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"You know why you're here."

Jungkook had been in quite a few scary situations in his life; but nothing, nothing, was more terrifying to him than being in a room alone with five demons - three off which had harmed him in the past.

If he had not known who they truly were, maybe it would be a bit less nerve wracking. If he believed that they were just humans, then the threat would be less imminent because humans can only do what their bodies allow. Knowing they're demons? Who knew what they could be capable of?

It had been just over a week since he had learned, and although he felt relatively safe around Jimin, and maybe even Taehyung - the other four were shrouded within the unknown. Yoongi, Namjoon, Seokjin, and Hoseok. Two that he was okay with when he assumed that they were human, two that he was on bad terms with even when he believed the same about them.

Hoseok and Yoongi were dangerous when he thought they were human, what would happened now that they knew that he knew what they are? Did they have powers that they were holding back?

"I'm not following." Jungkook mumbled back, shrinking into himself as he felt the tension in the room grow. Maybe he would be fine if Jimin was there, but of course he was the one demon that wasn't.

"Jungkook," Taehyung began, "They know. They all know that you know what we are."

Jungkook frowned.

"How?" He asked. "Jimin only told you."

"Taehyung told me because he assumed Jimin already would have, you know, with me being his roommate in all." Yoongi piped up. "And I'm a snitch, so I told Hoseok. Hoseok's an even bigger snitch so he told Namjoon and Seokjin." He chuckled. "Word gets around with us quick."

"I just still can't believe he'd pick you of all people to tell." Hoseok huffed, leaning against the wall next to Yoongi. "Guess you're just special aren't you?"

Jungkook gulped, backing up even further as he tried to stay confident although there were five pairs of eyes on him.

"And you being special to Jimin, is the reason we all called you here." Seokjin spoke up, leaning against Namjoon and smiling softly.

Jungkook scoffed.

"'Called me here'." Jungkook repeated incredulously. "Yoongi found me in the hall and dragged me here by the collar of my shirt. Not exactly a kind greeting."

There was a slight chorus of chuckles.

"As if Yoongi ever gives kind greetings." Namjoon chuckled, ignoring the sharp glance that Yoongi sent his way. "But I'm sorry to say, we aren't exactly here to exchange pleasantries."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow, trying to refrain from gazing at the golden jewellery around his wrist and neck.

"Then what are we here for?" The human asked. "If-If this turns into that time that Hoseok dragged me here.." He instinctively wrapped his arms around himself as a way of shielding himself, fear completely noticeable in his eyes.

"No, Jungkook." Taehyung sighed, "I promise. We're here to ask you something that seems simple, but we know it's going to be insanely difficult for you."

Jungkook didn't let his guard down.

"What?" He asked. "What do you need to ask me that was so important that all of you needed to be gathered here?"

And then, it got eerily quiet.

All of the demons passed each other glances, silently seeming to ask themselves; "Who's going to tell him?" And Jungkook was left in the balance.

Surprisingly, it was Hoseok that chose to drop the bomb.

"We need you to stay away from Jimin." His voice was cold, words lacking emotion as he stared at Jungkook with a blank gaze. "We need you to stay as far away from him as possible, and disregard whatever human desires are tying you to him."

Immediately, Jungkook's answer was:

"No." He frowned, staring suspiciously at Hoseok. "Why should I? Mad that he can stand me, and not you, Envy?"

Everyone's eyes immediately went to Yoongi, wondering if the human's sudden bitterness was the result of Wrath toying with him just a little bit. When Yoongi shook his head and shrugged, however, it became apparent to them that this was Jungkook's own doing.

"Listen, kid-" Hoseok hissed, taking a few steps forwards before Yoongi grabbed his wrist to hold him back.

"Jungkook," Namjoon began, "Have you seen Jimin lately?"

Jungkook immediately nodded. Raising an eyebrow and leaning against the wall before answering.

"Of course I have." He spoke, as if it was the most obvious thing ever; because it really was.

"No." Namjoon sighed. "I mean, seen him. As in his physical appearance."

This time, Jungkook hesitated a bit before nodding. He knew what they wanted him to say. He knew that they wanted him to admit that he could see how much worse he was looking with each passing day.

"You mean the way that he slowly looks like he's falling apart?" Jungkook finally whispered, looking up at the five demons in front of him through the hair in front of his eyes. "You mean the way that his hair has started falling out, and the way that his lips are cracking and bleeding? The way that his eyes and skin has lost every inch of liveliness?" He paused, eyes scanning across all of their expressions. "The way he looks like a living corpse?"

The room was silent, albeit the sound of all of their soft breathing. "Because I've noticed. I've noticed more than all of you."

Taehyung noticed the way Jungkook's voice began to strain, hands shaking as he pointed a finger at no one in particular. Tears had begun to well up in his eyes, all of the stress and emotions that he was being slapped across the face with was beginning to eat at him. "Because none of you except for Taehyung have seen the way that he trembles and cries as he's choked with coughs that he can't hold back. And none of you, none, have seen blood drip past his lips after he coughed it up."

None of them looked at him with sympathy, simply watching a human crumble apart beneath the immense weight of all the pressure he's being put under.

It was almost interesting, to see human emotions pour out in their one of their purest forms - tears.

"And you want to know why it's happening, Jungkook?" Taehyung asked softly, watching a tear roll down the human's face. "Want to know what he's suffering, why he's in agony 24/7?"

Jungkook nodded, although he wasn't quite sure if he wanted to know the answer.

Taehyung took a few steps closer, the other demons watching all of the events unfold. "The reason," He spoke raising his hand and pointing a finger at Jungkook, "Is you."

Jungkook's eyes widened, shaking his head and backing up.

"What do you mean?" He asked, staring deep into Taehyung's eyes. "How could I have caused this? I haven't done anything!"

"He loves you." Yoongi spoke up, Jungkook looking over Taehyung's shoulder so that he could meet eyes with the other demon. "And that's why he's dying. Demons shouldn't love, Jungkook. Can't. But he still did. And he's paying the price."

Jungkook shook his head once more, eyes darting around and catching gazes with other eyes that were all different colours.

"No, no." He whispered. "I don't understand. I'm not killing him."

"You are!" Hoseok huffed. "Love doesn't exist in hell. It can't! It breaks apart what we know. So then what happens when a demon falls in love?"

"It breaks up who they are." Seokjin finished. "Mentally, and physically."

Jungkook stepped forwards, leaning against the couch and dropping his head down to stare at the cushions.

He was killing him. He was killing him! He was showing him love, but that was the exact opposite of what he needed to do to keep him alive and okay.

"I'm killing him." Jungkook whispered. "I'm killing him just by being around him. No, no."

"Jungkook." Taehyung rested a hand on Jungkook's back, frowning when the human flinched. "It's not your fault, you couldn't've predicted that Jimin would fall for you. But to keep him alive, you have to stay away."

Jungkook trembled, shaking his head  as Taehyung attempted to console him.

"How can I?" He asked. "When I love him too?"


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