to read every story in here, you can check my reading list. There are more stories than I can read. Someone tell me how to manage this girl. My friend once asked me why don't write under your own name, you have got such an unique name. I replied, "Prathi brings out a different personality in me and I love it, I want to cherish it as long as I can."

MPD? May be!

My dear sweethearts now your turn, I will tag few ppl who haven't been tagged by Aditit or @crazymahiz Maahi

@SriLaasya @Samyusam123 @NasreenAyesha1 @shwathii @moulikavm @Sabeenia @sowji22294

@sridiyasai @HermoineGranger1 @SriAastha @Leenadev . If I have left out anyone, someone from this group can tag them.

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