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"Jimin, I'm going to lose it on you in two seconds if you don't tell me that you're kidding."

Jimin kept his eyes down, pulling Jungkook closer to him as he waited for Taehyung to actually skin him alive. He couldn't bring himself to tell Yoongi what he had done, so he hoped that Taehyung would be a least a little bit more lenient, due to the sin he was created to be.

And maybe, just maybe, it wasn't a good idea to bring Jungkook along with him. But the damage has already been done.

"Taehyung," Jungkook spoke up from where he had been standing beside Jimin silently since the beginning of the encounter. His voice was shaky, and Jimin could feel how his hands were trembling too. He couldn't blame him, it was a lot to take in for a human. "You're one too, right? That's how you did that thing to me when Hoseok lured me to you guys."

Taehyung's eyes widened as he looked at Jungkook the words taking a moment to sink in before his eyes darted back to Jimin; a look of disbelief on his face.

"You fucking idiot." He breathed, shaking his head as he closed his eyes in order not to let the stress consume him. "What were you thinking? Or were you just too drugged up on Jungkook's touch to even create an intelligent thought?"


"This is going to ruin everything, Jimin!" Taehyung exclaimed, falling back onto Jimin's couch. "Not only are you doing to be tortured beyond all belief, but she's going to destroy the rest of us! The whole point of this entire experiment was to corrupt humans without them even realizing that they were doing anything wrong." He took a deep breath. "But now that he knows what we are its all pointless, she's going to kill all of us because we don't have a use anymore!"

"He's one person." Jimin huffed. "One person out of about seven billion people. Him knowing isn't going to ruin the entire thing! I know that I'll be punished, but there's no reason why you should be!"

"When we were sent up here we were literally only given two rules; don't use your powers on other sins, and don't tell humans what you really are." Taehyung hissed. "And you couldn't follow either!"

"Taehyung." Jungkook spoke softly, not wanting to do anything that would spike the demon's anger even more. Who knows what could happen to him if he angered a demon. "I won't say anything, I promise. Nobody would even believe me if you did." He paused. "I am sorry for interfering though."

"No, Jungkook." Taehyung sighed, leaning forwards and resting his head in his hands. "None of this is your fault." He looked up, glaring at Jimin. "Did you tell him everything?"

"No..." Jimin sighed. "I just showed him."

"You showed him." Taehyung repeated, disbelief laced within his words. "You showed a human your demon form. Of course you did!"

"I would like to tell him everything though, I've already fucked myself over, so why not just tell him all of it." Jimin asked, Taehyung rolling his eyes before throwing his arms up in defeat.

"You know what? Go for it. I don't care anymore." He scoffed. "My time trying to help you is over. You're on your own."

"I want you to help me though." Jimin frowned, Taehyung immediately shaking his head.

"The devil's gonna kill me too if I do." He spoke, Jimin cutting him off.

"She won't because nobody's going to tell her. I'll take all of the blame, don't worry." He grabbed Jungkook's hand and lead him over to sit next to Taehyung.

"Could... Could I ask a question?" Jungkook asked hesitantly, suddenly very intimidated by the fact that he was sat between two demons. Both of them nodded their heads, although Taehyung looked much more annoyed as he did it. "I understand Jimin's eye colour, because it's the stereotypical colour for a demon. But why are yours blue? That seems more angelic to me."

Taehyung chuckled softly, shaking his head.

"No don't call me that. I'm far from angelic." He sighed, looking over to Jimin. "Tell him Jimin, he already knows way more than he should. Might as well finish the job."

Jimin nodded, bringing his hand up and playing with the hair at the nape of Jungkook's neck.

"Every heard of the seven deadly sins?" Jimin asked, Jungkook nodding immediately.

"Those are the same as the cardinal sins, right?" Both demons nodded. "My mother was really religious, so she always warned me about those. Kept me closer to the virtues and graces."

"Do you remember why these seven sins are so much worse than all of the others?" Taehyung asked, watching as Jungkook thought for a moment.

"Mom always said that they basically cut ties between you and God. Once you dive into them... You're kind of on your own." He explained, Jimin smiling and nodding.

"You've got a good memory." He beamed. "Want to name them off for us?"

Jungkook nodded hesitantly. He wasn't quite sure where the two were going with all of this. But with them being demons, was talk of sins and hell really all that surprising?

"I think I could." He mumbled. "Pride is one, greed, envy.. Wrath too." Taehyung couldn't help but smile, leaning his head against his hand and watching Jungkook intently. "Gluttony.." He paused. "Lust."

"That's me." Jimin chuckled, watching as Jungkook looked to him with a raised eyebrow.

"And sloth." He finished.

"That's my name don't wear it out." Taehyung sighed, smirking once it was his turn to experience Jungkook's confused gaze.

"I don't understand." Jungkook mumbled, looking between the two of them. He was so calm, for somebody that learned that demons were in fact real, and surrounding him at almost all times. Considering that he had only learned so last night, Jimin assumed that he was still in shock.

"The devil created a demon for each sin, excluding gluttony. They're like an embodiment of it, all of their actions reflecting what they were created for." Taehyung explained slowly, cringing at the fact that he was letting himself get dragged down with Jimin. "I'm sloth, although Jimin here has been stressing me out to the point that I can't relax, and it's why I could do what I did to you." He paused. "If I tell you what the others are, do you promise not to tell them that we told you?"

Jungkook nodded quickly.

"I promise." He answered, placing his hand atop where Jimin rested his on his thigh.

"Yoongi's wrath, Hoseok envy, and Seokjin is pride." Jimin explained, "Taehyung is sloth, Namjoon is greed-"

"Which makes you lust." Jungkook spoke softly, looking down to them ground. "No wonder I could hardly get a word out before I was in your bed when we first met." He sighed, mind swirling with so many thoughts that it began to hurt. "That's why your so irresistible, and it's why you can make me putty in your hands in two seconds."

Jimin nodded slowly, looking to Taehyung with slightly worried eyes.

"And that's why you were with Jieun, and why you looked like you had just gotten back from a one night stand when I saw you in the elevator that one time." Jungkook continued, removing his hand from Jimin's so that he could rub his temples. "You're fucking walking lust. No wonder I can't keep my hands off of you."

He frowned, looking up. "How do I know that what I feel is true? Maybe I'm just still under your spell or whatever you use to reel people in."

"Well, what are you feeling, Jungkook?" Taehyung asked, trying to be as gentle as possible in hope that the human wouldn't break down from all of the new information that was being thrown at him.

"I feel like... I need him with me in order to be happy." Jungkook sighed. "His touch makes me feel all warm, and just so happy. I just want to hold his hands, and make sure that he's alright." He shrugged. "But all of this has happened so quickly, I have to be under some sort of influence."

Jimin felt his heart swell, but the warm feeling was short lived as he felt a sharp pain shoot through his chest, having to grip onto Jungkook's shoulder as he felt another fit of coughs start to build up. "Jimin-Hyung, are you okay?"

Jimin merely shook his head, a few coughs leaving his lips as he felt Jungkook's hand rub soothing circles on his back. "What's wrong?"

His concerned tone only made it worse, violent coughs wracking through Jimin's entire body as his grip tightened on Jungkook's shoulder. And it hurt. His chest felt like it was on fire with each reassuring rub to his back, ribs feeling like they were cracking with each vicious cough. "Taehyung, is he alright?" Jungkook sounded so worried, Jimin was amazed that he could still be so attached even after learning what he was.

"No, no. Just let go of him for a moment okay? Let him get through it on his own." Jimin heard the way that Taehyung's voice wavered, though he couldn't see the other demon's face through his tear clouded eyes.

The way he spoke sounded like he knew something Jimin didn't.

The moment Jungkook's hands disappeared, Jimin missed them, tears streaming down his face as he attempted to get a proper breath in. Everything hurt, and he just wanted Jungkook's touch back.

Jungkook and Taehyung watched with worried and shocked expressions as the demon beside them seemed to suffer, shaking harder with each passing moment. Taehyung had to restrain Jungkook to keep him from lunging towards Jimin again, knowing that the human's caring touch was the last thing he needed.

"Jimin's powers can't make you care, Jungkook." Taehyung spoke softly. "Jimin's powers can't make you love. You do that on your own."


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