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Jimin watched with scared eyes as so many different emotions passed across Jungkook's face.

First he was confused, then shocked, then he settled into fright for a little bit, before scepticism took over and he let out a chuckle while raising an eyebrow.

"You're not a damn demon, Jimin." He laughed softly. "Yeah, the way you toy with me is hellish but the day I believe you're actually from hell is the day I'll be diagnosed as insane."

Jimin shrugged.

"So when do you want to go for that diagnosis?" Jimin asked calmly, eyes looking straight into Jungkook's. "I'm not lying here."

"How gullible do you think I am?" Jungkook huffed. "God, I know all of your friends think I'm a dumbass but I'm not just some kid that will believe everything that I'm told." He narrowed his eyes. "Sounds to me that you're just finding a way to distract me from the fact that I caught you doing your walk of shame."

He frowned, making eye contact with Jimin. "I'm kind of disappointed, was 'I'm a demon' the best excuse that you have? I think I would've been better off with a simple 'I only like you because you're good in bed'. You know, some honestly for once?"

Jimin rolled his eyes.

"I am being honest for once. I'm going to get my ass kicked for even just telling you that, whether you choose to believe me or not." He frowned, running a hand through his messed up hair. He had one more trick up his sleeve, but was currently trying to decide if it was better for Jungkook to believe him or not. "Even my appearance screams it, a Korean with naturally red eyes? I'm sure."

"That doesn't immediately mean you're a demon." Jungkook scoffed. "You can't expect me to believe that. You, a demon, created my the devil himself?"

"Herself." Jimin corrected, fingers twitching as made a final decision. He knew he was being so stupid. He knew that he would probably be burned alive for his actions, banished from earth and thrown into the deepest pits of hell; but he had already sealed his fate, so what was the point in trying to save his ass now? "If you close your eyes, I'll prove it to you."

Jungkook merely raised an eyebrow, expression completely unamused.

"If it'll humour you." He sighed, allowing his eyes to flutter shut while he awaited for Jimin to apparently 'prove' that he was a demon.

Whenever a demon walked on earth, they had to assume a human form in order for them to live effortlessly amongst the population. The human form retracted their horns, and dulled down their nails and teeth. On a normal demon it would normalize their eye colours as well, but the sin's human forms kept their unique eyes.

The human form disappeared automatically the moment they stepped foot in hell, but they could reveal it on earth too if they'd really like to.

"Are you going to do anything or not, Jimin?" Jungkook asked impatiently, causing Jimin to finalize the decision he was about to make.

Jimin closed his eyes as well, taking a deep breath as he willed to ruse of his human qualities away, cringing for a moment as he felt his horns regrow. It seemed to take longer than usual, which was strange, but Jimin chose not to pay any mind to it.

"You can open your eyes now." He spoke softly, and the moment that Jungkook's eyes opened once more, it was difficult to tell who was more terrified.

Jungkook gulped, observing the changes in Jimin's appearance with wide eyes. His eyes were the same, but now two horns poked out from out of his hair, sharpened canine teeth visible as the other took a deep breath.

And he felt his blood run cold.

He wasn't sure what to do, body seeming to be frozen stiff for a few moments. When he finally worked up the courage to move, he reached his hand up running his fingers against one of Jimin's horns hesitantly. He tugged on one of them softly to reassure himself that it was real, watching with wide eyes as Jimin gasped, biting his lip as his hand flew down to grip at the couch cushions.

"Please don't do that." He whispered softly, making Jungkook's heart skip a beat. The younger suddenly jumped up, startling Jimin as he watched the human back up away from him.

"Oh my god." Jungkook whispered. "Oh my god." His hand flew up to his mouth, eyes filled with terror as he stared at the creature that sat on his couch. "G-Get out. I... I can't- I don't..." He fumbled for words, hands shaking as he continued to keep his gaze fixed on Jimin.

Jimin watched with wide eyes as Jungkook looked to the ceiling with wide eyes, trembling hands folding together in front of his mouth.

He began to mumble something that Jimin couldn't decipher, but he knew that it had to be a prayer, due to the feeling of a headache that began to pound throughout his skull. It only got worse as Jungkook continued, his temperature beginning to spike as his body revolted against the holy words that were leaving Jungkook's lips.

"Stop!" Jimin cried, bringing his fingers up to plug his ears and block out whatever Jungkook was saying. To no avail however, and when the younger kept on with his quiet prayers, Jimin leaped up from the couch, striding over to Jungkook and pressing a hand over his mouth.

Jungkook made a sound of protest, thrashing in Jimin's hold as he attempted to free himself from the demon's grip. Jimin merely shushed him softly, sighing before he pressed his lips gently against the skin underneath Jungkook's ear.

And it only took a moment after Jimin let his powers shine through, that Jungkook slowly stopped struggling, head falling back against Jimin's shoulder as the demon continued to press soft kisses against his neck.

"I don't want to hurt you. I could never hurt you, because I wouldn't be able to forgive myself." Jimin spoke gently, feeling Jungkook nod softly as his eyes fluttered shut. "I'm a demon, but I'll try my very hardest to keep you from misfortune."

His sharpened teeth poked out, scraping against Jungkook's sensitive skin and causing the younger to let out a sharp gasp in response.

"Jimin..." Jungkook whispered, reaching up and pulling Jimin's hand away from his mouth. "You're a demon. Y-You're not human, oh my god." He shut his eyes, attempting to focus on the feeling of Jimin's lips on his skin, instead of the fear that was flowing through his veins. "This means there's no way to get into heaven then now is there? I'm literally being played by one of the devil's creations. I've fallen for something straight out of hell."

"I'm sorry." Jimin breathed, turning Jungkook around in his hold so that he could press his lips against the younger's softly. "I'm so sorry. I should have left you be."

"Why didn't you?" Jungkook sniffed, all of his overwhelming emotions beginning to visualize into tears. "Why me, Jimin? Out of all people? Why'd you feel the need to drag me down?"

Jimin sighed, listening to the way that Jungkook's breath hitch as his sharp teeth caught and pricked the younger's bottom lip.

"You're mesmerizing." He breathed. "I don't know what it is but I need to have you around, I feel empty without your touch."

"So is this my life then now?" Jungkook's voice quivered. "I'm destined to be a demon's pet?"

"You're can still leave, if you'd like." Jimin sighed, not liking the idea of the human leaving him for good. He wouldn't force him to stay by his side though, he had to give Jungkook options.

He watched Jungkook intently, pulling away and staring at the suddenly silent male in front of him. Jungkook opened his mouth a few times before closing it once more, Jimin watching with a confused expression as Jungkook snaked his arm up behind his head.

The sudden tug at his horns sent a spark of both pain and pleasure down Jimin's spine, and he choked back a moan. He would have dropped his head down onto Jungkook's shoulder if it weren't for the way that the younger took hold of his chin, staring into the demon's eyes with an emotion that was extremely hard to decode.

"Well," Jungkook began, voice low. Another tug to the new additions on Jimin's head sent the demon reeling, whimpering softly as he gripped at Jungkook's shoulders. "If this is what hell feels like..."

He pulled Jimin even closer to him, able to feel the heat radiating off of the older's skin.

"Then I'm not afraid to die."


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